Bismillaah. Alhamdulillah. was salaatu was salaam alaa Rasoolullaah wa ba'ad:
On Saturday, 16th Rajab 1429(19th July 2008) Allamah Hasan ibn Abdul Wahhab al-Banna hafithahullaah gave a beautiful lecture entitled "The importance of the Qur'aan & Sunnah in establishing a Community in the West" in a Masjid in Philadelphia, USA. Brother Hasan As-Somali hafithahullaah was the interpreter.
After refuting the mistakes of the founder of Ikhwaan ul Muslimeen, Hasan al-Banna rahimahullaah, and mentioning that Islamic Unity is possible only if we have the same aqeedah and manhaj, the Shaykh advised the audience to firmly hold onto the deen.
Finally, the Shaykh reminded, "NONE OF US IS BIGGER THAN THE DA'WAH". The Shaykh said this as a naseeha to all of us and asked for greater co-operation. And mashAllaah we can see that the Du'aat are co-operating upon Birr wa Taqwa more than before.
I hope the Salafees all over the world take heed of the Shaykh's advice. May Allaah aid the Da'wah. Aameen.