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28-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 327
Joined: Sep 2002
Sheikh Muhammad al Banna advises Brixton

I begin in the name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, the Most Kind. All praise is due to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah and that Muhammad is slave and Messenger. Laa Hawla wa la Quwata illa billaah.

I have not seen any clarification from those at Brixton regarding the fitnah of Abul Hasan from the perspective of the elder scholars and I have not seen any dissociation from his supporters such as Abdulqaadir while he defended the errors and innovated principles of Abul Hasan. Also, since nothing has been written and recanted from the cooperation/defence of those who lecture at Brixton with KBW mosque despite the advice of Sheikh Rabee? that ?they shouldn?t bring about reasons to cause differences and splits between the salafees? and other issues. It is a trust to uphold the truth and be with the people of truth and to openly say an open error is an error that must be rejected and refuted. I decided to ask our elder Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahab Marzooq al Banna about what should be the next step. So I read the following to the sheikh and then the sheikh advised accordingly. I have put the sheikh?s reply first to show respect to the sheikh.

After reading my statement below Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al Banna Replied by saying:

I advise with the following of those who are upon the Book and the Sunnah and the Methodology of the pious predecessors. As for those who oppose then we do not go to them nor should we mix with them as I have advised the Jordanians. I mentioned their mistake in defending Abu Hasan and I had clarified to them that he lies. And this stems from following whims and desires and love for this world and having self admiration for himself. I am almost certain that he refuted Sheikh Rabee? knowing that he is mistaken and sheikh Rabee? being correct. Also, I advise with what you have advised with for your speech (regarding Brixton) is good as I say being silent in this Fitnah (of theirs ? meaning Brixton?s fitnah) is not permissible and does not exonerate them to clarify their stance rather they should clarify their position and follow the truth.

Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab Marzooq al Banna
24/10/02  corresponding to18th Sha?ban 1423

The following is what I read and explained to the Sheikh:

When I went back to London during the summer 2002, I had seen a brother who was the Imam of Brixton Mosque. His name is Ahmed Markawee Sagheer Somali. I saw him in  Masjid Tawheed. I said to him, ?why does Ahmed Awais give lessons in this mosque?
قال البربهاري في " السنة " : ( والمحنة في الإسلام بدعة ، وأمّا اليوم فيمتحن بالسنة ).
Since those who run Masjid Tawheed in Leyton are known for their cooperation with the Ikhwaanis such as FOSIS and their cooperation with Abu Muntasir and his JIMAS including those who attend the JIMAS conference such as Ali Tameemi, Zarabozo etc.? He said, ?It is due to dhuroof (circumstances) such as not having a bigger place.? He told me they were planning in getting their own place.

Then he remembered my voice from a tape he listened to when I had taken Abdulhaq to see Sheikh Rabee? hoping things would be sorted out in Brixton last May 2002. In this recorded meeting sheikh Rabee? enquired about a translator by the name of Yahyah Ibrahim (who cooperates with KBW mosque) who had translated for Brixton mosque the summer of 2001. In this tape, I told sheikh Rabee? about the latest concerning Yahyah Ibrahim as I was following his posts in Zaahid?s web site called Sabeelulmumineen (And all praise is due to Allaah that it is closed down since many of the hizbees would spread their confusions against the principles of the salafi manhaj and we would be at war with them). I told Sheikh Rabee? that Yahyah Ibrahim was still referring back to those at Khalid ibn Waleed mosque such as Basheer Schill who Yahyah called ?Sheikh?. So I explained to Sheikh Rabee? that Yahyah is still cooperating with this hizbi mosque. And I explained to sheikh Rabee? that those at KBW mosque were the ones who brought Adnan ?Urur to their mosque! And the rest of the info that I had taken from our salafi brothers at TROID. For example::::

Yahyaa said: ?Third thing if you?re going to ask for naseeha, ask with those who can see the problem, who are in the problem, can see it, visualize it and understand it. Who have the sufficient knowledge. Bring it to someone like Shaykh Basheer, (Note: Basheer is present and does not censure Yahyaa!) bring it to me and I will translate it for you. Bring it to brother Afraaz who will translate it for you. He doesn?t have a solution, he will write it for you.?
(Taken from the meeting between KBW and Troid at KBW)
In the same meeting, ?Shaikh? Basheer said: ?As for the affair of America, then it has its own ?Ulamah.?
(Taken from the meeting between KBW and Troid at KBW)
The Qaa?idah of the ?scholar?, ?Shaikh? Basheer: ?The Shaykh says, even from the Scholars Imaam Ghazalee who was known to be in philosophy in Sufism and had many mistakes, yet from some of the best works in Usool al-Fiqh in the principles of Islaamic Jurispudence in Fiqh was his book. And this is something that all of the other Scholars took from and taught. Also if we were to say Ibn Hajr was Asharee we don?t take from him where would we leave Fath al-Baree? Or Imaam Nawawee?s sharh of Muslim? Therefore we understand that we take what is good, leave what is evil. And this is the madhaab of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaah.?
(Taken from the meeting between KBW and Troid at KBW)

Ahmed Sagheer said to me, ?how can you say who made Basheer a sheikh when the scholars from Jordan know him???

