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23-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

The person who is helping to run the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation website and I believe he is in charge of the English Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation website is Abdul-Qaadir Abdul-Khaaliq. He is a close companion and friend of Ali Tameemi and Idris Palmer the hizbi surooris of America. He defends them and tries to refute those who speak ill of them by bringing jahil evidences that are completely out of sync. to the innovations of these Surooris. So it is not supervising that the website has a link to IANA and other such Ikhwani and Suroori websites.

This is the same Abdul-Qaadir Abdul-Khaaliq who's tongue was loosened against the Ulema in Madina when he spoke ill of them and 'tried' to refute the statement of the scholars of the past and present that 'the innovators are worse than the Jews and Christians' meaning their harm. He uses emotional, sentimental and tear jerking kalaam to speak ill of the scholars thereby showing his ignominious and unenlightened jahl openly.

As if this wasn?t enough to show his true blindness to the truth, he goes on to collect general statements of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam  about having mercy, showing kindness and forgiveness for each other in defense of Ali and Mr. Palmer, which was in fact his response to an article that was posted via an e-group 3 years ago by some brothers in Riyadh by Shaykh Abdul Malik Ar-Ramadani entitled 'Harshness and gentleness in Islam' (this is the title from what I can remember) which was taken from the book Mudarik an-Nadhr. This man, Abdul-Qaadir has obviously a big problem with the salafis wherever he goes or surfs on the net.

Abdul Ilaah from Jeddah refuted Abdul-Qaadir regarding his outburst against the scholars in Madina (by the way, Shaykh Rabee was at that time living in Madina before he moved to Makka) which is of course what his close companions and intimate associates when it comes to speaking ill of the scholars do, such as Ali Tameemi and Mr. Palmer.
He has a BIG problem when it comes to the salafis speaking ill of the deviant Ikhwani, Suroori organizations that Ali and Mr. Palmer belong to, but when it comes to the salafis being spoken ill of, he turns a blind eye and this is what has been witnessed by the salafis in Riyadh over the past several years.

So this is the state of the man who is running the Al-Haramain English website. I advise all sincere salafi brothers and sisters to stay away from this organization and do not be fooled by the names of the scholars who they claim have given them tazkeeya, since this is one of the signs of the Ikhwani, Suroori organizations, that they attempt to use the names of our scholars to promote their Ikhwani, Suroori manhaj as is well known that Muhammad Suroor himself did when getting started with his Khawariji magazines As-Sunnah (appropriately nicknamed 'Al-Biddah Magazine) and Al-Bayaan before the Gulf War.

Yusof al-Amriki

This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 12-24-02 @ 6:58 AM

23-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This message was edited by alykhan.somani on 7-8-05 @ 11:15 PM

23-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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We understand that accepting the report of a thiqah (trustworthy person) is from the Deen, however how do we know who is thiqah and who is not? Many people are spreading reports on the authority of someone who is thiqah, but they do not reveal who he is, possibly because they really doubt his reliability.

And some people are passing on reports on the internet saying, "Someone who is thiqah told me," but after further investigation, they confess that they really do not know anything about that person except his name or his nickname from the internet. Since they really do not know them, then it appears that they have only narrated on the authority of a majhool (an unknown person).

So please, dear shaykh, advise the youth about this issue, about passing on reports from unknown people, and about being too easy in declaring someone to be thiqah, may Allaah reward you with every good.

ANSWER by Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee, well-known scholar and retired professor from the Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah

A thiqah is a sane, adult Muslim, someone who has upright character and is known for precision in what he narrates. One is known as thiqah either: (1) by way of the positive statements of the trustworthy and reliable Muslims who are well known for their fairness, precision, and trustworthiness in the Religion, or (2) by his position being well-known to all the people, that he is a scholar, he is thiqah, etc., just as the positions of the well-known scholars have become known to everyone.

As for other than this, the person who does not fulfill these conditions, he is not a sane, adult Muslim with upright character, or no one has testified to his trustworthiness, or his position is not well known amongst the people, then he is not a thiqah, may Allaah bless you, even if someone says, "A thiqah told me..."

Even if Ash-Shaafi'ee said, "A thiqah told me..." (without naming him) it would not be accepted from him. For example, Ash-Shaafi'ee says, "A thiqah told me..." then, afterwards, may Allaah bless you, it is found that he was narrating from Ibraaheem ibn Yahyaa Al-Aslamee, one of the least deserving of the people to be called a thiqah, since he was criticized about his Deen, his ability to narrate, everything!

We still have a good opinion of Ash-Shaafi'ee, may Allaah have Mercy on him, and the other imaams who said that they were narrating on the authority of a thiqah and it turns out that others knew he was not thiqah.

So it is binding that the people know who the thiqah is when someone says, "A thiqah told me..." even if he said, "An imaam told me..." it will never be accepted from him until he conveys the name of the person, and that the identity of this thiqah becomes known. Then, if he is well known for his fairness and precision, then his report is accepted. And if he is not known for his fairness and precision, then his narration is not to be accepted.

The students of knowledge must know these kinds of affairs, so they can spread knowledge, knowing how to interact with the reports of the people, the reports that come from thiqah narrators, as well as those that come from other than thiqah narrators.


This was translated exclusively for from a cassette recording with the knowledge and permission of the shaykh, file no. AARM008, dated 1423/9/3.

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

23-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 154
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Assalamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah

Akhee..i heard from a salafi brother who heard this from a salafi brother who studies at ummul qura university and who asked Shaykh Rabee about al haramain. and Shaykh Rabee replied that it is an ikhwani organization.
Allaah knows best

wa'alaykum salam
Abu Abbas

22-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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last I knew there were links to Jumuah Magazine and IANA on their web site...

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

22-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
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last I knew there were links to Jumuah Magazine and IANA on their web site...

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

21-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 67
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This message was edited by alykhan.somani on 7-8-05 @ 11:15 PM

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