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30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002
..--=ahamdulillaah was. salaatu was. salaamu `alaa rasoolillaah.=--..
wa. ba`ad

JazaakAllaahu Khayran, Akhee Abu.Maryam.T, for those words.

Let it be known that there is a network of individuals in operation to harm the da`wah that is connected to the da`wah and manhaj of Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee, Shaykh Faalih bin Naafi`, Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan and others, and this network extends from the US, parts of Europe, the Emirates and here in the UK in places such as Luton, Brixton, and also various small isolated factions in Birmingham, and the handful of others who are supportive of them in various other towns, and who possess a history of shakiness and confusion and lack of clarity as well as hatred and envy towards the clear Salafees, and more than often personal issues and ignorance are what drives them. The issue of Abul-Hasan as-Sulaimaanee has brought elements of this network out into the open, as well as the latent hatred and enmity that was lurking in the background prior to this fitnah.

They want an "alternative da`wah" to the da`wah of those connected to the major scholars of today, and they are laying down the foundations for it and working towards its establishment. Essential to this, is their undermining of the clear Salafees. And as usual, by the grace of Allaah, the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah are aware of their plots and never are they ones to frustrate the People of the Sunnah. Those manifestly upon it today are the likes of Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee, Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan, Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, Shaykh Muhammad al-Bannaa, Shaykh Faalih al-Harbee and many others.

This network of factions is seeking to demolish the clear Salafiyyah that has been established by the followers of the Sunnah in the West, those who with all vigour, have worked to separate Ahl us-Sunnah from the various factions of Ahl ul-Bid'ah and to make the dividing lines between Sunnah and Bid'ah and their respective peoples to become famous and known, and they wish to seek out the gatherings of Salafees who are united upon the Sunnah and Jamaa'ah and who are connected to the major scholars, in order to vie with them, and to separate between them and to win supporters from them.

For this reason, instead of beginning openly with the major scholars, they begin with those who are attached to the Major scholars and who have the strength in the da'wah in the West, who are outside of those countries in which there still remain firm and steady scholars.

They have shubuhaat and modes of argument and methods of reasoning and ways of winning supporters, that by the grace of Allaah are clear to our Scholars, and amongst their methods is underminding and eroding the trust that is found between the people and the major scholars and those who follow them here in the West, by way of arguments that are falsehood disguised as truth. For this reason, the Salafees should take extreme care and in the midst of this confusion hold firmly onto the major scholars, like those mentioned earlier and abandon those who oppose them, regardless of whoever it may be, and how close they may be, and how high they may (apparently) be, and to renew and review their walaa and baraa for the Sunnah and the Manhaj of the Salaf and not for any other reason.

And know that the truth was spoken upon the tongue of Imaam Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah), that Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee is "the Carrier of the Flag of al-Jarh wat-Ta`deel in our times", and this statement has enraged all of the Hizbiyyoon, that this was said about Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee, that he was given this tazkiyah and shahaadah, and was singled out for it.

I ask Allaah to strengthen the ranks of Ahl us-Sunnah and to repel from them the tribulations both which are hidden and apparent and may Allaah lengthen and prolong the lives of our noble Scholars present today, those who clarify truth from falsehood and suffer great harms as a result of this. Ameen.


This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 9-30-02 @ 11:47 PM

28-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 327
Joined: Sep 2002
Sheikh al Banna said to us "Abul Hasan is destroyed" since he has had pride against the haq and the Ulamaa so this AbdulQaadir continues to defend his baatil. And AbdulQaadir continues to speak ill of his salafi brothers at Inshaallaah you can add me to the list of those who are against AbdulQaadir and those with him until they free themselves from him and Abul Hasan.

I advise the brothers to listen to the latest tape from Sheikh al Banna on sahab, inshaallaah you will benefit.

"And cooperate upon Birr and Taqwaa" with the salafees
"And do not cooperate upon sin and transgression" with the likes of these astray ones who are persistent upon their errors and innovations.

Sheikh Rabee', the Imaam of Jarh wa Ta'deel, Sadaqa Al Albaani rahimahullah

28-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
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I would like to say that even though the intent ( I believe ) by Aboo Tasneem mentioned in the body of this  post  was the British one, I , Aboo Tasneem Dawud Adib am with them in their mawqif ( position ) because of the overwhelming proofs and truth of the matter concerning this miscreant , Abdul Qaadir may Allaah guide him !

