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» Notification to the Salafiyyeen that Abdul-Qadir Baksh Lacks `Aql and Deen
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21-08-2003 @ 10:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

Notification to the Salafiyyeen that `Abdul-Qadir Baksh Lacks `Aql and Deen


Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee said on 12th January 2003 (taken from another thread):
Abul Hasan has fallen in Yemen. He has fallen, if Allaah wills, in the Emirates... and he is finished in the Mamlakah, and all praise is due to Allaah, he is finished, completely and now he lies, he says "with us is so and so and so and so", and he is a liar. The people have abandoned him. Everyone who had intellect and religion (aql and deen) has abandoned him...
And `Abdur-Rahman Abu `Abdullah Aal Umaysaan wrote a testimony, and he was formerly with Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee, but then abandoned him (taken from another thread):
I heard Abal-Hasan Mustafaa bin Ismaa'eel as-Sulaymaanee al-Misree, the resident of Ma'rib say, whilst he was on his journey to meet the Shaykhs of Madinah, who wanted to make Islaah: "You will see O Abdar-Rahmaan, Shaykh Rabee' will be walking all by himself, all of the people will be with us". And he used to contact us (by phone) and would (boast) saying, "So and so (number of people) were present with us in such and such place...", and then as the days passed by his followers would be decreasing, and then after some days his deceptions and plotting would return - which is a habit of his - and he would then say, "This is the way of the people of truth, that their followers decrease".
And Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee said specifically about `Abdul-Qadir Baksh (as narrated by Abdulilah in Jeddah, who heard this directly) when asked about some of the things he was spreading on his web page:
Safeeh...(fool, idiot)
I received through email from someone earlier today some statements made by `Abdul-Qadir Baksh of Luton on a thread in some notice board and was asked to address them. I am posting the reply here.


A brother makes notification of the fact that when people attack those who are against Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee, that they are also attacking the Scholars like Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh `Ubayd, because a lot of the positions held by them on issues are none other than the positions of these same Shaykhs. This brother said:
Perhaps his words were directed to the beloved Scholars of Ahl us Sunnah...

And this has been seen already. It is well known that some of the positions taken by the so-called "juhal extremists" from amongst our brothers (including issues on tathabut), are in fact coming directly from the positions and statements of the Ulamaa such as Sh. Rabee, Sh. Ubayd and others, (May Allah preserve them) and this is not hidden from anyone. So when brothers speak so vehemently and disparigingly toward the "youth" who hold these opinions, it is foolish to think that their words are only directed towards them.
What this brother has said is actually true. At least he has been honest and stated the truth. Which is that many of these people who abuse Ahl us-Sunnah who stood behind the Scholars who made tabdee` of Abul-Hasan and warned against him, they are at the same time abusing the Scholars in reality, who were the source of this tabdee` and tahdheer.

To this `Abdul-Qadir Baksh replies and tries to argue otherwise:
Akhee i think you are gravely mistaken, you must understand their are two types of people on this side of the fence. Those that disparige the beloved scholars of ahlu sunnah like sheikh Rabee and sheikh Ubaid etc etc and those who differ with them in some issues.

As for the former i do not see them upon salafiya rather upon bidda may Allah guide us and them.
As for the later then they are upon salafiya but they disagree with some of the scholars in their opinions about others but they have other scholars supporting their views.

There are some "Juhaal Extrimists" whom we have witnessed express their ignorance in many many issues, full of tahazub - knowingly or unknowingly - spreading their extreme understandings and opinions, behaving like they are they vangaurds of salafiya but they are in fact the most ignorant of salafiya, and so on and so forth.

The point is, that these people, one of the most extreme distorted opinions they hold is : The one who differs with the beloved masheikh of this dawa, if he propogates his views ( though he has other scholars supporting that view) is deemed a heritic,from ahlul biddah and to be warned against.

But if he did not propogate it then they would remain silent over him. in a nut shell - "there aint no differing allowed with their scholars"

so the second group of people on this side of the fence in no way intend disparaging the mashiekh of this dawa salafiya rather they wish to warn against the juhaal extremists that take the words of the mashiekh to another galaxy, or explain it according to their wims and desires.

So we ask Allah for us and for them guidence.

Abu Saifillah As Salafee
So I wish to respond to this statement piecemeal to show that this statement is built upon lies, contradictions and absence of admitting the truth and witnessing and standing by it, that it shows lack of `aql and deen, that parts of it are a hujjah upon `Abdul-Qadir Baksh, and that it exposes the undermined sand cliff that this man is prancing around on.

Part 1: Those Who Disparage Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh `Ubayd