I said to him why then didn?t Basheer and those with him listen to their advice when they were told by them not to bring Adnan ?Urur?

(5) Shaykh ?Alee Hasan and Shaikh Usaamah al-Qoosee sat Yahyaa and Basheer Yoosuf Shill down and advised them not to bring ?Adnaan in. However, the masjid brought ?Adnaan in, even after the brothers at TROID passed out the cassettes warning about ?Adnaan. The brothers at TROID also sat down with ?Abdun-Naasir as-Somali (one of the head administrators of the Masjid) to personally advise him about ?Adnaan after he had heard the tapes and was aware of the Kalaam of the ?Ulamaa?. Still, they brought him in.

وقال الأوزاعي : ( من خفيت علينا نحلته لم تخف عنّا إلفته ) ، رواه ابن بطة في " الإبانة "

I noticed his defence for Basheer. I told Ahmed Sagheer that I will bring him 3 pages of Basheer?s own quotes where he goes against manhaj as-Sallaf and speaks against the scholars pushing himself up. Such as:

?Shaikh? Basheer says: ?Oh my brothers, fear Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, this is my advice. And as for the one who says to you, ?Look at the Internet website of so and so and the tape of so and so.? (Tell him) ?My brother I need the time for worship.? And the knowledge that is going around amongst the youth today, it is either an audio tape or a small book, it is either an audio tape or a small book. And this is not from knowledge. The refutation of so and so and the refutation of so and so and the refutation of so and so this brings one far away from the Religion of Allaah, the Mighty, the Majestic?
(Taken from the meeting between KBW and Troid at KBW)

Basheer said:
?No one from amongst us, knows forty hadeeth, so how are we going to speak about Manhaaj? How? How can you say a person is a Surooree? And you don?t know what is a Surooree and you don?t know what is Surooreeyah? I don?t know what Surooreeyah is, how do you know my brother? By Allaah the Majestic, this is self-deception! This is self-deception! And whoever stays away from this self-deception. Then he alone will be saved in this world and the hereafter?
(Taken from the meeting between KBW and Troid at KBW)

Basheer?s Disrespect for Shaikh Muqbil and Shaikh Rabee?
Note: Shareef ?Abdun-Noor did a phone lecture with KBW and praised Sayyid Qutb and defamed those who have refuted him. The tape is called Dawrka Masaajidda and it was done by Shareef Abdul-Noor and Omar Farooq in the Q & A part of the tape at 58 minutes into the tape.
Basheer said: ?If we speak about the reality, and Shaykh Rabee does not know the reality, this is important. The Fatwaa is based upon the question, it is based upon the question. However you ask me, that?s how I will answer. The person depends upon the question. Good. This is the reality, it is known. Why have you not asked Shaykh Adnaan, why have we not asked Shaykh Alee al-Halabee, Shaykh Usamah al-Qoosee and Shaykh Aboo Ishaaq al-Huwaynee, those who come here and visit us? Why do we not ask them? And likewise, why do we not ask a group of Scholars? A group of major Scholars, such as the Committee of Major Scholars or the Gathering of Major Scholars. This is what Shaykh Safwaat Noorideen says every year, every year! We have not seen a year pass by except that he has said this. And we do not advise the brothers except with this. So why do we not ask? It makes no difference to me. If I mention a question with a certain mode of expression then I ask Shaykh al-Albanee, he will say, ?This is a misguided innovator.? Even if the person himself was from the strongest people in understanding. So, oh my brothers, Shaykh Muqbil erred without a doubt. The same situation came to him that is coming to us (i.e. Shaikh Rabee?s words about Abu Muslimah). They asked him about a man, Shareef Abdul-Noor who is older than Shaykh Rabee and more knowledgeable than him, as we know. So he passed a fatwaa that he (Shareef Abdul-Noor) is a misguided innovator. What is this?! He does not know him, he does not know his knowledge and he does not know that he (Shareef Abdul-Noor) is more knowledgeable than his (Shaykh Muqbil?s) own Shayook! Subhanalaah!?
(Taken from the meeting between KBW and Troid at KBW)

