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» "Strengthen The Foundation of Your Deen" - 2 Weeks of Daily Study of the Pillars of Islaam (August 2009)
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02-08-2009 @ 8:20 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Saqib Punjaabi (from Yorkshire )
Posts: 141
Joined: Dec 2006

Organised by Muwahhideen Publications (Tobago, Carribeans).
Held at Masjid at Tawbah, Tobago.

"Strengthen The Foundation of Your Deen"

Daily Lessons for 2 Weeks, this August 2009

Held at Masjid at Tawbah (Tobago), this is a 2 week intensive study program of three important Pillars of Islaam (the course will cover two books in detail, and several other topics), with our Beloved and Noble Shaykh Muhammad al-Maaliki (hafidhahullaah).

Lessons are twice daily (inshallah), from Friday 31st July 2009 until Wednesday 12th August 2009, insha'Allaah.
(study will be both in Arabic and English).

The books are:
- Aqeedatul Waastiyah by Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Tayimiyyah (rahimahullaah)
- Al Usool Al-Aqaa'id fi Adeeniyyah by Ash-Shaykh Al-Allamah Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Nasr As-Sa'adi (rahimahullaah)

The other topics are:
- The Shuroot, Arkaan, Waajibaat, Sunaan and Common Mistakes of Salaat.
- The Secrets, Benefits and Rulings of Ramadaan.

* Also, as a special benefit, the Shaykh's wife, Umm 'Abdullaah, will be conducting tajweed classes for the sisters, insha'Allaah Ta'ala.

All classes will be broadcast in Paltalk Room: Muwahhideen Publications, insha'Allaah.

For further details, please visit
...(and scroll down the page)

Timetable:   Friday 31st July until Wednesday 12th August, 2009

Morning Session - 10am until 12:30pm (4pm until 6:30pm UK),
Evening Session - 6:45pm until 8pm (12:45am until 2am UK),

Sisters Tajweed - 5pm until 6pm (11pm until 12 midnight UK).

All classes will be broadcast in Paltalk Room: Muwahhideen Publications, insha'Allaah.

Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an-laa ilaa'ha illa Anta, Astagh'firuka wa atoobu ilayk
(Glory is to You, O Allah, and All praise is to You. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but You (alone). I seek Your forgiveness and r

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