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19-09-2003 @ 9:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Sheikh Usaamah Al Qoosi and the scholars of Jordan
( 03.09.2003 03:57 )
al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu alaa
Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa bad:

as-Salaam alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuhu,

It has come to our attention that there is wide spread belief that the scholars who had recently attended the Return to Ilm conference in Brixton this August are not salafee. For the sake of Allah and his religion we say the following:(extract from the front page of brixtons website aimed at none other than the salafees who are clear in their manhaj)

is it not amazing to see how brixton masjid "masjid ibn taymeeyah" still have the above advert on their front page of their website. they call usaamah al qoosee (a person who makes open mockery of shaykh rabee the imaam of jarh wa tadeel in this era and shaykh faalih al harbee the one who knows the hiding places of the hizbees) a shaykh!!! truly amazin. whoever allah wants good for he gives him understanding of the deen. all of this after (as the brothers have mentioned in some of the posts on salafitalk) abdulhaqq in the presence of shaykh rabee agreed to the non defending of anyone who supports abul hassan al fishee. this is nothing but treachery, and fighting against the manhaj of the salaf and i say that because brixton are not any longer ignorant of these affairs. abdul haqq and his brixton posse lied on shaykh muhammad albanna by using him as a tazkeeyah for the inviting of usaamah alfiloosi to their masjid. the shaykh told off abdul haqq for this deception and warned against usaamah alfiloosi. brixton wake up!!! why do you oppose the ulaamah, the brothers in the west keep advising you to come clear and you keep running away, humble yourselves, stop this playing with the scholars, leave the asaagir, swallow your pride, islaam is easy alhamdulillah, go to birmingham to those who are known to be clear and you know who they are, those who follow the towjeehaat of the ulaama through all of the fitan through the last ten years or so, can you not see the sun which burns your faces. the scholars will speak against you if you do not change your ways and then it will be all over. either you suffer from an evil intention or evil understanding either way the return is to the scholars but not the ones that you say are scholars but rather shaykh rabee, shaykh ubaid, shaykh faalih, shaykh zayd and shaykh ahmad najmee just to mention a few. the affair is clear and your position is known and the excuse of ignorance is running thin!!! the plot thickens!!! watch this space from a salafee who wants to advise those at brixton for the sake of allah may allah accept it from us aameen                

ابوعبدالله، سعيدالجهلمي، السلفي

20-09-2003 @ 1:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 37
Joined: Aug 2002
Jazaakallah khayr.

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