I had mentioned some examples of these errors to Ahmed Sagheer then he surprised me by saying that he will call Basheer and advise him (I knew there was a ?alaaqah- connection there!!). Then Ahmed Sagheer said, ?I do not agree with sheikh Muqbil?s saying that Shareef Abdul-Noor is misguided and a misguider (Daalon mudil).? From then on I knew that the problems in Brixton are not just their speaking about the salafi brothers in Birmingham. I knew it was deeper than that. Then Ahmed Awais who gives lessons at Brixton mosque gave a phone lecture to KBW mosque in Canada. Is this the way of da?wato salafiyyah?  

Then about 2 weeks later or so I went passed the Somalian bookshop near Masjid Tawheed and Ahmed Sagheer was giving a lesson there (they stock tapes by Shareef Abdul-Noor). I hence handed over the 3 page errors of Basheer to him as I had promised and he started defending the fact that it was allowed for a student of knowledge to give lectures in a hizbee mosque if there were no strings attached. I said who said this from the Ulamaa? He said ?Sheikh al Albaani and we heard it so many times.? I said but there are details to this like you must clarify the salafi manhaj and show the differences between them and us. He said ?no you don?t have to mention the differences since sheikh al Albaani never said this and he mentioned it in detail.?!!! Then he told me not to make fatwaa. I said to him this is not the way of the Ulamaa since the hizbees will say, ?look we are salafees since such and such salafi is with us.? And he kept on saying ?don?t make fatwaa? and I knew he was wrong since I have not seen this tamayu? (leniency that is not in its place) from our scholars, for they warn us from this. Sheikh al Banna continues to warn us from sitting with the ahlul bid?ah and hizbees. Sheikh Rabee? warned Maghrawee not to sit with Adnan Urur. But Maghrawee did not listen and ended up following Adnan.

Then Ahmed Sagheer said ?Sheikh Yahyah Haajoori gave a lecture in Regents Park mosque.? I said to him it was different since that mosque is open to all and the Salafees clarify the manhaj and refute the bid?ah. But he was trying to use this to allow them to continue in Masjid Tawheed and continue their cooperation with the hizbees even on the same platform. Sheikh Yahyah Haajoori never sat at the same platform with a hizbee and he clarified the manhaj.

I searched for sheikh Al Albaani?s tape (rahimahullaah) where he was supposed to have said that you can do a lecture in a hizbee mosque as long as no strings attached and without mentioning differences!!! Alhamdolillaah I found the tape, it happened to be the four da?wiyyah tapes that Abul Hasan had done with Sheikh al Albaani rahimahullaah. It was tape number 2, side 1. I listened to it many times until I came to the conclusion that Ahmed Sagheer is not telling the truth. Yes, sheikh al Albaani rahimahullaah says ?Yafrid wa la Yofrad ?alaih? meaning that the caller should stipulate conditions on them and they must not stipulate condition on him. And that the caller does not surprise them but he tells them what he will talk about. And Abu Layla in the background of this tape says ?O Sheikh you were invited by a university and you did not attend? So Sheikh al Albaani rahimahullaah says, ?Because they want me to talk how they want me to talk not how I want to talk.? Then at the end of the answer regarding this question Abul Hasan summarises in the presence of Sheikh al Albaani while Sheikh agrees, Abul Hasan says that if the student of knowledge goes he must CLARIFY THE MANHAJ AND MENTION THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN US AND THEM!!!

إن أتباع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم صدقاً ، وهم الذين يأخذون بهديه ويقتدون بسنته ، يأخذون الدين بجميع جوانبه ، استجابة لقول الله تعالى : { يا أيها الذين آمنوا ادخلوا في السلم كافة ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان إنه لكم عدو مبين }
So where was Ahmed Sagheer from this tafseel (detail)???!! Such that he lies with certainty that this was not mentioned in the tape!!!

I was asked to do a khoutbah by Abdulhaq and I explained to him the problem of his attitude towards the salafi brothers in Birmingham and having Ahmed Sagheer in his mosque and the cooperation of Ahmed Awais with KBW mosque as well as their cooperation and friendship with Abdulqaadir from Luton.

