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21-06-2009 @ 5:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
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The Biography of Ibn Abi Zaid al-Qirwaaniy
By Sheikh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad
Translated by Abdulilah Lahmami

He is Abdullah ibn Abdulrahman, Abu Muhammad ibn Abi Zaid (rahimahullaah). who lived in al-Qirwaan from the scholars of the Maghreb area (now considered Morocco and Tunisia) in the fourth century after the Hijrah of the Prophet (sallaahu alaihi wa sallam). This being the century after the best three generations in which the Messenger (sallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

"The best people are my generation then those who come after them then those who come after them." Saheeh al- had the ability to clarify knowledge with what he conveyed. He had insight with Bukhaaree

He was an imam from the Maaliki school of thought in his time without following blindly the school of thought as many others did much later but rather he was a role model to his people in spreading the benefits of Imam Maalik (rahimahullaah) which stemmed from the Quran and the Sunnah in the understanding of the companions. He gathered the benefits of Imam Maalik (rahimahullaah) and explained them. He was very knowledgeable having memorized many narrations. His books are a proof of this. He was eloquent in his writing and refuting the people of desires. He was good at poetry. He was of good conduct and fearful of Allaah and earned respect gaining him authority in the religion and worldly affairs. Many people traveled long distances to learn from him and those who benefited from him became stronger than before.

The elders amongst the people of knowledge recognized his status. He was known as Maalik as- Sagheer (young Maalik) because of his adherence to the Sunnah.

Al-Qaabisi (rahimahullaah) said, "He is a trustworthy Imam in his religion and narrations."

He gathered the qualities of knowledge, piety, honour and intellect. He is well known and quick to comply with the truth and return to it. He learnt from the scholars in his country and heard from their scholars such as Abu Bakr ibn Labaad (rahimahullaah) and Abu Fadl al-Qaysi (rahimahullaah). Many had benefited from him and later he died in the year 386h.

He has books numbering more than 100 volumes.

His biography can be found in Seyar Alam an-Nubala (10/17), where Imam Dhahabi (rahimahullaah)said: "He is an Imam, a beacon (to be followed), an example, a learned man, a scholar from the people of the Maghrebıthe author said in the last part of this concise work that he was upon the way of the pious predecessors in the foundation of the religion not following the way of rhetoric speech and didnt delve into explaining away (Allaahs names and attributes) without knowledge so we ask Allaah to enlighten us."[1]

The author wrote this introduction to a book in Fiqh (the science of how to worship Allaah), this from the comprehensive understanding he gathered by bringing the benefits in both areas of the religion, the correct belief and how to worship Allaah.

Due to the importance of this belief many scholars past and present have explained it and concerned themselves in spreading it to the people. Some of the scholars placed it in poetry form such as Ahmed bin Musharaf al-Ahsaai al-Maaliki (rahimahullaah) who died in the year 1285h from the students of Imam Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab (rahimahullaah).  

The Islamic University of Madinah has spread this small treatise around the world showing the importance of the correct belief. It has been explained by a number of scholars past and present. Amongst the present scholars is the elder Sheikh AbdulMuhsin ibn Hammad al-Abbad and his students Sheikh Saalih ibn Sad Suhaimi, Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al-Aqeel. Likewise recently, Sheikh Ubayd ibn Abdillah al-Jaabiree, Sheikh Abdulrazaq ibn AbdulMuhsin ibn Hammad al-Abbad and Sheikh Ali Tuwaijri have all explained it.

[1] Taken from Sheikh Abdulmuhsin Abbad biography of Ibn Abi Zaid with slight additions.

07-05-2009 @ 11:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Maslamah Muhammad Rifdhi ibn Jiffry (Kalubowila, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka)
Posts: 20
Joined: Sep 2007
Would it to be possible to know the period of the Imaam al-Qayrawaanee? When was he born and where and when was he died etc...

Barakallahu lakum,

Abu Maslamah As Sayalaani

14-03-2009 @ 1:16 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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He was Aboo Muhammad, ıAbdullah ibn Abee Zayd, al-Qayrawaanee, the Imaan, the ıAllaamah, the exemplary scholar of Fiqh, the scholar of the people of the west, al-Maalikee and he is called ıMaalik as-Sagheer' i.e., ıThe lesser Maalik.' He was one of those who stood out in knowledge and action.  

Al-Qaadee ıIyaad said, "Leadership of the Religion and the world came towards him, and traveled to him from all parts, and his students were distinguished people, and those who learned from him became many. He is the one who abridged the (Maalikee) madhhab, and filled the land with his works. He relied a great deal upon Aboo Bakr ibn al-Labbaab."  

He also learned from: Muhammad ibn Mansoor al-Hajjaam, al-ıAssaal. He performed Hajj and heard from Aboo Sa'eed ibn al-A'rabee, Muhammad ibn al-Fath, al-Hasan ibn Nasr as-Soosee, Darras ibn Isma'eel and others.  

Many people heard from him, amongst them: al-Faqeeh ıAbdur-Raheem ibn al-ıAjooz as-Sabtee, al-Faqeeh ıAbdullah ibn Ghaalib as-Sabtee, ıAbdullah ibn al-Waleed ibn Sa'd al-Ansaaree and Aboo Bakr Ahmad ibn ıAbdur-Rahmaan al-Khawlaanee.  

He compiled the books An-Nawaadir waz-Ziyaadaat in around a hundred parts, and he abridged al-Mauduwaanah, and religious verdicts in the west rely greatly upon those two books. He also compiled Al-ıUthiyyah in (fiqh) chapter order, Al-Iqtidaa bimadhab Maalik, Ar-Risaalah, Ath-Thiqah billaahi wat-tawaakul ıalaallah, Al-Ma'rifah wat-Tafseer, I'jaazul-Qur'aan, An-Nahy ıanil-Jidaal, and his treatise in rebuttal of the Qadariyyah, his treatise about Tauheed, and the book Man tahaarraka ıindal-qiraa'ah. It is said that he wrote his famous Risaalah at the age of seventeen.  

He was, along with his great standing in knowledge and action a person who was a doer of good, he treated others well in preference to himself, and spent in charity upon students and good works. He gave hundred and fifty deenaars to al-Faqeeh Yahyaah ibn ıAbdul-ıAzeez al-ıUmaree when he came to Qayrawaan, and the daughter of sheikh Abul-Hasan al-Qaabisee was given four hundred deenars from the wealth of Ibn Abee Zayd in order to marry.

source: "Mountains of Knowledge". Translated by Br. Aboo Talhah Daawood ibn Ronald Burbank hafidhahullah, and Published by Salafi Publications. (The biography was taken from Shadharaatudh-Dhahab, (3/131) and al-Kaamil of ibn al Atheer (7/200-201)

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