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26-08-2009 @ 2:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Bin Uthaymeen, Muhammad Saleh, was a Saudi scholar, jurist, and Mufti. He was born in 1929 in Unayzah City, Al-Qasim Province, Saudi Arabia, in a devout religious family. Bin Uthaymeen memorized the Holy Qurıan and studied other literary textbooks at the age of 14 at the hands of his grandfather and other prominent scholars. He joined courses taught in Unayzah Great Mosque and studied sciences such as monotheism, prophetic tradition, jurisprudence, Arabic languageıs grammars, morphology and math. He also read ıAl-Sahihı (The Genuine) for Al-Bukhari and several treatises of ibn Taymiya and other jurisprudential books. In 1952, Bin Uthaymeen started teaching in the Great Mosque at the time when the scientific institutes were open in Riyadh City. Consequently, he joined one of them and completed his study in 1953. After two years, he graduated and was hired as a teacher in Unayzah Scientific Institute while he was studying at the Faculty of Law. He was appointed imam of Unayzah Great Mosque and then he taught at Unayzah National Library in 1957. In 1978, Bin Uthaymeen moved to teach in the faculties of law and Islamıs origins at Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University's branch in Al-Qasim. He also had taught in al-Haram Mosque and also in the Prophet's Mosque during pilgrimage's seasons and the holy month of Ramadan since 1982. Among other positions he was assumed during his life working as a member of the Senior Scholars Committee of the Kingdom in 1987, a member of the Scientific Council in the Islamic University of Imam Muhammad ibn Saud from 1969 to 1980 and the president of Unayzah Charity for Memorization the Holy Qurıan in 1985.

Bin Uthaymeen is considered one of the most pre-eminent scholars of the 20th century. During more than 50 years, Bin Uthaymeen worked hard for the sake of spreading science, teaching, preachment, lecturing, and guiding people to worship Allah. He has authored more than 40 books in different Islamic sciences including Tafsir (interpretation of the Holy Qurıan), monotheism and fatwas (verdicts or Islamic decrees). Remarkably, all points and statements Bin Uthaymeen makes in his books are founded on the Holy Qur'an, authentic Hadith, and the confirmed understandings of the prophet's companions. Some of his collections were officially adopted in many institutions of learning in the Kingdom. He also recorded tens of thousands of vocal hours in audio media that included his lectures, preaches, interviews, radio religious programs, and his scientific lessons in the explanations of the Holy Qurıan and prophetic tradition.

He wrote his first book in 1962 entitled ıFathu Raab-il-Bariyyah bi-Talkhees al-Hamawiyyaı (Explanation of a Summary of Al-Aqeedah Al-Hamawiyya of ibn Taymiya) in which he summarized ibn Taymiyaıs book ıAl-Hamawiya fee Al-Aqeedaı (Al-Hamawiyya in the Islamic Creed). The book also contained his answer to a question presented to him from Hamah, city in west central Syria, on the Orontes River, about the saying of religious scholars regarding the attributes and characteristics of Allah. His book entitled "Tafseer Ayat Al-Kursi" (An Explanation of Aayat al-Kursi) describes the greatest aayah (verse) in the Holy Qur'an and mentions its beneficial points. "Abridged of the Rules of Sacrificial Offerings & Slaughtering" is Bin Uthaymeen's book in which he covers briefly various rules and regulations of sacrificial offerings and slaughtering which serves as a valuable guide for those intending to perform the sacrifice on the day of Eid. Bin Uthaymeen also wrote a book entitled "Islamic Fataawa (Verdicts) Regarding the Muslim Child" which contains numerous aspects related to the lives of children such as upbringing, education and treatment. This book also is a compilation of more than 150 legal rulings given by the contemporary scholars in response to actual questions put before them. "Al-Khilaaf Baynal Ulamaa Asbaabuhoo wa Mawaqifunaa Minhoo" (Differences of Opinion Amongst the Scholars) which assists researchers in having a good appreciation for the Islamic numerous scholars. His book entitled "Sujood as-Sahw" (Prostration for Forgetfulness in the Prayer) explains this prostration's rulings, conditions, manners and times especially for the imams whom the people follow in their daily prayers.

Among his other published books and treatises: "Islamic Verdicts on the Pillars of Islam", "The Tents of Faith", "The Whisper of the Shaytaan and Its Cure", "Death and Resurrection", "The Fruits of Taqwaa", "The Devine Decree and Pre-Ordainment", "How to Acquire Good Manners", "The Prophet's (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) Advice to Mu'aadh ibn Jabal", "Exemplary Foundations Concerning the Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah", "The Manner of Purification and Prayer for the Sick", "Bidah: The Unique Nature of the Perfection Found in Islam", "Fatawa on Fasting, Zakat and Taraweeh" and "The Wisdom Behind Fasting."

On February 8, 1994 Bin Uthaymeen was awarded the King Faisalıs International Award for Servicing the Islam for his distinguish diction in calling unto the way of Allah with wisdom and goodly exhortation. Posthumously, his heirs established the ıCharitable Foundation of Muhammad Bin Uthaymeenı which is responsible of publishing his books, treatises, lessons, lectures, preaches, verdicts, interviews and his other works.

Bin Uthaymeen passed away in Jeddah on January 10, 2001 at the age of 74 and was buried in Mecca. His funeral was attended by nearly 500,000 people coming from different parts of the Kingdom. Bin Uthaymeen was a highly significant scholar whose Islamic rulings are followed by a large number of Muslims worldwide. He played a prominent role in expanding the principals of Islamic monotheism and in explaining perplexed issues in the Islamic jurisprudence. He was a model of knowledgeable scholar, uprightness, honesty, commitment and humanity in the contemporary time.

source: Yemen Times newspaper

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