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» An Illustration of the Pitiful Self-Humiliation of the Infantryman of the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib: Part 1
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Posted By Topic: An Illustration of the Pitiful Self-Humiliation of the Infantryman of the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib: Part 1

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14-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 20
Joined: Aug 2002
In the name of Allaah

I know that most of the people that have registered and post on this board, go to and read the forum section of the SP website, but I couldn?t resist in pasting this post on this board, because for some reason the brothers @ SP (May Allaah reward them with good) do not let people post on their forum, so whoever wants to comment then feel free to comment.

This brother Adbul-Qaadir is a Fattaan, Kathaab, Affaak, Dajjaal, but don?t just accept it from me because I?m Majhool (LOL) I think I?ll let the words of SP Admin speak for them self.

An Illustration of the Pitiful Self-Humiliation of the Infantryman of the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib: Part 1

All praise is due to Allaah, prayers and peace be upon Allaah's Messenger.

What you will observe in these pages is the an illustration of the greatest of ignorance, and the greatest of foolishness of a people who have spent much effort, and all that it contains of deception and lies, in defending a single man whose working and plotting against Ahl us-Sunnah has become clearly manifest, ever since Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) first confided to the Yemeni Shaykhs that he fears for the da'wah with respect to al-Ma'ribee.

One of the Chief Spokesmen of the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib in the West is none other than Abdul-Qadir al-Affaak al-Lootonee, who has now decided to present the words and claims of unknown people, all in order to confuse the people and misguide them, and to defend the Mubtadi' of M'arib, and to vilify the People of Knowledge, whilst claiming to love them.

This individual was declared "Affaak, Dajjaal" when an article he wrote - in which he compiled what he thought were errors of the people of knowledge in Usool (most of them were not in fact), and in which he lied and distorted upon the people of knowledge, and displayed the severest form of ignorance - by Shaykh Falih al-Harbee, who is the mihnah of Ahl ul-Bidah in these times.

The following is just a brief commentary on what is being put out by this individual, who is known in the UK with nothing but ignorance, splitting the ranks of the Salafis, and working plots that are not at all hidden, even though he may think otherwise.

The title of the article:


YOUTH. Compiled by Hammadee, Aden, Yemen.

Firstly: Applying the principles of al-Ma'ribi, then firstly who is this person Hammaadee. He is Majhool. How can we take his information, let alone his judgements (which he makes in this article)? In this itself, is a humiliation of the Lutonian Liar, since in other articles, he is actually challenging the principle "acceptance of the news of a trustworthy person". So how can you fight the Salafees when they bring the information and judgements of the major scholars, like Shaykh Rabee', and others, who quote, word for word, from cassettes, books, and give references for everything, and then you reject all this and call this taqleed, and here you quote from a Majhool person, who is not from Ahl ul-Ilm and then you take all what his speech contains of information and judgements (none of which contains a single shred of evidence)? Allaahu Akbar!! This in itself is sufficient to show that these people are followers of desires and that their emergence in current times, is actually to challenge the people of the Sunnah and to stand in their way.

Secondly: This is a revilement and slander upon all the Shaykhs who have subsequently criticised the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib. Attaching this fitnah to the youth is just a diversionary tactic, since the youth merely highlighted some of his mistakes, and then the Mashayikh took the matter into their hands thereafter. As for the specific claims made by this writer whose condition is unkown, then they will be dealt with later.


What you are about to read is part 1 of a series of expositions of the true state of affairs. You can now read the other side of the story, which you did not get from Salafi Publications. We hope that it serves as a beacon of light for the sincere searcher of truth, the ghair muqalid, the one who truly follows the statement of the salaf : : ?we know the men by the truth and we do not know the truth by the men.?

Also the content mentioned is by no way meant to disparage our beloved sheik Rabee bin Haadi al Madkhali may Allah give him a long life and forgive him. But rather it is in confirmation of Allah swt saying ? Oh you who believe stand out firmly with justice for Allah, witnesses for the truth even if it be against your own selves.? And we consider Sheikh Rabee from our own selves.


