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» IMPORTANT: Inhaling incense smoke breaks the fast.
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Posted By Topic: IMPORTANT: Inhaling incense smoke breaks the fast.

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22-08-2010 @ 5:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Nouhad Amin bin Arnold (Birmingham)
Posts: 45
Joined: Jan 2009
As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

I noticed many people are not aware of the fact that inhaling incense smoke breaks the fast. Please read the following fatawa for more information:

The ruling on using Perfume and Incense during Ramadhan


Is it permissible to use perfume, like Uud oil, cologne and incense, during the month of Ramadhan?


Yes it is permissible to use it under the condition that one does not inhale the incense smoke

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Page n. 265 Vol: 2

The ruling on using Perfume during the Daytime in Ramadhan


What is the ruling of the fasting person using perfumed fragrances during the daytime in Ramadhan?


There is no harm in using them during the daytime in Ramadhan and inhaling them, except for the incense smoke. The person should not inhale it because it has smoke substance to it that reaches the stomach, which is the smoke.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
Fatawa Islamiyah Page no. 264 Vol: 2

Imaam rebuked me for using perfume whilst fasting


I applied perfume on myself before the Dthuhr (noon) prayer in Ramadhaan and when I entered the mosque, the Imaam rebuked me and said that my fast has been nullified and so has the fast of all those who smelt (the scent) because it is very strong. How far is this statement correct?


There is no problem in applying perfume whilst fasting and this does not affect the prayer except if the perfume is incense-based and one intentionally smells it. This is because the smoke from the incense enters the nose and activates the brain and thereby affects the fast. As for perfumes, then there is no problem for one who is fasting to use them. It is not permissible for this Imaam to give a fatwa (legal ruling) without (sound) knowledge.

Shaykh Ibn Fowzaan
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 500, Fatwa No. 454;
al-Fatawaa libni-Fowzaan - Volume 1, Fatwa No. 151

A Fasting Person Using Perfumes


What is the ruling on a fasting person using perfumes?


There is no objection to a fasting person using them during the daytime in Ramadan or sniffing them, apart from incense, which he should not sniff, because it has some substance which reaches the stomach, and that is the smoke.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
Fatawa Arkaanul-Islaam, DARUSSALAM, Vol.2, p.664

Difference Between Smelling Incense and Drops


What is the difference between smelling incense and drops, since the former breaks the fast and the latter does not?


The difference between them is that a person who sniffs it intends to make it enter his stomach, but as regards for drops, he does not intend that it reach the stomach, he only intends to put drops in his nose.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
Fatawa Arkaanul-Islaam, DARUSSALAM, Vol.2, p.662

Khayr insha'Allah,

Salam alaykum,

Abu Nouhad

09-09-2010 @ 7:48 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
Important cultural note for those who do not know:

In the Arab lands, it ia a common practice in gatherings to pass around the 'Ood (a type of incense) burner, and each person would take his shimaagh (headwear) and make like a quick "facial sweatlodge" (for lack of better words) by wrapping his headwear around the incense burner for a moment.  With this kind of intensity, the smoke is inhaled in a way that is similar to how cigarettes are smoked.

This is important to know, so that some of us do not believe it to be impermissible to burn incense while fasting or smell it, or that it breaks the fast.  What breaks the fast is inhaling it intensely, just like if you put your face over a pot of steaming food and inhaled over and over again.  In such a case, you would find that you have actually ingested something from the steam.

So it is permissible to smell incense in the room, or food, or any other thing, so long as you do not inhale and ingest it.  The fatwaas quoted should be understood based on this, and Allaah knows best.

ibn John

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10-09-2010 @ 6:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
This is a shemaagh:


These are 'ood burners of different sizes:


And this is an 'ood burner in action:

ibn John

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