`Abdul-Qadir Baksh (Abu Saifillah) of Luton said (emphasis mine):
Akhee i think you are gravely mistaken, you must understand their are two types of people on this side of the fence. Those that disparige the beloved scholars of ahlu sunnah like sheikh Rabee and sheikh Ubaid etc etc and those who differ with them in some issues.As for the former i do not see them upon salafiya rather upon bidda may Allah guide us and them.As for the later then they are upon salafiya but they disagree with some of the scholars in their opinions about others but they have other scholars supporting their views.
The Facts: Here are some of the statements of Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymee al-Ma'ribee regarding Shaykh Rabee`:
"Who said Shaykh Rabee' is the Imaam of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel - may Allaah forgive the one who said it - rather he is the Imaam of al-Jarh wat-Ta'teel, I say it with a Taa, not a Daal".
من قال أن الشيخ ربيع إمام الجرح والتعديل -غفر الله لمن قالها- إنما هو إمام الجرح والتعطيل أقولها بالطاء لا بالدال
And this was a decreed humiliation for Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee 50,000 years before the creation, a word by which his reality would be made known. For in 1997, Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee al-Ma'ribee was himself, the very same person who put a question to Imaam al-Albaanee regarding the bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah, and within the reply was:
In short, I say: Certainly, the carrier of the flag of al-Jarh wat-Ta`deel today, in the current times  - and in truth ? is our brother, Doctor Rabee`. And as for those who refute him, then they do not do so on the basis of knowledge ever. And the knowledge is actually with him.
More of his disparagements:
"Shaykh Rabee' is a trickster (i.e. a cheater, fraudster) so beware, O seeker of knowledge, from this cheating, fraud".
الشيـخ ربيع مراوغ فأحذر يا طالب العلم من هذه المراوغة
"The manner of Shaykh Rabee is being scornful upon the people".
أسلوب الشيخ ربيع هو الاستهتار بالناس
"Indeed, the one who speaks with the saying of Shaykh Rabee' is a muta'assib, muqallid, mutamaawit, in the tail ends of this man (i.e. Shaykh Rabee') whose state has become clear to us a great deal, we ask Allaah to save us from his evil and that he deals with him as he deserves."
إن الذي يقول بقول الشيخ ربيع متعصب ومقلد متماوت في أذيال هذا الرجل الذي قد بان لنا الكثير من أحواله ، نسأل الله أن يكفينا شره وأن يعامله بما يستحق
"And since when did Shaykh Rabee' wait for the Scholars, and when did he restrict himself by the speech of the Scholars and not surpass what the Scholars say. Either Shaykh Rabee' has made the scholars as a barricade and trench which he shields himself with in order throw this vile spear of his upon the Muslims"
ومتى كان الشيخ ربيع ينتظر العلماء ومتى كان يتقيد بكلام العلماء ولا يتجاوز ما يقوله العلماء إما الشيخ ربيع جعل العلماء مترسا وخندقا يتترس فيـه من أجل أن يرمي سهامه هذه الخبيثة في المسلمين
"We know justice, and equity from Ahl us-Sunnah, as for Shaykh Rabee', he is in one valley, and justice and equity are in another valley".
نعرف من أهل السنَّة العدل والإنصاف ، أما الشيخ ربيع في واد والعدل والإنصاف في واد آخر
Source is the cassette: "I`laan an-Nakeer `Alaa Manhaj ash-Shaykh Rabee` fit-Takfeer" (Announcement of the Rejection Against the Manhaj of Shaykh Rabee in Takfeer)" (taken from another thread on

Therefore, according to `Abdul-Qadir Baksh and his statement:

"As for the former (i.e. those who disparage the beloved scholars like Shaykh Rabee`) i do not see them upon salafiya rather upon bidda may Allah guide us and them"

This means that Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee al-Ma'ribee is judged by `Abdul-Qadir to be upon bid`ah, not upon Salafiyyah, and `Abdul-Qadir asks Allaah to guide him. So we ask of which of the two types of people on that side of the fence is Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee.

Here is yet another question, put to Imaam al-Albaanee by Abul-Hasan himself about 6 years ago, and this is also amongst the humiliations that had been decreed 50,000 years before the creation for Abul-Hasan, something by which those posessing `aql and deen, would realise the truth about this man:
Q. Question, O Shaikh. You know the postion of Shaikh Muqbil - hafidhahullaah - and likewise Shaikh Rabee' - hafidhahullaah ta'aala - with regard to fighting against innovations and the deviant sayings. Some of the youth call into question the standing of these two shaikhs, so if you were to say a word about these two shaikhs - even if it is very brief - by which Allaah may bring benefit and which may be a defence of these two from many peoples tongues - who in speaking against them intend to find fault with the way which they are upon.

Ans: We, without doubt praise Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - that he has provided for this righteous da'wah, which is firmly founded on the Book and the Sunnah upon the methodology of the Pious Predecessors, a number of callers in the Islaamic lands who establish the duty that is obligatory for some to fulfill and which is established by very few people in the Islamic lands today. So belittling these two shaikhs who call to the book and the Sunnah and what the Salafus-Saalih (Pious Predecessors) were upon, and fight against those who oppose this correct methodology is, as will not be hidden from one and all, is something which emanates only from one of two people: Either from an ignorant person or a follower of desires. As for the ignorant person, then it is possible to guide him, since he thinks that he is upon some knowledge - so when the correct knowledge becomes clear then he is guided. But as for the follower of desires then there is nothing we can do with him unless Allaah - the Blessed and Most High - guides him. So these people who speak against the two shaikhs - as we have mentioned - are either ignorant and so should be taught, or (they are) followers of their desires - and we should seek refuge from the evil of such a person, and we ask Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - that He either guides him or breaks his back. What I have seen in the writings of Shaikh Dr. Rabee' is that they are beneficial, and I do not recall having seen a mistake he has made, or any departure from the methodology upon which we are united with him and he with us.

