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» TROIDStore: New and Improve
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21-04-2010 @ 5:27 AM    Notify Admin about this post
TROID - Toronto, Canada (Toronto,Canada)
Posts: 17
Joined: Jan 2010
New Features

Welcome back!! We have added many new features to TROIDStore:

   1. New expanded menu system (reach inner layers of the store with one-click)
   2. Mobile version of TROIDStore (visit on your smartphone)
   3. Back in Stock notifier (product out of stock, no problem, click the reminder to be notified when its back)
   4. One-Step Checkout - one page, one checkout, quick and easy
   5. More shipping options
   6. Audio samples for MP3s (try before you buy)

New Look Design!!

         A friendlier softer look, easier and quic ker to navigate.

Upgraded Menu System
        Reach three levels in to the store in one-click

Sample all MP3s
        Try before you buy - sample all MP3 audio with our audio player (work in progress)

Back in Stock Notifier
        Subhaana Allaah, Usooluth-Thalaathah is out of stock! What to do? No worries, click the back in stock icon to receive an email as soon as we have it back in stock. The automatically generated email will keep you informed as soon as we have it again inshaa Allaah

One-Step Checkout
        Rather than navigate three or four pages of checkout, we have consolidated your log-in, account details, shipping options, cart total and payment method in to one single page, way easier.

Mobile TROIDStore
        On the move, too busy, gotta get to class or work? Use your smartphone to jump on and view our mobile TROIDstore and make orders on on the go!

Other Features
        More shipping options (including surface parcel)
        Expanded FAQ

Visit us today!

Special offer: $5 free to use @ TROIDStore, simply use coupon code 5bucks on checkout - that's $5 for everyone!! [one per customer, offer expires Apr. 26th 12:00AM]

22-04-2010 @ 11:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Hamza ibn Shaukat ibn Muhammad (London, UK)
Posts: 96
Joined: Nov 2003
Asalaamu 'alaikum,

MashAllaah, very well put together. Perhaps a section that shows "New Publications/ Products" could be added to your store as well?

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