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» Emergency Appeal for Cardiff Salafibookshop
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23-07-2008 @ 12:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdul fattah Ali Mohamed (CARDIFF, UK)
Posts: 38
Joined: Nov 2006

Emergency Appeal

Asalaamu Alaykum Warahmatulaahi Wabarkaatuh

To: Brothers and Sisters

The bookshop is in a serious situation in terms of finance and may even close down if it continues like this.

There are only few people that pay the monthly direct debit, so we get new stock every few months and there is lack of sales.

As you have already noticed there are no lessons at the bookshop at the moment and we are complaining saying that the Dawah is dead when weýre doing nothing to help it.


Alhamdulillah there are so many of us in here in Cardiff yet we can't even run the bookshop, the bookshop cannot arrange anymore lessons or activities because of the financial difficulties.

We all need to give as generously as we can, there is no fixed amount, and we only ask that you give ý5 or ý10 a week or month. If you can afford more this, it will be more reward for you, it would also aid the Dawah if we were to invite our family members and friends (Muslims and non-Muslims alike), to advertise the bookshop and create publicity for it.

Do not let the shaytaan fool you, and make that ý5 or ý10 seem a significant amount because we spend more than that DAILY on insignificant things that will not aid us in the akhirah in the slightest but perhaps enter us into sin. This can be a sadaqatul jaariyah,  yaa ikhwaan wa akhawaat.

As Allaah (ýAzza wa Jal) states.

ýThose who spend their wealth (in the Cause of Allaah) by night and by day, in secret and in public, they shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear nor shall they grieveý. (Surah Baqarah 274)

The bookshop is a charity shop and has no income except that which people pay into it. This at the moment is VERY LITTLE.  

Please brothers and sisters, let us move forward from this and help the Dawah in Cardiff which at the moment is in desperate need. It's time to wake up brothers and sisters the bookshop is OUR responsibility if WE do not help it then NO-ONE else will. Wallaahi we have become lethargic in our efforts.

The Dawah in Cardiff has deteriorated over the past couple of years because of the lack of activities in our community. The interest in lessons and Dawah has declined if not DIMINISHED. It seems that we have become content with our worldly lives and forgotten about the Akhirah. Brothers and Sisters Cardiff once had an active Salafi community but this is no longer apparent.

Not only do we NOT attract the general public (Muslims and Non-Muslims) to the bookshop and Salafiyyah which Allah has so generously blessed us with, but we ourselves go to the bookshop very little, if  not AT ALL.  There is little activity in the bookshop due to the lack of funding which we (the Salafi community) should be taking the responsibility for.

There is much concern for the youth of Cardiff who have taken other undesirable routes, going to people whom they WILL NOT benefit with regards to their religion, yet they have the Dawatu-Salafiyyah at their footsteps. They do not know who to contact and where to go because they do not know about the bookshop and the blessing Allah has bestowed upon us with this magnificent Dawah.

If you were to pay ý10 a month it is equivalent to as little as ý2.50 a week.  

We ask Allah to make our intentions purely and sincerely for the sake of Allah and we seek His help in this.

Fill out the direct debit application form below, and return it to the brothers and Sisters responsible for it, call:  Brothers 07912076595

Sisters call 07877660425 or 07980111354

Barakaalahu Feekum

                              Standing Order

Your Name...........................

Address 1.............................

Address 2.............................


Post Code............................


Your bank details

Bank Name .........................

Bank Address ......................

Sort Code ............................

Account number .................

I/We instruct you to pay Salafi Publications (The Serenity) on the ...................of each month from....................... (Date) until I choose to terminate.

Signature......................... Date...........................                

Salafi Bookshop and Islamic

Information Centre

148 Penarth Road


CF11 6NJ


Bank Details                                  

Barclays Bank: PO BOX 69, CF1 1SG

Account Name: The Serenity

A/C: 30-46-19-89

Sort Code: 20-18-17

Barakalaahu Feekum

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