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» The Forbiddance and Danger of Extremism - Ali al-Haddadi
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11-08-2009 @ 10:44 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Az-Zubayr Scott Harrison (Washington, USA)
Posts: 30
Joined: Mar 2005

The Forbiddance and Danger of Extremism

The religion of Islam is a religion of moderation between excessiveness and negligence; it is the straight path. And within the book (the Quran) and the Sunnah (the prophetic narrations), there are many religious texts that command adherence to this middle path and forbid extremism. These texts either mention extremism explicitly, or often with wordings that indicate its impermissibility such as prohibiting aggression, oppression, extravagance, delving too deep into matters, or harshness. The following are just some examples of such texts...

To read the full 11-page article, click here or check out the attachment.

Abu Az-Zubayr Harrison

Attached Fileae_aah_2.pdf (153 Kbytes)

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