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Salaam 'alaykum, Question 3: There is a person who gives the verdict for the permissibility of trimming the beard for the purpose of going to Jihaad. What is the Sharee'ah view about that? Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah): The ahaadeeth concerning leaving the beard alone and letting it grow are mutawaatir, or they almost reach the level of tawaatur (overwhelming successive transmission), and amongst them, "leave alone the beard...", "let the beard grow...", "leave off (cutting) the beard...", "ennoble the beard (by letting it grow...", "let the beard flow...". And all of these are commands, the basis with respect to the command is that it (necessitates) obligation, so long as there does not exist anything from the various surrounding factors that would reduce it (from an obligation) to either (the level of) recommendation or permissibility and other than that. And there does not exist anything in this particular issue to turn these commands away (from indicating an obligation). Hence, anyone who claims this particular call or other than it, then it is upon him to provide the evidence, otherwise it is binding upon him to submit to these commands and show submission and compliance towards them. This is the first matter. And secondly, forgoing that, we say what is your reason ('illah) for that, in which is apparent, you do not have any texts, however your reason for this, what is it? So if they bring a justifying reason that is textually stated or which is unanimously agreed upon in the view of the people of knowledge - and how can they bring that - then it will be accepted, but otherwise it is rejected from them. (This was posted, transcribed on by the brothers, Abu Abdullaah al-Ghazzee as-Salafee and Abu Akram as-Salafee) Salafi Publications article id: MNJ190002 Salaam 'alaykum, Abu Muhammad Hasan Grooms