I agreed to do a khoutbah there and I knew it would be my last one since I was going to mention to those there, the importance of sticking to the elder Ulamaa, and how the Ulamaa refute the innovators and people of error by name. Alhamdolillaah, I pray to Allaah to reward me for warning against Sayid Qutb, Adnan ?Urur, Maghrawee, Abul Hasan, Abu Muslimah, Basheer Schill by name and those that cooperate with them. I know that every place has a saying but I was not going to speak on good manners (and that is khair) when issues of cooperation with those with bid?ah principles goes on, and no open warning of these individuals has taken place. Besides the simple principle of following the Quran and Sunnah in the Fahm of the Sallaf and following the elder scholars in times of fitnah is a simple principle for the general people and the last 7 minutes was for those at Brixton. I also mentioned the hizbiyyah of sticking only to 1, 2,3 scholars in your affairs referring to the contract drawn up at Brixton. I asked Sheikh al Banna concerning my Khoutbah and he said:

Sheikh al Banna said, ?this is what we do in our mosque, If it is a salafi mosque then clarify the manhaj of the sallaf and mention names just like we do in our mosque.?  [this was mentioned to me over the phone on Saturday 13th July].

Those at Brixton allowed these errors to continue. When have they clarified OPENLY the errors of Abul Hasan, Maghraawee, and those whom their own lecturers cooperate with? Even after Abdulhaq visited the mashayakh in Saudi. I could see his attitude change when he went back to London again. When Bilal Philips said what he said against those at Brixton they were very quick to refute it what about when evil, innovated principles affecting the ummah are spread by the likes of Maghraawee, Abul Hasan, and others, when cooperation continues to happen with those who lecture there with the hizbees in Canada. Yet they say we are busy learning. Was not Brixton busy learning when they refuted Bilal Philips?

This is also a part of the deen which is neglected. And I hear another doubt ?not every scholar is required to speak about the affairs of this one and that one.? But all you are asked to do is mention what the elder scholars have said not speak yourselves about the affairs. Besides not every scholar runs a center and mosque and Brixton does. And since they are in the midst of it, they can?t pretend as if nothing is happening. They must clarify and free themselves of those that cooperate from the hizbees and those that defend the innovators and people of error like Abdulqaadir?s defence of Abul Hasan. Indeed I told Abdulhaq about him and now he may realise the fitnah of his mosque cooperating with him.

I heard that Ahmed Sagheer spoke to those at Brixton that I was not on Brixton?s side when I had spoken to sheikh Rabee? regarding Yahyah Ibrahim!! Are we not supposed to be on the side of the truth?? Otherwise hiding the truth and sticking for a party is indeed hizbiyyah.  Besides sheikh Rabee? asked about Yahyah and I gave him the latest.

Sheikh Rabee? Says in his tape ?Reasons for deviation?:
?From the most important things that I advise myself with and my brothers is to be firm upon the truth and with Ikhlaas (sincerity) in it to Allaah, the Most High. And to have accountability to Allaah in it.?

Then the conference happened and Saleem al Hilaali said what he said and the whole atmosphere was set up again regarding Irhaab al fikri. We all know open innovations or open errors must be refuted and rejected. AbdulHaq told me we support our brothers in Birmingham for their refutations and then set the atmosphere that we don?t have to refute openly since our mashayakh advised us with this. Refutations are part of the deen and as Ibn al Qayim mentioned that the scholars of Ahlusunnah would exaggerate in refuting the innovations and innovators more so than their refuting sins, oppression, and transgression for the harm of innovation and its destruction of the deen is far greater. [refer to Ibn alQayim?s Madaarij 1/327]. See also Imam Ahmed?s Rad ?alal Jahmiyyah p.52 and Sheikh al Islaam ibn Taymiyyah?s Rad ?ala Bakri.

Then the statements came from AbdulQaadir defending Abul Hasan?s errors even after he knew them and read them in sheikh Rabee?s house!! Infact he was given them by Sheikh Rabee? himself! And Sheikh Rabee? salled him ?Safeeh? Is not this enough to openly dissociate yourselves from Abdulqaadir and his statements??

Then we heard that Ahmed Sagheer is saying that Abul Hasan was correct regarding ?Hadeeth ahead and that this was the saying of Sheikh al Albaani rahimahullaah. This doubt was easily refuted by Sheikh Rabee? and also Haani Baraik, a Yemeni student of knowledge who used to be the Imam for Sheikh al Banna?s mosque showed the truncation Abul Hasan made in his quotes regarding the statements of the scholars. This can been read in one of the Refutation of Abul Hasan?s posts on

And so these are some of the details regarding those at Brixton for we are not with them so long as they are upon this. I have seen no open, written retraction from Brixton of these open errors so I have written this having mercy for those who want the truth.
قال تعالى : { إنّا للنصر رسلنا والذين آمنوا في الحياة الدنيا ويوم يقوم الأشهاد }
After allowing advice, time and patience with those at Brixton but the haq must go forward, I ask Allaah for thabat upon the haq and ikhlaas and to die upon that.

