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» quotin from the Bible when giving da'wah to the jews/christians
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Posted By Topic: quotin from the Bible when giving da'wah to the jews/christians

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04-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 347
Joined: Dec 2002
Assala mu Alaikum

I would like to know, when giving da'wah to the Ahl ul Kitab, if we are allowed to use their scriptures, in order to show the falsehood of their beliefs?  Are we allowed to memorise some passages from their scriptures, for the purpose of quoting? I listened to the tapes by Shaikh Saleem at-Taweel (hafidha ullah), called 'Aqeedah of Ahlus sunnah wa'l jama'ah', the noble Shaikh from Kuwait did a small talk in Birmingham, it was translated by the noble brother Abu Talha Dawood Burbank (hafidha ullah).  I recall some brothers present at the talk, asked a similar question, and the shaikh replied in the negative. He said that the we know that the scriptures have been tampered with, so how can we be sure that when we quote from their books, that the quote is actually authentic?  

Also can we learn techniques on dealing with a christan or a jew, from individuals such as the famous Ahmad deedat, and other then him.  I know that Ahmad Deedat has many errors in aqeedah and manhaj, however his material on refuting christian polemic appears to be the best that is available.

I noticed that our noble brothers of Maktabus salafiyyah, in the webpage, they have a whole section for 'christians', where passages are taken from the Bible to prove the messengership of our Rasul Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wassallam).  I would like to know what evidence their is to do this?

Barrak Allahu feek

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