`Abdul-Qadir Baksh is asked to stand truthfully in front of Allaah and to stand by these words he uttered, and for him to recall the ta`an, and istihzaa that are found in the tapes of Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee towards Shaykh Rabee`, Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, and Shaykh `Ubayd. And either `Abdul-Qadir knows this and is aware of it, in which case he is a liar in what he says above, knowing full well that Abul-Hasan insults and disparages the Scholars. Or he is unaware of these issues, in which case he ought to listen to these cassettes and to be sincere and honest with his intellect and his deen, realising and accepting that Abul-Hasan is indeed a person of bid`ah and dalaalah. Either way, `Abdul-Qadir Baksh, has just established the hujjah even further upon himself.

I want to emphasise this matter again, that I am not wasting my breath (or keyboard) on `Abdul-Qadir Baksh, as his matter has been known to us for years. But this is for the sake of many who are still confused by this man and by his activities in spreading doubts about the details of the Salafee manhaj, in his capacity as one of the most vocal of the defenders and supporters of the Ikhwaanee Mubtadi`, Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee.

I also appeal to those who are still confused and who used to be with us as brothers upon Salafiyyah to stand up and speak a word of justice regarding these slanders of Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee, and to speak a word of truth regarding this matter. And look at the sidq emanating from the tongue of Shaykh Rabee` in what he said:
And I remind al-Abbaad that those are the ones who began with a war and with tribulations, and they began with lies, oppression and transgression, and they did not cease after that. Then they are only directing these vile actions (once more) by distributing this book, as if it is for them, and as if al-Abbaad did not write this book except to aid them, and they forget what they committed of humiliating (deeds) and oppression and transgression... may Allaah bless you.

So explain to the people that this book in its reality is against them, if Allaah wills, irrespective of whether Shaykh al-Abbaad actually intended this or not, and I hope that he did intend this, that it is against them because they are the ones who transgress against the foundations of the Salafee manhaj, and upon its Shaykhs. They are the ones who came with destructive, corrupt, stagnant principles in order to shelter the Ahl ul-Bida' wad-Dalaal, adn they committed whatever they committed of things that I and others have explained.

And this short glance (at this matter) should be sufficient, so distribute it so that the people may gain insight, and corroborate it by looking at what you find in it of revilements which do not apply except to them, such as al-jarh wat-ta'deel with baatil, and revilement upon the scholars, and with that which is worse than tabdee such as accusing the people of "ghuthaa'iyyah" and that they are "the lowliest of people", and that they are "shrimps (i.e. low, insignificant people)" and the essence of what they say in these (Internet) sites. Explain this matter to the people may Allaah bless you, Allaah will nullify their plot and their scheme, and distribute this cassette in every place, may Allaah grant you success in what He loves and is pleased with.
From (also posted on Salafitalk.

I also appeal to them to acknowledge the dishonesty that is found amongst many, when from one angle, they accuse those who are not upon the view of Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin of "attacking and reviling" Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin. This is something they cannot prove with explicit or implicit words, and nor can they quote a single letter or word of revilement, but they only say it and claim it because the Salafees who are against Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee have quoted and narrated the statements of those Scholars who mention errors in the book of Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin and advise against its distribution at this moment in time because of the way it has been wrongly employed, even though they have acknowledged the good that is in it. So these people were not able to find any revilements or evil speech, not a single letter or word of it, but they lied and twisted the situation and claimed that "ignorant youth" are attacking this Noble Shaykh. This is a pure lie, something made up, a fabrication on their behalf, because they could not handle the fact that clear and sensible explanations were given for the reasons behind the various positions regarding this book. They can be found here by reading through these threads carefully:

On the other hand however, here are explicit, clear, manifest, mufassal statements of Abul-Hasan making istihzaa and making ta`an upon Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee in a very degrading and despicable manner. But do we see them stand up for the truth and to speak with it, and to abide by the justice with which they have been commanded? To date, no. As a result, the only conclusion that can be made is that they follow desires.

So we ask `Abdul-Qadir Baksh, announce that those who make ta`an upon the `Ulamaa, such as Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh `Ubayd and Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, as well as Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin, and Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, that they are not upon Salafiyyah, rather upon Bid`ah and Dalaalah. Then to be honest and just by acknowledging what is found in the later cassettes of Abul-Hasan during the latter part of last year until this year of ta`an, istihzaa and sukhriyyah of Shaykh Rabee`, Shaykh `Ubayd, and Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee. Then to pass the appropriate ruling upon him, to abide by it, speak with it, and notify others of it.

We end with the beginning: Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee said on 12th January 2003 (taken from another thread):
Abul Hasan has fallen in Yemen. He has fallen, if Allaah wills, in the Emirates... and he is finished in the Mamlakah, and all praise is due to Allaah, he is finished, completely and now he lies, he says "with us is so and so and so and so", and he is a liar. The people have abandoned him. Everyone who had intellect and religion (aql and deen) has abandoned him...

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 8-23-03 @ 12:19 AM

22-08-2003 @ 3:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

Notification to the `Aalameen that `Abdul-Qadir Baksh Lacks `Aql and Deen

Part 2: Attempting to Differentiate and Isolate the Salafees in the West in their Views and Opinions From the Scholars Who Are the Real Origin and Source of These Opinions and Views In Order to Justify the Vilification and Abuse Against the Salafees in the West Whilst Pretending Love and Respect For the Scholars Who Are The Real Origin And Source of Everything that the Salafees in the West are Upon

This is from the most evil of the activities being performed by the likes of `Abdul-Qadir Baksh. Some of the more just and wise amongst those who are unfortunately still with Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee have pointed this out already, as has been mentioned above.

