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Posted By Topic: Rented Masaajid, Shaykh Fawzaan Answers...

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15-03-2010 @ 9:45 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 451
Joined: Sep 2002

Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan: Regarding Praying in Rented Buildings

Question: O Noble Shaikh, may Allah grant you success, he (the questioner) says:

In the Western lands there are some masaajid in rented buildings. The five daily prayers and Jumuah are established in these masaajid. Despite that, it is seen that some Muslims, from those who live in the vicinity of this masjid, hold that the prayer is not permitted in it because it is a rented building and not owned by the worshippers. So is this speech of his correct?     

Answer: This individual does not want to pray with the jamaaıah and is seeking an excuse for himself. Who is it that said to him that the prayer is not permissible in a rented place? Who said this to him? The prayer is permissible in any place that is set up for the prayer, whether it is rented or not rented.
This renting is due to a need and a necessity in the lands of the disbelievers and the lands of the West. This is a good action. However, this individual is not one who prays with the jamaa'ah or he doesn't pray at all, and he is seeking for himself this excuse.

Translated by Abu Humaid

NOTE FROM SALAFITALK ADMIN: This does not mean that the Shaikh holds that a rented building can be called a 'Masjid' as there is another fatwa from the Shaikh in which he states that rented buildings have the ruling of a Musallah, not Masjid. The issue itself is something in which the Scholars differ, and it is upon the one who seeks the truth to look into the evidences of both sides and hold to the position which is closest to the textual evidences.

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(ııı ııııı ııııı ıııı ııııııı ııı ıııııı ııı ıııı ıı ııııı ııı ıııııı ıı ııııı ٢٢/٣/١٤٣١ı)

16-03-2010 @ 9:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 451
Joined: Sep 2002

Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree on the Ruling Upon a Rented Building Used as a Masjid

The Shaykh was asked in June 2004 in a link up with the brothers at TROID, the following question:

Question: (O! Noble scholar), Allaah blessed us with a centre that which our brothers rented. And all praise is for Allaah. It is the first Salafi centre in which the five daily Salaah and Jumu`ah are established. However, some Salafi brothers said that it is not considered to be a Masjid since we don't own the place (i.e. we are renting it). Based on this they stopped praying Jumu`ah with us.

Shaykh Ubayd: Give my salaams to them and let them pray Jumu`ah and Jamaa'ah (5 daily prayers) with their brothers.

Give my salaam to them, and my call to them is that to attend (be with) their brothers and to pray with them Jumu'ah and Jamaa'ah. This (masjid) now takes the rulings of Masjid so long as it is rented for the purpose of Salaah. It takes the rulings of the Masjid, until Allaah paves the way to have independant Masjid.

27-03-2010 @ 5:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
NOTE FROM SALAFITALK ADMIN: This does not mean that the Shaikh holds that a rented building can be called a 'Masjid' as there is another fatwa from the Shaikh in which he states that rented buildings have the ruling of a Musallah, not Masjid. The issue itself is something in which the Scholars differ, and it is upon the one who seeks the truth to look into the evidences of both sides and hold to the position which is closest to the textual evidences.

May Allaah bless you for this clarification.

The following thread provides some insight into the words above and more details:

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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