Firstly: In reality what you are about to read from these statements translated by the Lutonian Liar, is the recording in history, of the bankruptcy that is with these new band of false claimants to Salafiyyah and whose ignorance is manifest and whose confusion and contradiction is openly displayed for all to see.

Secondly: As for "reading the other side of the story", then in this particular article that was translated by the Lutonian Liar it comes from those who are unkown as people of knowledge, such as this Hammaadee.

Thirdly: According to the Ma'ribian Manhaj, we cannot take the information and judgements contained in this article, since according to this manhaj "acceptance of the news of the thiqah" is not to be relied upon - especially when what is claimed by this Hammaadee in this article is opposed by those who are more in number and whose adaalah is established, which is all the Mashaayikh who have refuted the Ma'ribian Mubtadi'.

Four: As for the saying of this ignorant, "We hope that it serves as a beacon of light for the sincere searcher of truth, the ghair muqalid", then in reality, in affirming whatever is in this article written by "Hammaadee" which actually contains not a shred of evidence for the claims made, then it is this idiot and his likes who are the Muqallidah. Wallaahi, if only these people knew how they are exposing themselves, they would not have gone to these lengths to defend al-Ma'ribee. Recall that these individuals are challenging and fighting Ahl us-Sunnah on the principle "accepting the information of the trustworthy person", and they are calling this taqleed. Here, for them, it is not taqleed to take the information and judgements contained in this article by Hammaadee (who is unknown and is probably a muta'assib to al-Ma'ribee anyway), and this is when this Hammaadee is not even known to be thiqah to begin with.


Also the content mentioned is by no way meant to disparage our beloved sheik Rabee bin Haadi al Madkhali may Allah give him a long life and forgive him. But rather it is in confirmation of Allah swt saying ? Oh you who believe stand out firmly with justice for Allah, witnesses for the truth even if it be against your own selves.? And we consider Sheikh Rabee from our own selves.

Firstly: This is a big lie and this is just a cover, because the people that the Lutonian Liar holds allegiances with, then they are known to have made attacks upon Shaykh Rabee (and also upon Shaykh Faalih), whether they be in the UK or outside of it. These are people who play games and cannot be straight in their affairs. The Lutonian Liar is from this crowd of people, and this flattery here is only a cover. Know this well, and indeed in what follows in what has been written by Hammaadee and translated (very poorly) by the Lutonian Liar, is a clear revilement of the integrity, knowledge and trustworthiness of not just Shaykh Rabee' but the Yemeni Shaykhs also. The Shaykh has been accused of dhulm amongst other things.

Secondly: As for standing out for justice even if it be against your own souls, then we ask the Lutonian Liar to stand out for justice against himself and his likes, since they have opposed the very Manhaj of the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib that they are defending, by virtue of the fact that he has translated this article of Hammaadee in which information and judgements are contained against Shaykh Rabee' and the Yemeni Shaykhs, and in which there is not a single shred of evidence. And further that al-Hammaadee is a thiqah or not is not even established, rather he is majhool. And at the same time these people are challenging what Ahl us-Sunnah affirm of the acceptance of the information of a trustworthy person, and here they are openly contradicting their manhaj, openly displaying their bankruptcy and foolishness, and falling into the blameworthy taqleed that they accuse Ahl us-Sunnah with, despite the fact that Ahl us-Sunnah are following what is agreed upon by a large number of major scholars and Mashaayikh, and here the Lutonian Liar and his likes are relying upon the words, in this article, upon an unknown person, who is not from Ahl ul-Ilm. And in Allaah is the refuge from this evil and wicked contradiction and most clear display of confusion and two standards.

Thirdly: As for his saying, "And we consider Sheikh Rabee from our own selves", then by Allaah Shaykh Rabee' considers himself free of you and your likes from those possessed with al-Ma'ribee and he would not dare to be considered from amongst you. Rather, he is fully aware of your plots and plans and why you went to him, and what you did when you came back, and he responded to your request for Islaah, having good thoughts and opinions, thinking you wanted good, but he knows your true condition and what you are upon and the fasaad you are upon, as he has experienced scores of people just like you. Indeed the Shaykh is free from you and your likes, and never is he from amongst you and the lowly ones like you. Know this with certainty!