In this part we shall outline the lack of `aql and deen represented in the inability of `Abdul-Qadir Baksh to realise the futility of what he is upon in this regard. This will be done by illustrating that there is NO differentiation to be made between the `usool and manhaj that the Salafees in the West are upon and between the Scholars from whom they took these `usool and the manhaj. That if the Salafees in the West are labelled "Ghulaat" and "Juhhaal Extremists", this by necessity falls upon the likes of Shaykh Rabee` and others to the highest and greatest degree.

This illustration will be made by
  1. Explaining the correctness of Shaykh Rabee`s refutation of the false `usool of Abul-Hasan, by way of the joint bayaan between the Shaykh and the Tullaab of Jordan. This will show that as far as the `usool that related to this whole fitnah were concerned, there was no difference between the Salafees in the West, and those who refuted the false `usool of Abul-Hasan
  2. Explaining that the source and origin of many of the judgements that the Salafees are upon, which followed on from the exposition of the abovementioned `usool of Abul-Hasan - the judgements such as boycotting those who are still with Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee and warning from them, was not the Salafees in the West, but the same Scholars `Abdul-Qadir Baksh claims an outward love for, and claims they have nothing to do with the "Juhhaal Extremists" in the West
  3. Clarification of a shubhah that has led the followers of Abul-Hasan to describe matters as being "baatil extreme principles", when in reality they are Sharee`ah principles and mentioning the reason why they fell into this
But first, let us quote the statements of `Abdul-Qadir Baksh where this false differentiation is being put into the minds of innocent people in the West. He says:
Assalamu alaykum

akhee im concerned that some of your words may be misunderstood please can you clarify that your word were not about the beloved scholars of ahlu Sunnah but rather about the Juhaal Ruwaibidha:

Barak Allahu Feek
Abu Saifillah As Salafee
Here he distinguishes between the beloved scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah. He is referring to Shaykh Rabee`, Shaykh `Ubayd and others, who refuted Abul-Hasan and between the Salafees in the West whom he labels "Juhhaal Ruwaibidah".

He also says (dated yesterday I believe):
There are some "Juhaal Extrimists" whom we have witnessed express their ignorance in many many issues, full of tahazub - knowingly or unknowingly - spreading their extreme understandings and opinions, behaving like they are they vangaurds of salafiya but they are in fact the most ignorant of salafiya, and so on and so forth. The point is, that these people, one of the most extreme distorted opinions they hold is : The one who differs with the beloved masheikh of this dawa, if he propogates his views ( though he has other scholars supporting that view) is deemed a heritic,from ahlul biddah and to be warned against. But if he did not propogate it then they would remain silent over him. in a nut shell - "there aint no differing allowed with their scholars" so the second group of people on this side of the fence in no way intend disparaging the mashiekh of this dawa salafiya rather they wish to warn against the juhaal extremists that take the words of the mashiekh to another galaxy, or explain it according to their wims and desires. So we ask Allah for us and for them guidence.
Abu Saifillah As Salafee
Here you can see that he clearly tries to distinguish between the Salafees in the West and the "beloved Scholars" in the Arab lands. He has made a specific claim that these Salafees "that take the words of the mashiekh to another galaxy, or explain it according to their wims and desires". Note, that this technique is not unique to `Abdul-Qadir Baksh, but is something that is generally found with all the spokesmen for the manhaj of Abul-Hasan in the West. Abu Usaamah also fell into this a great deal. And they will not deny that this is something that they do, consciously, deliberately, wilfully, knowingly.

Now that this matter has been established from the words of `Abdul-Qadir Baksh, we can now explain the lack of `aql and deen inherent in the use of this deceptive technique of trying to isolate the Salafees in the West from the Scholars in the Arab lands whom they have stood by in this fitnah.

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 8-27-03 @ 11:31 AM

27-08-2003 @ 11:32 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

Notification to the `Aalameen that `Abdul-Qadir Baksh Lacks `Aql and Deen

{A} Highlights from the Joint Bayaan of Shaykh Rabee` of Ramadaan 1423H

To give the most clear, undeniable evidence that the Salafees in the West are not upon false `usool and that they cannot be separated and isolated from the Scholars they followed, we will revisit the agreements that were made by the Jordanian Tullaab and Shaykh Rabee`, in Makkah on the night of Sunday 12/9/1423H. This way `Abdul-Qadir Baksh and those upon his way in the West will not be able to make neither a scream, squeak, shriek or shrill in reply to what is now going to be presented:

Khabar ul-Ahad
And from those knowledge and manhaj based affairs, which were agreed upon by all of those present were:

Firstly: That the Khabar ul-Aahaad about whose authenticity is not differed over by the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah is a khabar that amounts to knowledge and action (together) and it is used as argument in [affairs] of aqeedah and ahkaam, without differentiating [between them]. And that the saying of the one who mentions it with dhann (speculation) and what is like it, then it is a saying that opposes, absolutely and without exception, the preponderant truth from the sayings of Ahl ul-Hadeeth, and that the one who speaks with this, speaks with the saying of the Ash'ariyyah and is influenced by them.
So who brought the "baatil principles" in relation to khabar ul-ahad? Notice, how after this point in time, the focus was shifted away from knowledge-based discussions of this issue. This was because Shaykh Rabee` was correct in his refutation of Abul-Hasan al-Misree al-Ma'ribee.

