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Posted By Topic: prayer time tables, weather forecast & horoscopes?

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04-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 60
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wa alaikumus salaam warahmatullah

jazakAllahu khair ikhwan, appreciated.

May Allâh help us and all the Muslims to understand His religion, to continually confirm us on it, stick to Sunnah and keep away from the innovation. Indeed He is Generous and Kind.

wa salaamu alaikum warahmatullah

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

?Know that victory comes with patience, relief with distress and ease with hardship?

This message was edited by abdulbaasit.malik on 1-5-03 @ 1:35 AM

04-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 154
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Assalamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh
Fiqh regulations for rain and winter weather conditions
According to pure sunnah
By Shaykh Ali Hasan Al Halabi
Translated by Abu Khaleel
(below is just some small part of the book)

The effect of planetary bodies on weather

Zayd bin Khaalid(radiallahu 'anhu) said,
"Allaah's Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) prayed salat as-subh(fajr) at al-Hudaybiyah after a night that had rained. When he finished, he faced the people and said,"Do you know what your Lord has said?" They replied, "Allaah and His Messenger(sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) know better." He said, "With this dawn some of My servants became believers in Me while others became disbelievers. Whoever said,"We received rain by Allaah's grace and His mercy" that is the believer in Me and the disbeliever in the stars.But the one who said,"We received rain because of the position of this (planetary body) this is the disbeliever in Me and the believer in the stars" (recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The author of Fath al-Majeed" said (i.e.Abdur-Rahmaan bin Hasan Aal ash-Shaikh,p.321)"It means to attribute the showers and coming of rain to al-anwaa'i.Al-anwaa'i comes from naw'i which is the position of the moon." "? And the Arabs used to claim that the raising and lowering of its position(in the sky) regulated the rain.They would say,"We received rain because the position was like this,or like that." They only used the term naw'i  because when it sank, it sank low on the western horizon" (The root meaning of the woord (naa') means, "to weigh heavy upon".)

Then he said, "When they say,' We received rain from this star or this celestial positioning, ' implying the belief that it was the cause of rain, then this is shirk and kufr. It is the kind of belief of the people of jahiliyyah. Like their belief that calling upon the dead and those not present brought them some benefit, or prevented some harm from affecting them, or the belief in intercession by calling upon them.This is the shirk which Allaah taala sent His Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam prohibiting, fighting against its practitioner as Allaah said,
"And fight them until there is no fitna, and all of the religion is Allaah's."(Al-Baqara 2:193)
This fitna  is shirk.If they say , "We received rain because of this position," believing that it did actually come from Allaah alone, but it is simply a natural phenomena that rain accompanies the decline of that star, then the correct saying is that it is to forbidden to link that to star, even if such saying is only meant to be figurative.

Ibn Muflih indicated that it is haraam to say, 'We recieved rain because fo this position' and it was also judged haraam in Al-Insaaf (by al-Mardaawi), even if it is said figuratively, and there is no difference mentioned about this. This is because such saying attributes what Allaah did ( to the celestial body) , something which no creature has the ability to control, nor to benefit by it, nor cause anything any harm from it, and this a type of minor shirk , and Allaah knows best."

Weather forecasts

The preceding discussion brings us to the ruling on what is commonly known as meteorology or weather forecasting. What is the ruling of the Sharee'ah about it?
I say (On thursday morning 8/12/94,after writing this section, I called Dr.'Ali 'Abandah, one of the leading meteorologists.I read what I had written to him, and he approved of it. Then he added the percentages mentioned at the end of the paragragh) , and Allaah knows best, meteorology is the developed scientific study acting on a summary of analysis of images in the atmosphere and its density, as well as being familiar with the movement, direction and speed of the wind, then , it light of that, to anticipate a weather condition arriving within a day or more, affecting the temperature level or possibility of rain etc. Such scientific study has about 90 % probability of correct forecasts for weather within one or two days, and about a 60% probability for five to seven days.

Therefore, I see that all of this amounts only to forecasting the events that are most likely to occur due to previous events. And all of this is permitted by the Sharee'ah  whereas there is general support for it in Allaah's saying,
" He is the One who sends the winds as the bearers of good news before His(coming) mercy,until, when they have carried the heavy clouds, We drive them to dead land. Then we shower it with rain, and from it We bring forth every fruit?" (Al-A'raaf 7:57)

But there are 2 obviously important points that must be mentioned here:
1. It is necessary for one to believe the weather conditions occur by Allaah's decree.In many lands, something unexpected often happens, resulting in a condition that contradicts  the forecast of the meteorologists. Ths point is, that their forecast cannot be praised!
2. Such forecasts have nothing to do with knowing the unseen. Rather they are only, as mentioned above, forecasts based on conditions most likely to occur due to past occurrences. So it is not permissible to relate such news with a sense of finality, rather its only benefit is for precaution and warning.

In above 'I' means Shaykh Ali Hasan Al Halabee.

I have a translation of a tape named "Sunnahs neglected in ramadaan" (from Silsilah Al Hooda wan-noor, tape#590) by Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullah in written form. In there shaykh rahimahullah mentiones about prayer timetables. But i do not want to post it in here for the following reasons:
1. I do not know who translated it
2. In there shaykh mainly talks about breaking the fast and not exactly about prayer timetable. So i fear that there might be more other rulings on specific issues.

It would be nice if some brothers have the tape or has the article and knows who translate it so we would know it. Jazakallah Khayr. What is best is to contact of the our scholars and ask inshaAllaah.

03-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 71
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Walai kumus Salaam.
Br when I put a similiar question to a knowledgeable br in my country He gave me a lenthy answer and he reminded me "have you not seen in Shahih Al Bukhari their is one whole chapter how to determine our prayer times". I think its after Book of the sutra of Musalla. May be you alrady knew.

Abu-Fadhlallah Muhammad Reza

01-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

As salaamu alaikum warahmatullah

A question for the knowledgeable brothers, inshaAllah.

It is quite common nowadays to refer to the yearly or monthly time tables for the salaah time, similarly the weather forecast. I wanted to know whether this is considered to be the same as reading horoscopes as both the prayer time table and weather forecast are based on prediction?

JazakAllahu khairan

wa salaamu alaikum warahmatullah

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