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» Questions to Abu Usama ath-Thahabi, Author of the "Bayan"
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Posted By Topic: Questions to Abu Usama ath-Thahabi, Author of the "Bayan"

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18-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 50
Joined: Aug 2002

In light of the recent joint statement of the Imaam of Jarh and  Ta'deel and the Mashayikh of Jordan, and given Abu Usama's outbursts, the following are questions that should be addressed to him. And he should provide answers for them:

1) What compelled you to write this pathetic bayaan?

2) Who are the Muqallideen and the Muhqibeen?

3) Who are the ones who followed the daleel from the very beginning, which was with Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee?

4) Is this issue still something which comes from the desires that people have in their nafs?

5) Have you reflected upon the saying of Abdullaah Ibn Mubarak, "Allah have mercy upon the person, who knows his true worth"? And have realised your worth, and realised that, unless you have something correct to say, in times of fitnah its best to keep silent rather than create more fitnah?

6) Why did you use the example of Muhammad ibn Nuh in the fitnah of the creation of the Qur'aan and compare it to yourself and those like you? Muhammad ibn Nuh faced pressure and resisted it for something that was the truth. You and your likes resisted the truth for baatil. Please explain? Why are you playing with these narrations and these examples in falsehood?

7) Interestingly, what exactly are the evidences that were with you all along in this issue? The statements of our Noble Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin? The positions of the Mashayikh of Jordan? We saw no evidence then, and none until now? All we saw was accusations of "Muqallideen" and "Muhqibeen"?

8) You state

Unlike the youth of Bani Israel, the 'MUQALLIDOON' will usually take the position of those who disbelieved in Musa (peace be upon him).[3] No matter what your hujjah or burhaan or narration happens to be, usually the 'MUHQIB' won't accept it, as his Deen is the Deen of someone else.

Allah says, "And they said, "No matter what sign you bring us with which to bewitch us, WE WILL NOT be believers in you. So We sent upon them the FLOOD and LOCUSTS and LICE and FROGS and BLOOD as distinct signs, but they were arrogant and were a criminal people". Al-A'raf verse 132

You are Jaahil. You speak and deduce proof from the Book of Allaah based upon jahl and hawaa. You compare the issue of Abul-Hasan, with this incident of Moosaa and Banee Israa'eel. Abul-Hasan is represented as Moosaa (alaihi salaam). The Salafees are represented as those who believed not in the signs Moosaa brought (i.e. evidences). This is parallel with the so called "evidences" of Abul-Hasan (that were rejected by the Salafees). And you and the followers of Abul-Hasan are represented as the "believers", those who saw the signs and believed.

In light of this:

a) when will you make tawbah from playing with Allaahs verses?

b) when will you make tawbah for slandering the Salafees?

c) when will you understand that your example, with your crooked, decrepid reasoning, actually applies to you, not the Salafees?

There are many more questions, but I hope answers can be provided for these.

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