Al-Mujmal and al-Mufassal
Secondly: That whose mention has been repeated, of the issues of "Mujmal and Mufassal", and whatever relates to it. The truth concerning it is as follows:

The issue of "Mujmal and Mufassal" - with this usage - is not investigated into except in the words of Allaah, the Most High, and His Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). And the investigation of this matter, with respect to the words of the scholars is called "Itlaaqaat al-Ulamaa" (the Absolutions of the Scholars) - as Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) has mentioned.

An erroneous absolution which is [nevertheless] clarified and explained by other speech [emanating] from the same person [elsewhere], is treated in the following way:

a) Declaring this absolution to be an error, in accordance with its nature, [which is] either an innovation or an error.

b) Accepting this clarification and explanation (i.e. on behalf of the one who made this erroneous absolution, he must accept this clarification and explanation of his error)

c) Not passing a judgement upon this erring one who made this absolution that he is an Innovator 'ayniyyan (i.e. in person, specifically), unless he is a person of Innovation, or a person of desires.

d) And as for a Salafee student of knowledge who is well known with for his Salafiyyah and his [sound] manhaj, then when he falls into anything of that, then we declare him to be in error in his absolution, and we make what he is manifestly correct in to be the major consideration. Alongside advising him, reminding him, explaining the truth to him, unless their appears his stubborn opposition and his persistence [in this falsehood] is unveiled.

e) It is not permissible to take this issue of "Itlaaq al-Ulamaa" as a means to accommodate the sayings of the well-known Innovators like Sayyid Qutb and others.
This again shows that Shaykh Rabee` (and those who supported the truth he was upon in the West) were not upon "baatil principles" and "ghuluww", because this is an acknowledgement of the correctness of Shaykh Rabee`s refutation of the way in which Abul-Hasan used "al-mujmal and al-mufassal" in order to defend Sayyid Qutb, and other Innovators. He also used it to defend al-Maghraawee's statements of takfeer, and he also used it to defend his own statements of revilement upon the Sahaabah.

Reviling the Sahaabah
Thirdly: Evil speech concerning the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) is broad, vast misguidace, and it is not permissible for a Muslim, whoever it may be, to accept this (speech) or to make it a light matter. And the one who from whom a word appears, and from which anything of belittlment of them (radiallaahu anhum) can be perceived, then it is a definitive obligation upon him to recant from it, to seek forgiveness from Allaah concerning it, and not to derive excuses about it. For the issue of the Companions (radiallaahu anhum) is a serious and important matter and they (radiallaahu anhum), are the trustworthy (carriers) of the Sharee'ah and the guardians of the religion. And this is a door that is obligatory to be closed, in fulfilment of the saying of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), "When my companions are mentioned, then withhold".
No comment needed here as Abul-Hasan was correctly refuted for attacking the Sahaabah (radiyAllaahu `anhum). However, his recantation is replete with deceptive behaviour and arrogance.

The Vast, Spacious Manhaj for all the Innovators
Fourthly: The Jamaa'aat of Hizbiyyah that are scattered in the plain, such as Jamaa'at al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen, and Jamaa'at at-Tableegh, and Hizb ut-Tahreer and Jamaa'at ul-Jihaad and the Takfeeriyyeen, and the Surooriyyeen, and the Qutbiyyeen, and whoever is like them - they are Jamaa'aat that are outside of the Sunnah, and they are in opposition to the manhaj of the Salaf, due to what is known of their deviations, misguidances. So it is not permissible to defend them, in any shape, such as [the claim of] ta'seel (laying down foundations to understand these affairs), or other than that. And as for the claim of some of the people that the manhaj of Ahl us-Sunnah is vast, then it is a futile statement on account of what is built upon it of entering Ahl ul-Bid'ah into the Sunnah, and belittling the affair of their deviations and aspects of misguidance.
So again the "vast manhaj" that Abul-Hasan used to include the Innovators into Ahl us-Sunnah, was agreed upon to be futile. This again proves the correctness of Shaykh Rabee`s refutation and that these matters were not "something in the soul". And the Salafees in the West were one with Shaykh Rabee` on this matter. So where does this leave this attempted differentiation between the Salafees in the West and their Scholars?

Tathabbut (and what is connected to it of the accusation of Taqleed)
Sixthly: "at-Tathabbut" (verification), in the view of the people of knowledge is a precise, established manhaj. It has its forms, and angles (of approach). As for rejecting the truth and the evidences for what is correct, with the claim of "Tathabbut (verification)", then it is a newly-arisen path, which opposes the manhaj of the Sunnah, and the path of those who are upon it. And the claim of not accepting the information (khabar) except with direct hearing of the one who said it (originally) is a futile claim, which is rejected by the methodologies of the Ulamaa, and their specific detailed ways. And the paths of accepting a report, are numerous and are well known. And these, all of them, are built upon the knowledge-based proof, and the clear Sharee'ah evidence.
"Tathabbut", as Abul-Hasan intends it is described as "a newly-arisen path, which opposes the manhaj of the Sunnah...", "and the claim of not accepting the information (khabar) except with direct hearing of the one who said it (originally) is a futile saying, which is rejcted...". Why do we still see these people in the West attacking the Salafees and abusing them and reviling them and accusing them of wanting the people to become like "sheep" and like "the soofees", and accusing them of "taqleed" and promoting "taqleed"? Why are these people still playing around discussing the issues of "khabar uth-thiqah", when the truth regarding this point is already clear? And why do we see the likes of `Abdul-Qadir playing out this evil game of claiming that the Salafees in the West twist and distort the sayings of the Scholars on issues, and take them to a different galaxy.

