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» Increasing Vitamin and Mineral Intake Improves Health and Prevents Diseases
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Posted By Topic: Increasing Vitamin and Mineral Intake Improves Health and Prevents Diseases

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18-08-2010 @ 1:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
SalafiTalk Admin (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 8
Joined: Aug 2010

Unfortunately, due to our poor diets and the lack of nutrition found in the foods that are offered to us (especially processed foods), most of us are deficient in the nutrients that keep our bodies protected and healthy.

Even with improvements in diet, the inconvenient reality is that food ain't what it used to be. The marvel of modern agriculture has robbed our soils of essential minerals and consequently, our plants are deficient in these nutrients also. As natural health expert Charlotte Gerson explains; plants need over fifty vitamins and minerals, yet our abused and overused soils only typically receive phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. If our plants are vitamin and mineral deficient and our bodies cannot manufacture these essential compounds, where else are we supposed to obtain them from?

Whilst sustainable agricultural practices such as biodynamic farming aim to restore our soils to health, we have considerable work to do before this option is universally adopted and available to everyone. In the interim, most of us are opting to eat as best we can however the majority of people fail to eat even the bare minimum required fruit and vegetable servings. This is a tad worrying when you consider that even those who do are probably also missing key nutrients. Importantly, supplementation is not a substitute for a healthy diet. But until we can replenish our soils and eat produce freshly picked in season, supplementation can be a tool to atone for the shameful lack in our foods...


There are countless studies showing that by simply increasing your vitamin and mineral intake you can promote mental clarity, weight loss, boost your immunity, reduce stress, prevent cancer and other diseases, combat depression, lower blood pressure, reduce cravings, increase energy levels, improve sleep, and regulate digestion. Given this information is it little wonder that many experts now advise that an all-round supplementation program, in conjunction with a healthy diet, is a savvy health choice. The following supplement recommendations will cover the basic building blocks of a robust supplement program:

    * A high potency Multi-Vitamin & Multi-Mineral
    * Vitamin C
    * Essential Fats
    * Probiotics

Multi-Vitamin / Multi-Mineral

Supplementing a healthy diet can improve the bodies ability to detoxify and lose weight. There are many different combinations to promote certain functions of the body however it is good to consider a high quality, high dose multivitamin as a solid foundation to begin with. We are lucky there are many multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplements available to us today from your local healthfood store or pharmacy. These have great results but we recommend where possible to chose raw, wholefood nutritional supplements as our bodies are designed to recognize nutrients best when they come from food. Look for these in specialized healthfood stores or ask your integrative physician.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important antioxidants. It is important to know that Vitamin C is not produced by the body. The therapeutic properties of Vitamin C are plenty. They include very high anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, aiding in the prevention of cataracts and helping to lower cholesterol. Vitamin C is a great antidote for neutralizing free radicals that will cause premature aging. Vitamin C works wonders at the onset of a cold or flu when taken to bowel tolerance. High doses of Vitamin C is effective as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of cancer. Vitamin C is worth taking separately because the amount you need does not fit in a multi-vitamin. This can be taken in a powdered form or pill form. Look for Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid.

Essential Fats

Essential fatty acids or EFAŭs cannot be made by the body and we therefore need to get them from the food we eat. These oils are great to maintain healthy hair and skin, elevate moods, nourish your brain, assist in a healthy pregnancy, increase energy, and regulate blood sugar. There are two ways of meeting your essential fat requirements: one is from the diet, either by eating a heaped tablespoon of ground seeds every day, having a tablespoon of special cold-pressed seed oils and/or eating fish three times a week; the other is to supplement concentrated oils. For omega 3 this means either flax seed oil capsules or the more concentrated fish or krill oil capsules providing EPA and DHA.


Probiotics help to boost our immune system by assisting the body to absorb nutrients. 80% of our immune system is located in the digestive system. When good bacteria get destroyed by stress, poor diet and antibiotics, probiotics help the digestive system by balancing out the good and bad bacteria. Prebiotics are equally important. They are necessary to keep your army of good bacteria alive to continue to keep the bad bacteria in check.

Where can I buy (affordable) supplements online? Get Yours Today and make a Positive Change to your Health

>>Vitamin C Supplement<<

[url=]>>Multi-vitamins and Minerals For Adults<<[/url]

[url=]>>Multi-Vitamins and Minerals For Kids<<[/url]

[url=]>>Essential Fats - Omega 3 Fish Oil<<[/url]

[url=]>>Multi-Vitamins for Early Teens<<[/url]


Here's some other good sites for higher quality supplements:

USA, Canada & International: (Enter Coupon: BOS230 to save $5 on your first order)

USA, Canada & International:

UK & Europe:



Note that the author receives NO financial gain, nor requests any monetary gain from any product that is recommended in these short articles!

Most of the information in this article was taken from


Many of us look at the cost of healthy foods and food supplements and are put off. Let's face it, a burger and chips (or fries) with a coke is much cheaper and tastes better (to most of you!) - but what good is that doing for you or your children?

We'll save up for a new car for months; a newer, better apartment for years; new trainers (sneakers) and nicer furniture - but in reality we should be investing that money into the health of our families, and especially our children - surely that takes priority over the latest Nike or Addidas shoes, or a new car?

We are so busy trying to keep up with the consumerism of society around us that we've forgotten our priorities... rather we've inverted our priorities. Some of us think a new sofa is more important than our health or the health of our children!

The Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) said "There are two blessings which many of the people lose: health and free time." - Ponder!

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