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» asalamulakam... so confused
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18-12-2009 @ 11:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Brother, my Allah bless you and may He Azza wa jal guide us on the Siraat al Mustaqeem, I was a "fan" of some of these speakers before Allah guided me to know about their serious errors. May Allah rectify their and our situation and may He forgive the mistakes of the Late Mr. Deedat and have mercy upon him. Aameen.

I highly recommend that you listen to the following 2 lectures by Sheikh Ahmed Bazmool (may Allah protect him)

[url=]Look who you take your deen from[/url]
[url=]Sticking to the Scholars and avoiding personalities[/url]

Both the lectures are in Arabic with English translation. A benefit of listening to such lectures is that it will help you in learning Arabic which is very important if you want to know the authentic pure Islaam and then be steadfast upon it. An excellent thread in this regard is [url=]"Revive Arabic in our homes"[/url].

12-12-2009 @ 4:44 PM    Notify Admin about this post
fazzioo fazzioo (uk)
Posts: 4
Joined: Dec 2008
yes what u say makes sense.. i think the thread title like 'clamity' i found very strong and hazed my mind

11-12-2009 @ 3:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Sep 2008
Walaykumus salaam,

Many of the threads on this forum are made for the purpose of warning against major errors of individuals.  This does not mean that every last thing they say is wrong.

But look at it this way.  I converted to Islam with an imam who was a Sufi, in fact a student of Kuftaro.  He was the man who showed me the truth; on the last day, he will be able to say that.  But the reality is that he was upon major error.  Yes, some of the things he told me were correct.  But there are people upon the truth who don't have these mistakes.  Think of it like a cost-benefit analysis (yes, I am being serious):

Guy #1 (Yasin, Philips, etc.): some things correct and some things incorrect.
Guy #2 (scholars of Ahlus Sunnah): all the things that the first guy has correct, but without his mistakes.

For example, you want to hear a lecture warning from the Sufis.  Yes, the people you mentioned do this, but why increase the attachment in your heart for them by listening?  You can find the same exact proofs against the Sufis from someone without their mistakes.

As for you personally, this does not mean everything you learned was wrong.  It does not mean every step you took to better yourself in Islam was a mistake.  Don't feel bad.  I was duped by a bunch of Sufis when I came to Islam.  Looking back, I make du'aa for them to be corrected but I don't agonize over the past because this was the will of Allah, the Most High.  And there were things I learned - such as how to make wudu, how many rak'aat are in each prayer, and so forth - that were correct.

So for these individuals, leave them if the scholars have said to leave them (this is clear for guys like Philips and Deedat).  When you began listening from the actual scholars, any mistakes you may have heard from these guys will be corrected in sha Allah.

10-12-2009 @ 7:05 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
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as-salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

May Allaah bless you dear brother for your seeking clarification. Many of us have probably been in a similar situation, but alhamdulillaah that He guided us. I pray Allaah guides you as well and I hope one or more of the students of knowledge on this forum can clarify things for you soon insha'Allaah. May Allaah reward those who reply with much good.

Your brother,

09-12-2009 @ 3:20 PM    Notify Admin about this post
fazzioo fazzioo (uk)
Posts: 4
Joined: Dec 2008
I been reading threads regarding certain brothers like khalis yasin, bilal phillips etc... These brothers have helped me in learning islam and helping me understand more about islam and kept me away from various sects ie sufee etc.

These threads speaks bad of them does this mean everything I have learnt from these brothers is it incorrect I am so confused.

There is a thread regarding the clamity of ahned deedat and dr zaik naik but from listening from there lectures it made me strong in islam and helped me regarding dawah to non muslims.

From reading the threads on the forum it feels everything I learnt is all wrong

These threads have caused so much confusion please help

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