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» Brothers abdur-Rahman Omaisan and Abdullah al-Ansari in Columbus Ohio
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12-09-2008 @ 9:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
abu-Sa'ad al-masri Mohamed bin Rezk bin Shabana (Columbus, Ohio, USA)
Posts: 70
Joined: Dec 2005
Dear brothers and sisters:
Insha'a Allah, Masjid as-Sahaba and Masjid Salama in Columbus Ohio
will be hosting brother abdur-Rahman Omaisan of the Islamic University
of Madeenah, and brother Abdullah al-Ansari of the University of
Al-Sa'uud in Riyaadh.
Brohther abdur-Rahman Omaisan will start his program on Friday the
19th of September 2008 at Masjid as-Sahaba's new location. It is at
2535 Cleveland Ave. The program will start with khutbatul al-Jumm'ah
at 1.30 pm EST. All of the classes will be in English and Arabic. All
of the classes will be broadcasted in "Masjid asSahaaba Columbus Ohio
USA Live Duruus" room in Paltalk under Religion and Theology - Islam.
Brother Abdullah Ansari will join the program after Iftar on Saturday
the 20th of September 2008.
The classes at Masjid Salama will be in Somali and Arabic. Masjid
Salama is located at 3296 Westerville rd., Columbus, OH 43224. The
phone number for the masjid is 614 559 9956. All of the classes will
be broadcasted in Paltalk "masjid Salama Columbus Ohio" room.
Both brothers will be giving classes after every salah at both
masjids. The detailed Schedule will be posted soon. The program will
continue through Monday morning.
Every body is welcome and Iftar will be served at both masjids.

Mohamed bin Shabana abu-Sa'ad Columbus, Ohio, USA
Masjid as-Sahaaba
795 e.Hudson st.
Columbus, OH 43211
(614)262-8511 masjid
(614)622-5396 Cell

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