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Topic: listing of the juz
Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ib
(Rochester,NY, USA)
Posts: 132
Joined: Dec 2002
Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah; Does anyone know where I might be able to find the 30th portions of the Qur'an listed, I need to make copies available, insha'allah. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to type them up for the individuals concerned, insha'allah.
Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ibn Harold Simmons, Aiken, SC, USA
Aboo Dihyah Dawud Adib
(Philadelphia, PA U.S.A.)
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
As salaamu alaikum, Yaa Aba Na'imah. You said:
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the 30th portions of the Qur'an listed |
I do not understand totally what you mean by 'listed'? Please explain further.
Dawud Adib the son of David C.White Sr. وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :" الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد"
Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ib
(Rochester,NY, USA)
Posts: 132
Joined: Dec 2002
wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh yaa Abu Tasneem; May Allah Ta'Ala preserve you akhee. What I was referring to was the listings [i.e. the notations] that we sometimes find in the Qur'an separating the Qur'an into 30 parts i.e. juz 1. al-Fatihah:1-to-Baqara:141 2. Baqara:142-to-Baqara:252 3. Baqara:253-to-Al-i Imraan:92 4. Al-i Imraan:93-to-Nisaa:23 etc..... masha'allah, I've found a listing that I had used for the past few years. Jazakallahu khairun for your attention. I do volunteer work with the county jails and I use this information while encouraging new Muslims to increase their reading of the Qur'an during the fasting of Ramadhaan. Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ibn Harold Simmons, Aiken, SC, USA
This message was edited by abu.naimah.shamsuddi on 9-26-04 @ 11:59 PM
Abu Salmaan Talha ibnu William Davis
(Birmingham, England)
Posts: 208
Joined: Aug 2002
It is in the actual printed masaahif from the Fahad printing press. You just have to go through it. عانك الله
أبو سلمان النمري طلحة بن وليم والعصر ان الانسان لفي خسر الا الذين آمنواو عملوا الصالحات و تواصوا بالحق و تواصوا بالصبر