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10-01-2008 @ 6:21 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ismael mustafa bin george (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Oct 2005
Asalam u Alaikum

A brother in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is in the process of opening and on-line Arabic book/tape store. He has a few good titles masha Allah.

asalam u alaikum

13-03-2008 @ 7:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ismael mustafa bin george (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Oct 2005
Asalam u alaikum

Sheikh Saleh Al Fowzan's 3 Large English Works:

- A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence (2 vol)
- Guide To Sound Creed (1 vol)
- Concise Commentary on The Book of Tawheed (1 vol)

now available at:

Mustafa George
Saudi Arabia

TawhidFirst | Aqidah | AboveTheThrone | Asharis
Madkhalis | Takfiris | Maturidis | Dajjaal
Islam Against Extremism | Manhaj
Ibn Taymiyyah | Bidah
Audiobook for Learning Arabic

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