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» Who is Fareed Abdullaah?
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Posted By Topic: Who is Fareed Abdullaah?

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26-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

Does anyone know who Fareed Abdullaah is? I was told he is an imaam of a masjid in California and that he studied at Jami'ah Imaam Saud in Riyadh. The reason I'm asking is that I have recently seen his name on a website that is promoted by some surooris and also I've heard his name being mentioned before by some brothers that I know who have asked me if I know him.


Yusof al-Amriki

26-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum

The best people to ask are the Salafee brothers in America known for their Salafeeyah ie the brothers at Dar-ul-Hadeeth and TROID,etc (sorry if I have left out others, no offence!).  If they dont know who he is, beware! as the Salafees are known and apparent in every city, town,country and place throughout time.  A Salafee will always find other Salafee(s) and coperate on 'Birr and Taqwa'.  

Abu Muawiyah As-Salafee

This message was edited by abu.muawiyah on 12-26-02 @ 10:01 PM

27-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Dear brothers,

please see the following link:


27-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum

But the link is good and well but if we dont know who the brother is that is writing the information then it is diffcicult to accept the information.  When a brother details information from brothers who are known and trusted for their salafiyah then there is no problem, but in these dangerous times we must take extreme care in the 'people or personailties' that many people push, we dont mention scholars, students of knowledge but so and so, but who is so and so, never a definate answer, so and so good salafee brother recommends him.  This just isnt good enough you must be a reliable narrator(not saying that the brother in the link isnt) but if you are not known then we dont take anything from you.

Also just by mentioning the names of scholars doesnt mean a tazkiyah for you as many of the deviated such as Abdur Rahman Abdul Khaliq, Safar & Salamn can use the names of Imam Albani and Iman Bin Baz but the Imams are free from their deviation.

Bring a tazkiyah clear from a sheikh, salafes brothers, from people who are known and trusted and we accept otherwise no.

Assalamu Alaikum

Abu Muawiyah As-Salafee

27-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

I would just like to make a few points to the post by AbuUkkaasha that was found on the above link;

1.Who are you Abu Ukkaasha? And I'm not trying to belittle anyone but rather I'm asking from the ba'b of knowing the men, since if one is to give such a tazkeeyah then we have to know who is the person giving it. Is he known to be upon the truth who is free from ta'asub, hizbeeyah and all the other branches of deviancy. Do the Salafis of North America who are upright and are Da'ees who are known to the Ulema from the likes of Abul Hasan Malik, Maaz Qureshi, Abu Muhammad, Kashif, Abu Awais, Dawood Adib and others know you Abu Ukkaasha? Since if you are majhool then what you say cannot be accepted up until it comes clear from those who are from this affair.

2.As for your statement

"He (Fareed Abdullah) was one of Ghudayaan and Bin Baz and Jibreen's students in the Jaamiah."

Then I would like to draw the attention of our noble brothers and sisters to a very important point and that is that we must not raise anyone more than what Allaah has given them. So by making comments such as this is talbees (deceptive) and gives the impression that he is a student of Ghudayaan and Bin Baz and Jibreen which he clearly isn't, rather he attended some of their lessons at the Jaamiah. If this was the case then we can all claim to be students or have a strong relationship to the Ulema just because we attended their lessons, sittings or classes. These are the kind of tactics utilized by the hizbis and their likes to draw in the unsuspecting salafis to their ways. Rather we should keep away from this kind of kalaam and to remember that Allaah raises the people and not me or you.

3.Your statement that

"Alhamdulilah also he was very fortunate to sit with Sheikh Muqbil for a period of time while sheikh muqbil rahimahullah was in California"

And again this is talbees wa'laahi!!! Just by sitting with the Shaykh for a short period somehow now you have become a person of the Sunnah? Never!! This is what the Jihadis, Takfeeris and hizbis did in Damaaj whilst hiding their true reality from the Shaykh for many years and then claimed to have been with the shaykh and studied under him. Rather we know you by your companions. And this is what we want to establish, are you known to the people of Sunnah and the Daees from these lands that I have mentioned above?

