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» Using Video For Dawaah-Shaikh Abu Amr Al Hajoree
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Posted By Topic: Using Video For Dawaah-Shaikh Abu Amr Al Hajoree

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12-12-2006 @ 6:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hatim Muneeb Abdullah ibn Iqbal (Bombay, India)
Posts: 12
Joined: Dec 2006

Shaikh Abu Amr Al Hajoree was asked on the using of video for the purpose of dawaah

He replied stating that its Haraam and also clarified the argument of some,who use the video lectures of shaikh bin baaz rahimaullah and shaikh uthaimeen rahimaullah as their "Daleel" for it

please click the link below for the audio attachment insha allah


Stated Imaam Aboo ?Amr ?Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn ?Amr al-Awzaa?ee (d.179H) - ?Stick to the aathaar of those who have preceded (man salaf), even if the people reject you.  And beware of the opinions of men, even if they beautify it for you with speech.  So the affair is young and you are upon a Straight Path with regards to it.?

This message was edited by abu.hatim.muneeb on 12-14-06 @ 1:39 PM

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