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» Limits of Communication b/w men and women
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18-02-2010 @ 7:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Musa bint Muhammad (New York)
Posts: 260
Joined: Sep 2008
asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

i have a question about the limits of communication between men and women.
generally, i know it is not good to communicate with the opposite sex who
are strangers and non-mahaarim without a good excuse, but there is a
concern in our times which has increased due to the technology as well such
as telephones and the internet, which can be a nimah but also a path to
destruction if abused.

so, what are the limits that should be maintained in terms of
communication between men and women on the internet and on the phone?

for instance, i know that many of the scholars took/take questions via
phone, and many a times these are women who call in to ask their questions.
i also know of du'aat who publicize their emails such that they get
questions and queries in their mailboxes from women, and they respond to
them. but at the same time, of course just chatting and talking for no
reason is something prohibited and leads to haraam..

so i just wanted a clarification on this topic inshaAllah, as many times
there is a need for a woman to contact a man this way, besides issues of
the religion, such as maybe a student emailing her male professor about
something important, or maybe a woman calling a company to speak about
something important, maybe her bills, and a male representative happens to
pick up... so all these are matters that are very common in our times, so i
just wanted someone to clarify for me and all of us the exact limits of
communication between strange men and women... what is allowed and what
should be avoided...

jazakumAllahu khayran

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