The Principle of Adnaan Ar`oor Adopted by Abul-Hasan
Seventhly: The saying of some of the people, "We correct, but we do not disparage" is a falsehood with certainty. And Ahl ul-Hadeeth have not ceased, from before and afterwards, disparaging (making jarh) of those who deserve to have jarh made upon them, using knowledge-based principles, and Sharee'ah foundations. And also amongst this (falsehood) - but in another garment - [of] misguidance - is the saying of the one who said, "We cooperate in that which we agree, and we pardon each other in that which we disagree".
Again, illustrating the correctness of Shaykh Rabee`s refutation of the false principle of Abul-Hasan "we correct but do not destroy".

Open Clear, Repentance Required
And built upon all of this, we advise, in ending, with two pieces of advice:

Firstly: That everyone who opposes these qawaa'id (principles), it is obligatory upon them to return to the clear truth, and that he returns (with penance) to this sound nahj (way, manhaj) - whoever that may be - with clarity (wudooh), and with explanation and clarification, and open manifestation of the truth, without any talbees (deception) or tadlees (fraud, swindle).
So why do we see these people, at the head of them, `Abdul-Qadir Baksh, continuing to abuse and revile the Salafees, accusing them of being upon "baatil principles" and still trying to confuse people on these issues that were clarified and the reality made known that Shaykh Rabee` was correct in his refutations, and in his `usool that he defended? And trying to differentiate between the Salafees in the West and between the Scholars like Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh `Ubayd, when the Salafees in the West have always been with these Scholars in `aqeedah, manhaj, and mawaaqif?

Note that these false principles of Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee, were the basis upon which he brought many accusations against Ahl us-Sunnah, this was a deliberate plot on his behalf. These collections of principles allowed the groundwork to be laid to enable two types of attacks to be made. The first is the concept of "Ghulaat, Haddaadiyyah", and the second is the concept of "Muqallidah".

The false usool of Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee regarding "we correct and do not destroy", "the vast spacious manhaj", "al-mujmal and al-mufassal", all laid the groundwork to enable the accusation against the Salafees that they are Ghulaat, Haddaadiyyah. In reality, according to this bayaan quoted above, Abul-Hasan was upon falsehood and deviation.

The false usool of Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee regarding, "tathabbut" was largely the basis upon which the accusation of "Muqallidah" was based against the Salafees. According to the bayaan quoted above, Abul-Hasan was declared to be upon falsehood in that regard.

This illustrates, for anyone who has `aql and deen, that the intellectual framework upon which these accusations were initiated against the Salafees, was falsehood, deviation from its very core. And that from the greatest of indications of this, which is a far-reaching hujjah upon all those who made al-walaa and al-baraa around Abul-Hasan and still remain with him today, or are affected by his `usool, is this very bayaan that was made in Ramadhaan of 1423H. Regarding this bayaan, Shaykh Bazmul, one of the signatories to it, said that this bayaan represented the agreement of all signatories, that the least that can be said is that Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee is upon innovated affairs.

What does all of this show?

It shows that origins and basis of the slogans of "Ghullaat" and "Juhhaal Extremists" and "Ruwaibidah" that came from `Abdul-Qadir and Abu Usaamah and others, and now on the tongues of many people (something by which they incur more sin), were all based on falsehood. This is as it relates to the actual `usool that were under dispute and regarding which Abul-Hasan brought innovated matters. There was no justification for these statements of abuse, because by that bayaan quoted above, it became clear that the truth was with Shaykh Rabee` in those issues, and with the Salafees who were with Shaykh Rabee` and the Shaykhs of Yemen and the Shaykhs of Madinah, Shaykh `Ubayd, Shaykh Saalih, and Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee. It is worth mentioning, for the record, before moving on, that the Tullaab of Jordan did not adhere to that bayaan, and what it required from them, as explained by Shaykh Bazmul and Shaykh `Ubayd and others.

If one recalls what took place, in the initial stages of this fitnah, those behind Abul-Hasan firstly, tried to defend his `usool (as was clear by the activities of `Abdul-Qadir, his emails and his website). Those who stood by the truth were accused of inventing false `usool, and distorting Salafiyyah and so on. Then after Ramadaan, and due to this bayaan, and the inability of these people to sustain this angle any longer (i.e. arguing for the correctness of Abul-Hasan's innovated `usool), the angle was shifted. Now, it became, the "extremists of the West", "it is not the Scholars, they are free from these Ghulaat, but it is these Extremists in the West". The reason for this shift was just as Shaykh Rabee` explained, that Abul-Hasan suffered "an atrocious defeat" and that his `usool were destroyed and annihilated. Shaykh Rabee` said this in one of his articles. And this was indeed the case. So when these people failed from the knowledge point of view, to corroborate Abul-Hasan's `usool, after it was agreed in Makkah, that the issues with Abul-Hasan were issues of innovation, they took to scapegoating the Salafees in the West, and trying to isolate them from those whom they stood by from the people of knowledge. This has continued from that time until today, with the accusations being levelled at those Salafees in the West, but not to the actual Scholars who were the true origin of many of the rulings, warnings and advice that subsequently came regarding those who remained upon falsehood with Abul-Hasan.

