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Posted By Topic: SSNA

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05-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 347
Joined: Dec 2002
Assalamu Alaikum

Are the brothers of SSNA working close with Darul Hadith of Philly and other salafi organisations in the states?  

Just thought I'd ask, because I recently visited the MESSAGE board at there website, and they were promoting the upcoming Salafi confernece:
'A Day with the du'at', where all the clear salafi du'at are going to give lectures (alhamdulillah !).

05-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 15
Joined: Jan 2003
This is a reply to the Questioner wanting to know is daarulhadeeth associted with ssna because they posted the poster for "A day with the du'aat" the answer is NO as for the poster Allah says:"whoever does a good then it is for his self" al-baqarah: 158

daarulhadeeth admin
06-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillah Alhamdullilahi Rabbil 'Alameen Was Salaatul Was Salaamu 'Alaa Rasullahi As Salaamu Alaikum Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

<Posted on behalf of the Manhaj As-Salaf Da'wah Center of Delaware>
received on 4/5/2003 and posted today

Bismillah was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Rasulillah

As-Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Following is the bayaan as it was delivered to SalafiTalk on Friday:

Bismillah was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'Alaa Rasulillah.

As-Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakaatuh.

First of all, may Allah reward you brothers for your efforts in spreading the Da'wah As-Salafiyyah to the people.

The date is Friday, April 4, 2003. I just tried to register with SalafiTalk, but was informed by a message that the registration will not be available for a few weeks. However, I must respond to a question that was posted by one of the members, ekbal.hussain, and responded to by Abu Muhammad Al-Jamaiky. The questioner asked:

"Are the brothers of SSNA working close with Darul Hadith of Philly and other salafi organizations in the states?  

Just thought I'd ask, because I recently visited the MESSAGE board at their website, and they were promoting the upcoming Salafi conference:
'A Day with the du'at', where all the clear salafi du'at are going to give lectures (alhamdulillah)"

I am from the Manhaj As-Salaf Da'wah Center of Delaware who is organizing the lecture. I was called tonight by our brother Abu Tasneem Dawud Adib who informed me of the question that was posted on this site a month ago, which we both agreed is in urgent need of clarification. It must be known that the Manhaj As-Salaf Da'wah Center is in no way, shape, or form connected with SSNA, or

We have a mailing list of Salafi websites that we try to keep updated with those sites that are clearly upon Salafiyyah while removing those that have gone in opposition to this Blessed Da'wah. Because of an oversight of the brother who updates the list, Al-Manhaj was not removed which allowed them to obtain a copy of the flier when they were e-mailed to the various sites.

A firm request has been made to Al-Manhaj to remove the flier from their message board immediately. This is so the people are not misled concerning our position towards them. If you were to log onto their website now [AND I AM NOT RECOMMENDING TO DO SO] you will find that the flier has been removed, wal-hamdulillah. Furthermore, the speakers, Shaikh Ubaid Al-Jabiri, Abu Uwais, Dawud Adib, Talib Abdullah, Aqeel Walker, etc., are in no way connected with SSNA nor do they support them. And neither are we (Manhaj As-Salaf Da'wah Center of Delaware) connected to SSNA nor do we support them. Their (ssna) kalaam against the Ulema and their affiliations are clearly unacceptable and we disassociate ourselves from them and that.

We request that this bayaan be posted so that there is no further confusion concerning this matter. We apologize to anyone who was affected and we make taubah to Allah if we have harmed anyone by this.  

"All of the descendants of Adam constantly err, but the best of those who constantly err are those who constantly repent."

And we thank those who came to us seeking clarity on this issue and our position. And we thank those who have aided us with sincere advice. Jazakum Allah Khair.

And our final supplication is that Allah bestows Prayers and Peace upon Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and all those who follow them until the Day of Judgment.

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