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» Clairifacation needed from Aboo Tasneem Dawood Adeeb
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03-01-2007 @ 7:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Yahya Amr Ibn Mohammad Ibn Mustafa As-Salafee Al-Atharee (USA)
Posts: 15
Joined: Sep 2006
As salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

To proceed?

This is a request from Aboo Tasneem, Dawood Adeeb to clarify the issues that i will bring up in this thread bi ithn ilāha...

1. Who, oh Aboo Tasneem, are your teachers? Who did you sit with? Who did you learn Arabic from? How long were you with each teacher?

2. Why (in a tape that i heard) do you call Aboo Usaamah Adh-Dhahabee and Muhammad Al-Jibaalee your Shaykhs?

3. There is a rumor going around that when you were in Saudi Arabia, you were kicked out because you slandered Ma`hmud Muraad, and instead of being flogged for your mistake you fled Saudi and a Medīnah University chance (as you were accepted there) and implying the Shari?ah. Is there any truth to this? and have you (if you did slander him) repented and recanted your statements, and apologized publicly? (If you cant do the time, don?t do the crime)

4. When you were in Saudi (after the slander, before the leave from there) Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool said that (and i have heard the tape) you are ignorant, and that you have no right to be an Imām of a Masjid, or giving classes, rather, he said that you should only learn.

5. Yet when you came back to America, you took a position as Imaam of a Masjid, why did you not follow shaykhs instructions? A follower of Qur?an and Sunnah, a Salafee.

6. You were instructed by Shaykh Rabee? to stop attacking Saleem Al-Hilalee and Alee Al-Halabee, why do you not ask the brothers on Salafi talk to remove the attacks on them, or advise them?

7. You were told by some of the Ulemaa? to apologize to all of the people that you have attacked, including Aboo Usaamah, yet you have only apologized to Muhammad Al-Jibaalee, why have you not apologized to the others, such as Mahmood Muraad, who you were accused of slandering and attacking?

8. You were told to stop teaching (as we have mentioned), why don?t you tell Insight Audio and Aboo Muhammad Al-Luwesiaanee to stop spreading your tapes, and others who spread your tapes such as Troid, Salafi Publications?

I hope you take the time to clarify these important issues, for the Salafi?een to know, and feel more safe when listening to your lectures.
Was Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah

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