4.You said that

"Sheikh Muqbil Rahimahullah also spoke highly of Fareed"

Again this is coming from who? Narrations like this are not acceptable from the majhool and even if this was correct then we look into your affair since the shaykh gave a general Tadeel from what he saw of you for that hour, day or week he was with you. Maybe others have knowledge about Fareed that the Shaykh didn?t have, so in this case the Jarh which detailed takes precedence over a general tadeel. Just look at one of many examples; that of Saleh Munajid. He is a Suroori hizbi who was given tazkeeyah by Sh. Abdul Aziz ibn Baz Rahimahullah. Now do we say that Munajid is from those who has strong tazkeeyah and therefore we take from him? No, never!! Because we know he is a Qutubi Suroori lier and we abandon him as the scholars have advised us to do.

5."We said alhamdulilah yaa sheikh we want to go over seas and study this deen and the sheikh said sit with Fareed."

And this is a most strange statement from this majhool individual, since it is well known that the shaykh himself detested living in the west and had always and had encouraged the Muslims to leave these lands to come and live in the lands of the Muslims. I hope brothers who have statements from the shaykh can post on here especially those who studied with the shaykh in Damaaj.

6."Sufyaan Ibn Uyainah used to say: Indeed the Deen is only in the Aathaar and not in opinions the Deen is in the Aathaar not in opinions..."

And by Allaah this statement is true if only people would implement it in their lives.

And again we ask those brothers who are from the Daees or are well known to the Daees from North America that I have mentioned above to reply to this post if they know about Fareed Abdullaah, Jazaaka Allaahu khairan

Yusof al-Amriki

This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 12-27-02 @ 1:50 PM

28-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu alaikum,
my previous post was a response to our brother Abu Muawiyah As-Salafee's post. It seems as if Yusof al-Amriki had put up his post while I was typing mine. So after reading Yusof's post thoroughly, and consulting with those much more knowledgable than myself, I've come to the conclusion that his post(Yusof), takes precedence over mine because of the detailed information. Those who are more knowledgable about this affair should speak on these matters because there are some issues that need to be clarified in regards to Fareed Abdullah. The men are known by the truth, the truth is not known by the men!

Aboo Shaahir as-Salafee

28-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as Salaamu alaykum

Here is the phone number to the Masjid where Fareed Abdullah is the Imam.

(213) 737-8686

This number should be correct InshaAllah.

Abu Ebraaheem

28-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

Phoning him at his masjid isn't the correct way of going about things from the manhaj of the Salaf to find out about Fareed Abdullaah or anyone else that is unknown. Since at the moment no one of knowledge seems to know him from the land he lives in. And as I mentioned in my last post and the noble brother Aboo Shaahir also mentioned, we have to consult the more knowledgeable brothers who know him or have heard something of him.

A very important issue that I would like to point out to Abu Ebraaheem which is beautifully summarized in the saying;

Abu Qilaabah said, "May Allaah fight the poet [an expression of amazement in Arabic] who said: Do not ask about a man, but ask about his companion. For every person guides himself by his companion.

This poetry is by Adee bin Zaid, and al-Asma?ee said about it, "I have never seen a line of poetry which resembles the Sunnah more than this saying of Adee bin Zaid." Al-Ibaanah (2/439)

And Yahyaa bin Katheer said, "Sulaimaan bin Daawood ? alaihis salaam ? said: Do no pass a judgement over anyone with anything until you see whom he befriends." Al-Ibaanah (2/464)

Al-A?mash said, "They (the Salaf) did not used to ask anything more about a person after having asked about three affairs: Who he walks with, who he enters upon (i.e. visits) and who he associates with amongst the people." Al-Ibaanah (2/478)

Yahyaa bin Sa?eed al-Qattaan said, "When Sufyaan ath-Thawree came to Basrah he began to look into the affair of ar-Rabee? bin Subaih and the people?s estimation of him. He asked them, ?What is his madhhab??, and they said, ?His madhhab is but the Sunnah?. He then asked, ?Who is his companionship?? and they replied, ?The people of Qadr? so he replied, ?In that case he is a Qadari?."
Al-Ibaanah (2/453)
[Quotes taken from SP]

I hope we can all take lessons from our illustrious Salaf when it comes to dealing with issues related to those who are unknown or those we want to know about.

Yusof al-Amriki

This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 12-28-02 @ 6:56 PM

28-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahe wa barakatu

Baraka Allaahu Feek, What you said is true. Ask Aboo Tasnemm about Fareed Abdullaah.

Yusof al-Amriki

Abu Ebraaheem

28-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahe wa barakatu

Baraka Allaahu Feek, What you said is true. Ask Aboo Tasneem about Fareed Abdullaah.

Yusof al-Amriki

Abu Ebraaheem

Abu Ebraaheem

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