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

28-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 451
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In Defense of our brother Abu Khadeejah and Maktabatus-Salafiyyah, in light of the slanders of the ?Abdul Qaadir Baksh and those with him.

Alhamdulillah, was-Salatu was-Salamu Alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa. Wa Ba'd:

In short, this is a clarification of some of the baatil points put forward by Abdul-Qaadir and those with him. They put these points forward in a few different places, whether it be Baksh?s own weak radd upon our brother or whether it be the lies that those with him posted upon a (different) forum discussion earlier this week, then I felt it was upon us to respond to these lies after I had given it some time to see if these liars removed the articles or recanted from their lies, since they have failed to do this, then we will try to clarify and unveil their lies upon those noble brothers in Birmingham and the salafis in general:

Firstly: It amazes me that these individuals (such as Abdul Qaadir Baksh and the hand full with him) are trying their utmost to destroy that which we have by way of good in this country.  No two (salafi) individuals in the U.K (or in the west) could differ about the good bought about by the brothers in Birmingham, all by the Blessing and Mercy of Allaah. One of the brothers, informed me that they have daily circles in the masjid there and they are studying several books, whether it be Kitaabut-Tawheed (along with 4 different explanations) or silsilatul-hadeethus-saheehah of Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaani rahimahullaah, Riyaadus-Saliheen, Usool us-Sunnah, The Path to Allaah by imam as-Sa?dee, Thalaathatul-Usool, Bayquneeyah, Qwaaid al-arba, Qwaaqib. You will not find this any wherein the west! infact i do not know of any where on this earth where the task of teaching, 'Silsilatul-hadeethus-Saheehah of Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaani rahimahullaah' has been taken up! And these people want to come along and try to destroy this! Aajeeb?

Secondly: you seem to have singled out Abu Khadeejah for your attacks, even thou his position towards you is the same as:     Shaykh Abu Anas hafidahullaah, Abu Talhah Dawood ibn Burbank, Abu Iyaad, Abu Hakeem Bilaal, Hasan as-Somaali, Aboo Haatim, Abu Tasneem, Abu Junayd, Abdur-Rakeeb, Abu Tayyib, Abu Sufyaan... and the list goes on!

So why is it that you single out Abu Khadeejah, is it because you feel the most threat coming from his direction? So you single him out for no particular reason, and we have read your points and did not find therein one single point of manhaj or aqeedah where this brother has strayed, rather what we found was a lot a lies and slanders and defense of the Hizzbiyoon. For verily, we know the brother hafidahullaah, and had he strayed or erred, then he would be ready to rectify his condition, but as is always the case with your likes, you can never find anything to do with the manhaj so you bring ?points? on ?manners? and ?character? and on top of that, most of it being lies as well! May Allaah guide you...

You say,  ?he doesn?t know a word of arabic?
Allaahumust?aan, ghuloo'! Like our teacher said, ?they attack abu Khadeejah with their lies (because they don?t have anything by way of truth with them). And they slander and say things like ?he can?t speak Arabic!?, when in fact he has studied more of the Arabic language then most of them! They bring a general quote (i.e. ?not one of them would be able to grammatically explain "Jaa?a zaidun"?, said by one of the students of knowledge) and they point it at abu Khadeejah! When it is these same people who can not even understand the word ?guthaiyaah?!!!, and our brother is from those who understood what the usage of this word implied upon the sahaabah, where as they have still not understood this!? and will not understand this, so long as their hizzbiyyah blinds them!

Oh miskeen, you do two years in shu?bah and a couple of years in kuliyyah and all of a sudden you?re a shaykh of Arabic grammar?

You say, ?does not understand the science of hadith and its various branches?

I say, we have visited the brother on many occasions and he knows more about the specifics then you do about the generals! And by examining your speech, then we have come to know that, ?just by you saying something then, the opposite must be the reality!?

Then you say, ?listen to what he says? (from some secret tape recording that you claim to have).

I say, Fear Allaah! Baksh, Fear Allaah! When I read this the first thing that came to my mind was a hadeeth from the Prophet Sallallahu alaiyhi wa Sallam,

reported in the sahihain upon the authority of ibn ?Abbaas radiallaahu anhu, wherein the Prophet Sallallahu alaiyhi wa Sallam said, ?If anyone of you listens to a speech of a people, when they do not like him to do that, then molten lead will be poured into his ears on the Day of Resurrection.?