More to follow...

Before proceeding into the words of "Hammaadee" translated by the Lutonian Liar, let us just look at some words uttered by this ignorant, in the second week of July, on Paltalk, quoted verbatim:


"There is a baatil principle which has been floating around in England, which is "akhbaar uth-thiqah maqbool", sorry this principle is not baatil, it is correct, but its implementation is incorrectly. "Akhbaar uth-thiqah maqbool" it means that the information or news of a thiqah, a trustworthy person is accepted, meaning that you don't have to ask for the daleel. If the person is a thiqah, you can accept it straight away. This principle, and dear brothers, there are brothers in England today who misunderstand this and misimplement it, because of their little knowledge and they cause so much fitnah. I will give you an example, they will say Shaykh so and so told us, hence we do not have to ask for daleel...

Firstly: Look at the confusion and shakiness of this ignorant, he first utters that this principle is "baatil", then in the next breath, he realises his mistake and then comes back and says, "sorry...", yes sorry for his compound ignorance, and then says " is not baatil". Allaahu Akbar. Do you trust the ramblings of man who first says "black" and then a breath later says, "white"?!!

Secondly: Then he says that it is implemented incorrectly, and he explains to mean that people take the statements of the thiqaat (trustworthy) ones, without daleel (evidence). And it is known from his other speech that he considers this to be "taqleed". Now a question must be asked?! Is Hammaadee from the thiqaat. In fact who is he to begin with?? He is just a partisan follower of al-Ma'ribee who is out to defend him in falsehood and nothing else. So in translating this article, where is the evidence for the various pieces of information, and also the judgements that Hammaadee has made (upon Shaykh Rabee' and the Yemeni Shaykhs)??

Thirdly: This is what illustrates that the more this Lutonian Liar writes, the more he illustrates that he is nothing short of a fool, and walhamdulillaah, we encourage him to keep writing and we pray to Allaah that He facilitates it for this individual that he continues to write and to persist in his blind senseless defence of the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib, because by that, his idiocy will become apparent, and we need not except to look upon him making a wanton display of his self, as is clear already.

Fourthly: Then he says that there are brothers in England who implement this principle wrongly, beacause of their "little knoweldge". I wonder what he makes of what he has done in this article, which is full of judgements based upon nothing but empty claims, by a person who is not amongst the ranks of the thiqaat to begin with. Allaahu Akbar, laugh or cry?!

Fifthly: Picture the situation, O possessor of intelligence. This liar finds fault with the Salafees because they adhere to what is found with Shaykh Rabee' and others of evidences, quotations from books, by page numbers, and verbatim quotes from cassettes, and then illustrating what they contain of either error, aspects of innovation, ambiguities, mistakes, and then what is with the other scholars in addition to this of first hand knowledge and first hand reports, such as the Shaykhs of Yemen, whose adaalah is established, and then what is found with the Shaykhs of Madinah who have additional further knowledge, and who support the refutations of Shaykh Rabee' and Shaykh Faalih and the Shaykhs of Yemen - and so this Lutonian Liar wages a war against all of this, and fights against the principle "the narrations of the trustworthy are accepted", and claims this is blameworthy taqleed, and labels those who adhere to all of this as "Juhhaal Extremists" and "Muqallidah", then he comes, with his pants down in public, and brings a statement from some unknown entity called "Hammaadee" who is not from the people of knowledge but from the Muta'assiboon of the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib, and this statement is full of claims with no quotes, no verifiable references, and it contains judgements upon others - and so this Lutonian Liar calls all of this "expositions of the true state of affairs" and the "other side of the story", and then believes it, has conviction in it, puts his faith in it, translates it and propagates it and then fights the people of the Sunnah with it. Allaahu Akbar! You get the picture now O Sunni?! Laugh or Cry.

More to come...
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of last night the above article which is being quoted from (taken from the website of al-Affaak al-Lootonee), was no longer credited to "Hammaadee", rather his name has now been removed from the article.

Whereas initially, on the same day, on the article it stated, below the main title at the top:

"Compiled by Hammadee, Aden, Yemen."
Taken from >

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