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 8-27-03 @ 11:48 AM

27-08-2003 @ 11:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
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Notification to the `Aalameen that `Abdul-Qadir Baksh Lacks `Aql and Deen

{B} Illustration of the False Differentiation by `Abdul-Qadir Baksh Between Salafees in the West and Shaykh Rabee` and others - As It Relates to the Rulings of the Scholars Following the Fitnah of Abul-Hasan

This is seen clearly from `Abdul-Qadir Baksh's statement (emphasis is mine):
The point is, that these people, one of the most extreme distorted opinions they hold is : The one who differs with the beloved masheikh of this dawa, if he propogates his views ( though he has other scholars supporting that view) is deemed a heritic,from ahlul biddah and to be warned against. But if he did not propogate it then they would remain silent over him. in a nut shell - "there aint no differing allowed with their scholars"
He means that the one who differs with Shaykh Rabee` and all the other Shaykhs who exposed Abul-Hasan, and propagates his own view on the matter, even if he has other scholars supporting him in his viewthen he is deemed a heretic by these "Juhhaal Ruwaibidah" in the West, that he is considered from Ahl ul-Bid`ah and to be warned against. His intention is to make this saying to be unique to the Salafees in the West, and then to claim that the Shaykhs like Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh `Ubayd and Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee are free of these "Ghulaat".

The people that Abdul-Qadir Baksh is describing with these words of his is none other than Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh `Ubayd and others, like Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee. Here are the proofs (I have taken these posts from what I have found posted on Salafitalk) :
Question: Concerning a man who says he is withholding on the issue of Abul-Hasan al-Maribee while he has actually read the refutations of the scholars is he to be warned against and boycotted?

Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee: Give them some respite. Give them some respite till some other days. If they stood by the truth, aided it, and [word unclear] the falsehood and belittled it, then they are your brothers. And if they continue to argue, wallow (in the falsehood), then we never doubt, or hesitate in (holding) that they are Ashaab ul-Ahwaa (people of desires). Henceforth, they are to be boycotted and there is no liberty. However, I ask Allaah that he does not prolong their affair until they show arrogance and stubbornness, and being occupied in falsehood. Returning to the truth is better than wallowing in falsehood, and a believer is one who always returns to Allaah. And a believer is one who constantly repents, and Allaah rejoices with the repentance of His servant, and Allaah loves those who constantly repent and those who purify themselves. So if he has stood by Abul Hasan until this date, there is no doubt that he is upon falsehood, and if comes and brings these tricks and plots, then he is given respite, for a week, or two, so he either repents [...section cut]... and goes with the Scholars of the Salaf and the Scholars of the Salafee Manhaj, in the truth [that they are upon] and in aid of the truth for which they stood for, then he is from us and is our brother. And the one who refused except but to follow the devil then he is to be boycotted.
The above was from a link up in the UK in January this year. Shaykh Rabee` is actually the one (along with others) who warns against those who do not take the correct view, whilst they know of the refutations, and even if they find support from other scholars, such as Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin al-`Abbaad.

Then there is the saying of Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee
Question: Ya Shaykh here in Britain we have a man whose name is Abdul Qaadir Baksh, who has a site on the internet, he spreads the words of Abul Hasan where he refutes some of the people of knowledge, the likes of Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Haadi Al-Madkhali. And likewise he spreads the doubts of this man (Abul Hasan). So Oh Shaykh, how do we deal with this man in particular and those like him who proceed upon this same path?

The Shaykh Allaamah Ahmed Ibn Yahya An-Najmi: Alhamdu lillah was Salaatu was Salaam Ala Rasoolillaah wa Ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi. It has become clear that Abul Hasan is an innovator and the one who aids him then indeed he is aiding the innovators, maybe this (man) is an innovator like him or greater than him. So I say that you should advise him, so if he accepts the advise then that is that and if he does not accept the advice then abandon him, warn against him, don?t listen to his speech or read what he writes, this is my advice to you, because Allaah imposed it upon his messenger to convey (The message) and after this he never burdened him with anything else. So you should inform him that this is a mistake and that you are involving yourself in innovation which is not allowed for the muslim to be involved in. (Word unclear) to fear Allaah and to fear standing before Allaah as neither this person or that person will be able to benefit you, so if he accepts then that is that and if he does not accept then leave him just as other than him from the people of innovation are left and warn against him just as you warn against other than him from the people of innovation. Wa Billahi At-Tawfeeq.
And Shaykh Rabee`, was asked about Abu Zur`ah ash-Sharqaawee al-Leebee of Luton in the first week of October 2002:
QUESTIONER: O Shaykh, this man has been advised in numerous small sittings, and he has been advised however he does not cease to speak with these sayings, and also some of the doubts which he puts over the youth, however I desired to ask you until you explain to us, and you reply to these doubts. So O Shaykh, what is the ruling with sitting with those??

SHAYKH RABEE?: By Allaah, they are to be warned against, they are to be advised, and the truth explained to them, and they are advised to abandon these methods of tamyee' (i.e. wasting, softening), and if they persist then they are to be warned against, and they are to be included amongst the Ahl ul-Fitan (the people of tribulations).
And in the same conversation:
QUESTIONER: Fine O Shaykh, meaning that our obligation is that we advise this man, and that we advise whoever sits with him and follows him after that.