This has always been the way with you and your likes, secret tape recordings, misquotes, cut ?n? paste speech! All in order to destroy the salafis of this country, for your own selfish goals. I say, if you are jealous then, don not be jealous! For verily, you can not remove the one Allaah has raised nor can you raise the one Allaah has not chosen to be raised. And do not be too arrogant to admit you mistakes, verily, Iblees was arrogant:

(Allaah) said: ?What prevented you from prostrating yourself, when I commanded you?? Iblees said, ?I am better than him (Aadam) you created me from fire, and you created him from clay (teen). [al-A?raaf- 7/12]

Aboo ?Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d.449H) rahimahullaah said, ?And the characteristics (resulting) from (the effects of) innovations upon their people are obvious and manifestly clear. The most apparent of their signs and characteristics is the severity of their enmity and hatred towards the Carriers of the narrations of the Prophet Sallallahu alaiyhi wa Sallam. Their disdain of them, their scorn of them (considering them to be valueless) and naming them with Hashawiyyah (worthless people), Jahalah (the Ignorant), Dhaahiriyyah (Literalists) and Mushabbihah (Those who liken Allaah to the creation). (And this), due to their belief (concerning) the narrations of the Prophet Sallallahu alaiyhi wa Sallam, that they are devoid of any knowledge and that the (real) knowledge is that which shaytaan throws at them from the results of their corrupt intellects, the dark whisperings of their chests (i.e. their souls), the false notions of their hearts (which are) empty of any goodness, their words and proofs which are devoid (of truth) and their unjustified and futile doubts:

They are the ones whom Allaah has cursed, so that He has made them deaf and blinded their sights. [Soorah Muhammad 47/23.]

And whomsoever Allaah disgraces, there is none to give honour. Verily, Allaah does whatever He wills. [Soorah al-Hajj 22/18]

Taken from Usool us-Sunnah (english trans by Abu Iyaad) Spubs 1997.

No doubt the carriers of the narrations in this country are the aforementioned brothers associated with Salafi Publications, for, their good is known and their tazkiyyat are to numerous to mention, and we have even come across a letter written (several years ago) by the muhadith of the Yemen, the Imaam, the teacher, Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadi?ee rahimahullaah in praise of the brothers in Birmingham.

You say, ?Next go fishing for a fatwa, go to the various scholars and lie to them about him. when one of the scholars speak ill of the person (based upon your lies), then spread it to the people, saying: "look, its not just me saying it, Sheikh Fulan has also said it, and you?d better accept it because the news from a thiqah is accepted?
What mockery! ?Lie to the scholars?, I have seen the questions put the ulamaa regarding you, and therein it is mentioned, ?We have an individual who defends Abul Hasan al-Maribi?.?.

Where is the lie...?

I ask you, ?have you clicked on to your own home page recently?? you will find the most severe of defenses of this innovator, and lies upon the scholars, saying that, ?they were lied to?! And calling the clarification of the kibaar, ?a difference between the mushaykh?

As for the issue of your defense of abul-Hasan, then brothers can refer to or the various articles by our brothers upon this forum (may Allaah reward all of them). Indeed the scholars of the sunnah have spoken in regards to the one whom you defend, however you do not seem to be interested in what the scholars have put forth.

It is as as-Saboonee rahimahullaah said, ?And one of the distinguishing signs of Ahlus-sunnah is their love for the imams of the sunnah, its Scholars, its helpers and its close allies, and their hatred for the leaders of innovation who call to the Hell-Fire and who direct their associates and companions to the home of torment and destruction. Allaah, the Sublime, has adorned the hearts of Ahlus-Sunnah and the light of their hearts with love for the scholars of the Sunnah, as a bounty from Him, Whose Magnificence is perfect and sublime.

Taken from Usool us-Sunnah (english trans by Abu Iyaad) Spubs 1997.

As for the evil and outrageous claims made by some of those with you, claims that the reason, intent for the brothers in Birmingham giving daw?ah is to get ?all the sisters?! And all the other disgusting comments that they made about sisters.

Then I am not even going to bother with such rubbish, for verily, if you do not see the evil and falsehood of this kind of speech, then I can not give sight to the one who Allaah has made blind! My only advice to them is, ?get married, because obviously you are deprived!?

Walhamdulilaahi Rabil-aalameen wa-sallallahu wa sallam alaa nabiyna Muhammad wa-aalihi wa sallam.

This message was edited by Abu.Maryam.T on 10-1-02 @ 12:54 AM

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