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10-04-2007 @ 9:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hatim Muneeb Abdullah ibn Iqbal (Bombay, India)
Posts: 12
Joined: Dec 2006
Clarifications of what has been fabricated about us by some of the publications and broadcasts

  الكاتب: [ أبو مصعب السلفي ]

   الإيضاحات لما لفقته علينا بعض الجرائد والإذاعات (بشأن مركز دماج )

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين وبعد:
فقد شاع وذاع بين الناس أن مركز دار الحديث بدماج وطلبة العلم هناك أن ثمة حرب بين الطلاب والرافضة -قاتلهم الله -
وهذا شريط للشيخ يحيى حفظه الله بعنوان الإيضاحات لما لفقته علينا بعض الجرائد والإذاعات.
أنه لا يوجد حرب بين أهل السنة والرافضة، وغاية ما في الأمر أن اثنين من طلبة العلم صعدوا الجبل الذي يتمركز فيه الرافضة مع أهل البلاد، بدون إذن من الشيخ حفظه الله حيث قال: شطحا وذهبا بدون إذن مني .
فحصل: أن قتل أخ فرنسي -رحمه الله- وجرح آخر فرنسي جزائري -أسأل الله أن يشفية -
والآن لا يوجد شيئ في المركز وهو كالعادة مع أن إخواننا آخذين الاحتياطات اللازمة، لمواجة الرافضة ومن أراد المركز بسوء - أسأل الله أن يدفع عنه وعن سائر بلاد المسلمين كيد الكائدين .
ومن قال أن هناك حرب بين أهل السنة والرافضة فهو كاذب، وقد كفانا الله شرهم بالدولة وفقها الله .

كتبه بيانًا وتطمينا لإخوانه أهل السنة المحبين، وإغاضة للمتربصين والحاقدين أخوكم أبو مصعب السلفي: حسين بن أحمد بن علي الحجوري
مشرف موقع الشيخ يحيى حفظه الله

Author: Aboo Mus'ab asSsalafee

Clarifications of what has been fabricated about us by some of the publications and broadcasts (i.e. the situation in Dammaaj)

In the name of Allaah the Rahmaan the Raheem

All praise to Allaah, Lord of all creation, and His salaah and salaam upon the noblest of the prophets and messengers, to proceed:

Rumors have been broadcast amongst the people that the Daar al-Hadeeth center in Dammaaj, the students there, and that there is a war between the students and the raafidhah(shee'ah)-Allah fight them-and this recording by Shaykh Yahyaa al-Hajooree, Allaah preserve him, by the title of "Clarifications of what has been fabricated about us by some of the publications and broadcasts".

Its contents (are):

There is definitely no war between Ahlus-Sunnah and the raafidhah, and all that the matter amounted to was that two students climbed the mountain where the raafidhah were concentrated along with the local people; they did so without the permission of the Shaykh,Allaah preserve him, were he said: "They went off and left without my approval.

Then what happened: the French brother was killed-Allah have mercy upon him- and the other, a French Algerian, was wounded-I ask Allaah for his wellbeing.

"Right now, there is no problem at the center and all is as usual, along with the fact that our brothers are taking the proper precautions in the face of the raafidhah, and all those who desire evil for the center- I ask Allaah defend it (Dammaaj) and the rest of the Muslim lands against the plots of the schemers.

And whoever says that there is a war between the People of the Sunnah and the raafidhah, then he is a liar. Allaah has given us enough protection from them through the (Yemenee) government."

Writing this clearly and certainly to his beloved brothers of Ahlus-Sunnah, and doing so despite those who lurk in ambush and spitefully, your brother, Aboo Mus'ab as-Salafee: Husayn bin Ahmad bin Alee al-Hajooree-administrator of Shaykh Yahyaa's site-Allaah preserve him.

‏قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ‏ ‏صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ‏ ‏كَفَى بِالْمَرْءِ كَذِبًا أَنْ يُحَدِّثَ بِكُلِّ مَا سَمِعَ

مقدمة صحيح مسلم

Allaah's Messenger said, "It is enough for one to be considered a liar that he speaks about every thing he hears."

The Introduction to Saheeh Muslim

Ibraaheem al-Harbee said, ?I heard Ahmad (Ahmad Ibn Hanbal) say, ?If you love that Allaah should keep you upon that which you love, then remain upon that which He loves, and the good is in the one who sees no good in himself.?

31-03-2007 @ 1:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
أبو  عادل بن ع (Miami, FL : Madinah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 23
Joined: Oct 2005
There was another recent incident this week with Westerners being murdered in cold blood. This time it wasn't in Saudi Arabia... it was in Dammaj, Yemen.

There's been a group of Rawafidh leading a rebellion against the Yemeni Government, their leader is known as al-Houthi. Just this week, they attacked a group of students who study in Dar al-Hadith (Shaikh Muqbil's Camp). Those killed were Foreigners, two of them. One of the two murdered students was a French Brother.
Read summarized translation of Yemen News article.

This of course is not the first murder of innocent people this year. Last month a group of French Expatriates was murdered near the outskirts of Madinah. Two of them were Muslims and Shaikh `Ali al-Hudhaifi prayed their Janaazah in the Prophet's Mosque.
[url=]French Nationals Executed near Madinah[/url]

May Allah have Mercy on our fallen brothers and cure the wounded ones, and may He make it easy for their families and take revenge on their behalf.

Update: The other victim seems to be a British brother. There was a third victim but he was only wounded, he was a French-Algerian.

[url=]Abu Miftah[/url]
[url=]al-Madinah[/url], [url=]Saudi Arabia[/url]

This message was edited by abumiftah on 3-31-07 @ 10:24 AM

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