SHAYKH RABEE?: Now the followers of Abul-Hasan say that they do not blindly follow, so why do they blindly follow Ahl us-Shaam (i.e. the Jordanians). How can they leave the evidences, and the leave the clear proofs and the clear explanations, they leave the other scholars and amongst them are those who are greater in age that al-`Abbaad and those of Shaam, and they all convicted Abul-Hasan (i.e. of his errors and innovations). So why do they not take to their speech and the truth is with them. They are people of desires. They have taken the same ways as al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon, they used to say, "Al-Albaanee", they said, "Al-Albaanee", these are deceptions, they are clear Ikhwaan Muslimeen, but they attach themselves to Ibn Baaz, and they attach themselves to al-Albaanee and Ibn Uthaymeen falsely and spuriously. And this is just like these people (i.e. the followers of Abul-Hasan) and what it is that they have presented in refutation of our writings...

...and if they presented to them evidences and clear proofs that they hold onto which falsify what the scholars say, the scholars of Yemen, and Shaykh al-Bannaa, and Shaykh al-Wasabee and others, those who found Abul-Hasan guilty with that which made him fall, and what renders him disparaged. And then [they use] what a-Abbaad replied to them with, then what are their proofs, and they say that we are people of evidences, and we do not blindly follow, so how can they hide now behind al-Abbaad, al-Abbaad spoke with what is apparent to him and those other than him from the scholars, sometimes they commend a person without knowing his reality, however the truth and proof is with the one knows, who knows the reality of those who are disparaged."
Therefore, the matter that `Abdul-Qadir Baksh is describing, which he labels as "extremism" and "distorted opinions" all of it is itself from these Scholars, and it did not originate from the Salafees in the West. Therefore, this makes Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh Ahmad amongst the greatest of the "Juhhaal Extremists", "Ruwaibidah", at the head of them, and that what we have quoted from these two Shaykhs above is from "the most extreme opinions that they hold".

This proves the falsehood of `Abdul-Qadir's attempt to distinguish between Ahl us-Sunnah in the West and the Scholars in the lands of the Muslims, claiming that the Scholars are free of the "extremists" in the West, because they don't have the ghuluww (extremism) of those in the West. This is a clear lie. Rather the Scholars themselves are the ones who are the source of what `Abdul-Qadir labels as "extremism". Shaykh Rabee` warns from those who do not adopt the correct view, and who still cling to the shubuhaat, even if they use the speech of Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin and others. He describes them as Ahl ul-Ahwaa, to be boycotted, to be from Ahl ul-Fitan. So why all this deception. Why lie upon the Salafees in the West and slander them, and portray to all those poor people who do not understand what is going on that the Salafees in the West are the ones originating all these things, when it is in fact coming from the likes of Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee and others? Why claim all this ouward love and affection for Shaykh Rabee` when it is clear that he is actually the origin of what these people claim to be "baatil principles"?

Although this matter can be expanded upon in much more depth, to illustrate these games more clearly, the above should be enough to illustrate the point. There are many more examples that can be given, but the intelligent person (dhu `aql) will suffice with a mere illustration. However, this matter here leads us on nicely, to the third matter.

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

27-08-2003 @ 11:47 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
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Notification to the `Aalameen that `Abdul-Qadir Baksh Lacks `Aql and Deen

{C} Clarification of a Shubhah That Has Confused the Followers of Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee al-Ma'ribee

What has confused the followers of Abul-Hasan is the above saying of Shaykh Rabee` (and others from Ahl us-Sunnah), in which he throws those who refuse to take a correct Sharee`ah stance towards Abul-Hasan, alongside Abul-Hasan and amongst Ahl ul-Ahwaa.

It is actually this that has been described by `Abdul-Qadir and those upon his way as being a "baatil principle" and "extremism". Lets see his words once more
The point is, that these people, one of the most extreme distorted opinions they hold is : The one who differs with the beloved masheikh of this dawa, if he propogates his views ( though he has other scholars supporting that view) is deemed a heritic,from ahlul biddah and to be warned against. But if he did not propogate it then they would remain silent over him. in a nut shell - "there aint no differing allowed with their scholars"
And as has been clearly illustrated, what `Abdul-Qadir describes, this itself comes from Shaykh Rabee` and others, not the so called "Juhhaal, Ghulaat" in the West.

After Abul-Hasan was defeated with an atrocious defeat, those lacking `aql who remain with him in his baatil, tried this  methodology. They knew they could not attack and vilify Shaykh Rabee` and his brothers from the Scholars on account of what was coming from them. They knew they could not refute the truth that was with these Shaykhs. So they tried to put all the blame on the "Juhhaal Ghulaat" in the West, as they claim. This is the evil methodology that they are upon now. Allaahul-Musta`aan.

Anyway, now the question arises, what is the angle of error that `Abdul-Qadir and the promoters of baatil have fallen into regarding this claim, and what is the shubhah that has blinded them from seeing the truth, and led them into considering this to be a distorted opinion (i.e. the opinion of Shaykh Rabee` and those with him, from Yemen, Kuwait, Madinah, Jeezaan and elsewhere, calling for the boycotting of those who do not take the correct stance, declaring them to be Ahl ul-Ahwaa)?

The Answer
There are numerous factors, some of which have been detailed elsewhere, and the greatest of them is:

Confusion on the subjects of khabar uth-thiqah, the issue of taqleed, tabdee`, tahdheer and other related matters and the ahkaam that are built upon them.

This will be expanded upon in the next part inshaa'Allaah ta`aalaa.

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

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