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18-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 347
Joined: Dec 2002
Assala mu alaykum

Jazzak Allahu khair akhi 'Iamsalafee'. MashAllah! Yes that article does give some answers, to my question.

So I assume you brothers advice me to continue distributing and promoting these CLEAR salafi websites, and that I should advise these brothers, that what they are telling me to do, is actually the way of the 'Mumayyi'ah'.  Is this correct?

17-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 87
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I think part of the answer to this question lies in question no. 2 in the article BDH050008 at SalafiPubs. Its from the series on Tamyee, by Shaikh Ubayd al-Jabiri. Also Abu Muawiyah made some good points.

17-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 347
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Wa alaikumus salam

Jazzak allahu khairan for the reply.  I don't think the brothers intend to disparage SPUBS and TROID insha allah.  What I understand from what they told me is that, we (meaning me and them) should try to teach the people the basics, about aqeedah/manhaj, and once they understand salafiyyah properly then start introducung them to the aforementioned salafi websites.  Instead of just giving them all these websites straight, bfore they even accept the salafi da'wah.

17-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 31
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Assalamu Alaikum

My advice to you is to tell them that Salafeeyah is a call to tawheed and the way of all the messengers as they all called to the worship of Allaah, can these brothers bring proofs against how Da'wah Salafeeyah is a call other than to tawheed, of course they cant. Salafeeyah calls to the unification of Muslims upon the correct Manhaj and Aqeedah and to keep away from all deviations

It seems that these brothers have problems with Salafeeyah as they are making disparaging remarks about SPUBS & TROID, this is impossible for a Salafee to do, and it is one of the signs of Ahl-ul Bid'ah that they mock and disparage Ahl-us Sunnah so beware of them.  You find these people so quick to speak out against the Salafees but they never speak out against any of the groups of deviation, why not?  Because they have not understood the deen and neither have they the ability but they are so trigger happy with accusations against the Salafees. They spend all the days and nights looking at the mistakes of Salafees but they are blind to all the deviations and batil they are themselves upon and those around them, Allaahul Musta'aan

The articles from TROID and SPUBS are the speech of the scholars of our deen, is this wrong?  Of course not but these people are wallowing in their ignorance.  They should make tawbah for their statements and seek forgiveness in their sujood for the batil that emanates from their lips. You see these people calling to Islaam but they are the 'leaders of ignorance' Imam Bukhaaree said 'Knowledge before saying and action' and how can they 'give what they haven't got?'  Allaahul Musta'aan

In addition, our co-operation is based upon haqq and birwah so it is impossible to make co-operation with people who have problems with Salafeeyah.  You cant mix haqq with batil and please Allaah at the same time.

I advise the brother to advise these brothers and tell them to seek ilm and refrain from destroying themselves by speaking without knowledge as the brothers from TROID and SPUBS are known for their firmness in Salafeeyah and I pray to Allaah that he aids them assists them to continue with this whilst all the brothers mentioned are able to do is to speak batil,Allaahul Musta'aan

Wasalamu Alaikum

Abu Muawiyah As-Salafee

This message was edited by abu.muawiyah on 1-18-03 @ 3:58 PM

17-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 347
Joined: Dec 2002
Assala mu alaikum

For some time I have been distributing articles, with the WEBSITE name on it, from the various salafi websites on the net, such as as, etc, in my local area, for the puprose of da'wah. I have also tried to promote ALL the clear salafi websites, such as this salafi forum and many others, distributing them as pamphlets.

However some brothers who are helping me in this, have told me to remove the NAMES OF THE WEBSITE, on these articles, and also that I should stop promoting the salafi websites.  They argue that, if the common muslim goes to any of these salafi websites, he will be faced with refutations on so and so, and warning against so and so deviant, instead of being given knowledge based articles. Some of these muslims having observed this, may use all this against the salafi da'wah: "You salafis are so divided.", "you are only interested in 'Qeela wa Qal", and so on and so forth.

I have tried to explain to these brothers, that if I distribute these articles without referring to where I got it from, this would be injustice to the brothers who produced these articles in the first place.  It would be kind of like stealing someone elses work/translation, for our benefit.  And also some websites, like spubs allow free distribution of these articles and changing their layout, as long as the NAME OF THE WEBSITE IS MENTIONED.  Secondly I explained to these brothers that, my reason for promoting the websites, is so that those who Allah guides, may go to the right people for the salafi da'wah.  A person may accept the salafi da'wah, but end up with the Qutubis/Surooris and even worse the Takfiris, all of whom claim salafiyyah for themselves!  So I promote these websites so the masses get acquainted with the TRUE salafi da'wah and they distinguish between the CLEAR salafiyyah from the FALSE claimants to salafiyyah, the manhaj of nubuwwah.

Please could one of the noble tulaab ul ilm (hafidha umullah), advise me and the brothers on this issue, and bring any relevant fatawas from the ulama that relates to all of this.  

I wait in anticipation for an answer.

Barak Allahu feekum

Ekbal as-salafi al-Bangali

This message was edited by ekbal.hussain on 1-17-03 @ 11:01 PM

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