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30-03-2010 @ 8:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
. Abdulilah Rabah Lahmami (Al Madeenah, S. Arabia)
Posts: 327
Joined: Sep 2002
assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah

I would like to remind all those on this list of the Gambia Appeal which caters for orphans as well as the poor. Last Summer information was left in Slough for those who wanted to aid and mashaallaah money was raised to build an orphanage there. You can sponsor an orphan to go to school for as little as 100 pounds per year. They have been offered a building for 60000 pounds and they have been trying to raise it since the summer.

The brother who is in his 70's Abdulrahman Latouche may Allaah reward him and bless his family have been active in helping this orphanage and they have prepared two students from the Islamic university of Madinah to go back and run the da'wah affairs there. This family may Allaah give them janatul Firdaws, has come to Madinah and met the scholars here and have been trying so hard for this praiseworthy cause. If you can help in any way then contact them at:

puds897@hotmail. com

below is a reponse letter from them:

This attached letter is an interim response to a number of emails recently sent during the last week to Al Atharee Assoc, following your timely reminder. Please could you direct the letter so that others may also access its information.  

Do you know of anybody or a group of business people who could rapidly send us a strong left hand drive bus with its spare parts - we are badly in need of a vehicle to enable the nationwide Dawa thrust to be maintained as well as provide the necessary transport for our Orphan Apprenticeship Program.  

We have not received any sponsorship for our 2 previous AA vehicles  the first of which we were obliged as of necessity to purchase ourselves, costing equivalent ı5'000 met with a crash in Dec 2006. Yet our work is impossible to conduct without a vehicle. Also the current car is being patched up but is nearly dead, and only carries 5 people -it cost equivalent ı6'000 which we took from the Sadaqa budget which made a large drain of our resources in 2008.

A Bus would also enable us to run it on a Commercial basis, which would pay for its running and maintenance cost for the needs of the Dawah and the Weekend Orphan Apprenticeship Programme. It is really a struggle for our budget to yet again pay out and we just wish that affluent Muslim people could come to understand and appreciate that the Dawah needs money fast, in order to combat the speedy corruptive schemes of the unbelievers, swarming over the impoverished Muslim countries like locusts.

attached response letter:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem


Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

I am Maryam Donnellan in charge of external Fundraising for Al Atharee Association of The Gambia for Islamic Education, Dawah & Propagation.  Registered Charity in The Gambia No.1200/2004.


In the last week following a reminder from  Abdullilah to West London Dawa community

I have received a number of emails asking for a variety of information about our efforts, some relating to the Gambian Nationwide Dawah effort and others for our Orphan Home, School & Livelihood Skills Programme.

Currently I'm doing a course in Web Building Design & Maintenance but as I wasn't born or educated in the world of these "new fangled ways", I find myself to be a bit of a tortoise!. Nevertheless due to the relative isolation of The Gambia, in having inconsistent access to the web and electricity, I thought it best to learn how to do these things so that I may update and maintain the sites myself and Teach Gambian Al Atharee Executives to be competent likewise.


In the meantime however, we are also working with some close friends, to Register a Charity with the U.K. Charity Commission on Al Atharee's behalf and set up a Website for it, which will be inter- linked with AAA's main informative website simultaneously.


The purpose of this UK Registered Charity is to Attract, Facilitate and Regulate collections and secure transference of various types of donations, through an Exchange Bank in London to reach AAA Bank Account in Arab Gambian Islamic Bank, in The Gambia.


In reference to Fundraising Costs which prospective donors are concerned about: For the last 6 years our Fundraising costs, including Return Air Fares; food & accommodation; telephone, printing & travel in the U.K. have been personally borne by A.R.La Touche and myself, which is for Al Aakhira. Nevertheless Abdur Rahman is in his mid 70s and finds travelling consumes too much of his energy and time, away from the Grass Root situation in the Gambia, which requires constant nurturing. Nevertheless our new arrangement is designed to curtail consumption of time, energy as well as costs.  


In reference to Administration Costs in the Gambia, these include Money Exchange & Bank Charges, Port Duties and Auditing which no one can avoid, plus media equipment, printing & P.A Systems for Nationwide Dawah; AAA Library & Masaajid maintenance & security fencing [from crocodiles], also AAA vehicle and its repairs and fuel are all by necessity deducted from General Saddaqa. Though specific donations regarding: AAA Orphan Programme, Water Bore Hole, Masaajid construction & repairs and Zakat will remain 100% intact.


Until our 2 Orphan Homes & Schools Receive Sponsorship and are constructed InshaıAllah; AAA will continue to support 106 Orphans in 12 nationwide Schools whilst they continue to live with their guardians. This School Sponsorship Scheme requires ı100 per child. Attached is a note as to how that has been spent annually since 2004. When the Orphan child comes completely under our Care, Tarbiyah and Education, ı300 per annum will be required per child for 3 nutritious meals per day, full board, full clothing, shoes, health screening and school stationery.  


At this stage in 2010 we are not enrolling new Orphans into this SS Scheme. Nevertheless we are asking prospective Orphan Sponsors to save up their donation for the purpose of   ıF.I.R.S.T.ı [Foundation Islamic Reality Skills Training] starting May this year inshıAllah.


This will operate on a double residential weekend basis [Days: Wed Asr- Friday Jumuah; Friday Jumuah ı Sun Asr]. The programme will include Tarbiyah plus Arabic / English Literacy, Numeracy, Commercial Skills & Sports. Costs will include providing 3 nutritious meals per day; transport and mattress accommodation in Masjid Al Ghurabba initiallyfor 32  Orphan Boys plus salary for 2 Master Craftsmen & 2 Teachers. In respect of the Rain season requiring all Youth to be with their guardians, for Farming duties, July ı Sept will be excluded.


Alhamdullilah the initial Apprenticeship Scheme will be Carpentry, because we have recently received a Shipped Container of Tools, Generator, Timber and Woodworking materials equivalent to ı10ı000 from 1 business man in the U.K. InshaıAllah we intend that items constructed by the Orphans, will be sold to Income Generate for the continuance of the Apprentice Workshop.


Therefore we request all our friends, prospective Dawah/Orphan Sponsors to have patience with us while we set up our information and payment system and keep your intention and donation intact until we are able to duly process it, InshaıAllah, May onwards.


I hope that our Websites will answer all possible questions and concerns that sponsors may have and that they may gain a better understanding, of what is actually entailed on the ground, to ensure that Tawheed stands up high and strong, above falsehood with its dross of ignorance amongst the dry stalks of grinding african poverty.


We believe firmly, that as long as we continue to work in this manner, always aiming to Please Allah thereby, that Allah, Sustainer of all creation, will bring us financial and physical support and protection, from sources that we do not expect.


Indeed we love this effort and intend to stay with it, nurture and better it till we return to Allah. We hope also that many Muslims will love it likewise, for the sole Pleasure of Allah seeking Allahıs Forgiveness and Mercy and Safety from The Fire.


All Web links shall be sent to you as soon as they are available.


Wa alaikum Salaam wa Rahmatullahi wa Baraktuhu

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