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17-04-2008 @ 7:27 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Abdillaah Zaeem bin Sivardeen (unspecified)
Posts: 24
Joined: Jan 2003
In the name of Allaah, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem.

Indeed all praises are for Allaah and may His Salaah and Salaam be upon His Slave and Messenger Muhammad.

Taking Up the Citizenship of a Non-Muslim Country

Over eight years ago, one [British] brother had a problem concerning his wife, who was not a British citizen. He applied for her to become a British citizen, but then upon seeing the oath that she was required to swear, and after consulting elder scholars, they had to stop the procedure.

For those who are not aware, there are two versions of the oath ı one for a believer in ıGodı and one for an atheist. The first starts, ıI swear by Almighty Godıı while the other starts, ıI sincerely and solemnly affirmıı The rest of the oath is the same where the person agrees to given sincere and true allegiance to the Queen and her heirs and successors.

It was very obviously a pledge of allegiance [Bayıah], which of course should only be given to the Muslim ruler. This issue is of course, one of the biggest issues to do with Manhaj and ıAqeedah, which many muslims today have sadly erred in.

Initially, on behalf of the brother, I faxed Aboo Anas Haamid Al-Uthmaan in Kuwait, mainly because he understood English and so translation issues could be avoided. He replied that it was an important issue that affects thousands of Muslims in the west and so should be put to the ıBig Scholarsı.

I then asked Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank [who was well-known for translational accuracy] to translate the version of the oath that started, ıI sincerely and solemnly affirmıı I also asked him to add that the brother has found it easier to travel to Muslim countries [being British] while his wife had some problems getting visas, etc. I took his hand-written translation to Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan. The Shaykh [may Allaah preserve him] took the paper and told me to come back the next day. I returned and he returned the paper, with his hand written reply, that this oath was not allowed, because it ıcontradicts [yukhaalif] a Muslimıs Deen and ıAqeedahı. I then verbally confirmed with him, ıSo this oath is not allowed.ı and he replied ıYes, it is not allowed.ı This was in the autumn of 2000.

Since attending his lessons during all these past years, he has on a number of occasions, mentioned that it is not allowed to take up the citizenship of a Kaafir country. He has mentioned a number of reasons including the fact that is means that the person accepts to be ruled by their laws [which are obviously not derived from Islaam]. He also mentioned that it is feared that such a Muslim may be forced to fight with the Kufaar against the Muslims.

A few years ago during the summer, I was at the house of Shaykh Rabeeı [may Allaah preserve him]. The main advice the Shaykh was giving during those sittings was concerning the fitnah of Faalih and his followers, but in one Q&A session, a matter arose concerning an Arab brother who was often arrested by the authorities in his country, but had found a way of getting a visa to England and then the citizenship. The Shaykh said it was still not allowed and he simply quoted Yusuf [ıalayhis-Salaam] ıMy Lord! The prison is more beloved to me than what they call me toı. The Shaykh continued and voiced his dismay at how Muslims become citizens of Kaafir countries, citing that most of them do so because they desire the Dunyaa.

More recently, Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudayaan [may Allaah preserve him and cure him] said in one lesson, only a few weeks before his accident, that it was simply not allowed for a Muslim to take up the citizenship of a Kaafir country.

This unfortunate problem affects many of the Muslims, even those who ascribe themselves to Salafeeyah. Shortly after Shaykh Fawzaanıs reply, I informed one brother, who identifies with Salafeeyah and with well known callers, about the Shaykhıs reply - but he replied that he ıdidnıt careı!!! and he went ahead to make the oath to get the citizenship. And even during this year I have met others with similar connections and backgrounds who have also sworn the oath without objection or even question. And of course this is a well known trial for so many people of Bidıah who come to the West, seeking asylum, with stories that they are oppressed by their ıevilı governments ı and then they make the pledge of allegiance to a Kaafir leader, and then they spread evil amongst the Muslims in the West, inciting them to engage in acts of the Khawaarij, and their likes.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, Shaykh Fawzaan [may Allaah preserve him], has stated during his lessons, that even though there is no Bayıah for the Kaafir ruler, one should still NOT commit Khurooj. He asked him privately what he meant by that and he said it is not allowed to engage in activities that lead to the spilling of blood, chaos, etc. even if the ruler is a Kaafir.  

May Allaah make us firm upon the Haqq, especially in this important matter of Manhaj and Aqeedah. Anyone who has lived in the West and the Muslim world will realize this huge problem of not understanding the issue of hearing and obeying the Muslim Ruler and of being united behind him and of reserving the pledge of allegiance to him, and of not engaging in activities that lead to chaos, spilling blood, and Fasaad in the land.

And may Allaahıs Salaah and Salaam be upon His Messeneger Muhammad, and upon his Companions and Family and all his followers.

Aboo ıAbdillaah Zaeem Sivardeen
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Abu 'Abdillaah Zaeem Sivardeen
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia  

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