خيراً: أسأل الله العلي العظيم أن يوفق شباب الأمة، للرجوع إلى الحق، ونصرته، والدفاع عنه،  إنه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه.
وصلى الله على نبينا وعلى آله إلى يوم الدين، وأخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين.

عبد الا له بن رابح  الحمامي

وروى أبو القاسم اللالكائي في " شرح أصول اعتقاد أهل السنة "، عن قتادة أنه قال لعاصم الأحول : ( يا أحول إن الرجل إذا ابتدع بدعة ينبغي لها أن تذكر حتى تحذر ) .

31-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 13
Joined: Jul 2002
Stated Shaykh Muhammad Abdulwahhab Marzooq al Banna:

I advise with the following of those who are upon the Book and the Sunnah and the Methodology of the pious predecessors. As for those who oppose then we do not go to them nor should we mix with them as I have advised the Jordanians. I mentioned their mistake in defending Abu Hasan and I had clarified to them that he lies. And this stems from following whims and desires and love for this world and having self admiration for himself. I am almost certain that he refuted Sheikh Rabee? knowing that he is mistaken and sheikh Rabee? being correct. Also, I advise with what you have advised with for your speech (regarding Brixton) is good as I say being silent in this Fitnah (of theirs ? meaning Brixton?s fitnah) is not permissible and does not exonerate them to clarify their stance rather they should clarify their position and follow the truth.

Shaykh Muhammad Abdulwahhab Marzooq al Banna
24/10/02  corresponding to18th Sha?ban 1423

Brixton, you claim you have strong connection with Ahlul Ilm [and this a lie]
Then heed the advice of one of the most senior of the ulamah!

Heed it
Accept it
Act upon it

But you are still playing.

Indeed you are far form the ulamah, and far from accepting their advice, just as abdul Haq rejected their advice.
So Brixton masjid?s ?administration? continue to reject advice of the ulamah!

You have exposed yourselves and your ignorance.

Why do you reject Shaykh al-Banna?s advice? and advice form other then him, is it because he is not one of the 2 shaykhs you must refer back to in all of your affairs?

Extract from Brixton contract:
?No one from either of the two sides may go to another scholar who is ignorant of the situation here.... Rather referring back to other scholars will only be for the two aforementioned shaykhs.."

? ... with regard to the present situation and future results, and this is referred back to the two shaykh alone - either they order something from that, otherwise it will not be, and it is binding upon everyone that they submit to what the two of them say, and not to open the door to all and sundry.?

"No one from either of the two sides may go to another scholar who is ignorant of the situation here.... Rather referring back to other scholars will only be for the two aforementioned shaykhs.."

Is it because, as has been heard so many times from the lips of Abdul Haq and other then him from Brixton, ?we busy ourselves in seeking knowledge, and we leave these affairs (of Jarh wa ta?deel) for the scholars? !!!

Is it because you are too proud to admit you are wrong?

Is it because ?we should be patient and wait for the scholars to speak?? - !!!

Is it because you have to verify for yourselves these words form Shaykh al-Banna? [Another false principle of Abul Hasan Brixton masjid have adopted, seeking verification of the narrations even thought they have come from thiqaat!!]

Is it because you know you are in a mess and saying something will only make things worse? ? Even though what is required from you is repentance and clarification.

Is it because you have to phone the Jordanian shaykhs and ask them what to say?

Is it because you think with enough time all will be forgotten?

So you still stick to this baatil contract (even though you claim you are free from it), a contract which has been nullified and labled as being Hizby by Shaykh Ubayd, Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh  Ahmad an-Najmi and Shaykh Faalih.

Sheikh al Banna said, ?this is what we do in our mosque, If it is a salafi mosque then clarify the manhaj of the salaf and mention names just like we do in our mosque.?

Maybe the only difference between Brixton, QSS and SSNA is that many have freed themselves from QSS that used to be with them, and many have freed themselves from SSNA that used to be with them, but we have heard of none that have freed themselves from Brixton!

إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ تَابُواْ وَأَصْلَحُواْ وَبَيَّنُواْ فَأُوْلَـئِكَ أَتُوبُ عَلَيْهِمْ وَأَنَا التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ

Is there any reward for good but good? [55:60]

This message was edited by kitaabut-tawheed on 10-31-02 @ 10:50 PM

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