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» visiting incarcerated children
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21-10-2004 @ 5:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ummu `Isa Haneefa bint D. Moses (Atl, GA.)
Posts: 11
Joined: Sep 2002
as salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaah-

A non-member is looking for an answer from ahlul `ilm on the following matter:

"I don't think that you should be visiting and rewarding your children who are locked up for crimes, just like the Shaykh said that why would you marry these people when they are criminals and they are being punished. The key word punished. Why would you reward them by a visit?"

Mind you the child is constantly in and out of jail (and has been since a juvenile), is disobedient to his parents, and likes the ways of jaahiliyyah more than Islaam.

Is it permissible to visit them or is visiting them considered a 'reward' of any kind??

ummu `Isa Haneefa bint D. Moses

"ya hayyu ya qayyum bi rahmatika astagheethu aslihli shanee kullahu wa la takilnee ilaa nafsee tarfata `ayn."

This message was edited by ummu`Isa on 10-21-04 @ 11:47 AM

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