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» Conference with the Kibaar Ulamaa on the Reality of the Manhaj of Imaam Muhammad Abdul-Wahaab [a blow to the hizbees!]
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Posted By Topic: Conference with the Kibaar Ulamaa on the Reality of the Manhaj of Imaam Muhammad Abdul-Wahaab [a blow to the hizbees!]

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24-02-2004 @ 1:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
aboo ubaidah amr bin basheer (London and Unaizah)
Posts: 105
Joined: Oct 2002

Conference at masjid imaam ad-dawah, salaam district, Riyadh. All talks are after maghrib except the first one.
The main talks are;

Sat 8/1/1425
Allaamah shaikh Abdul-azeez bin Abdullah aal-Shaikh
?Al-imaam Muhammad bin abdul-wahaab, his life and works?

Thur 13/1
Allaamah shaikh Abdullah Ghudyaan
?Questions and answers?

Fri 14/1
Allaamah shaikh Ahmed an-Najmee
?Minhaj of the imams of dawah in the issues of tawaasul and istighaathah?

Sat 15/1
Allaamah shaikh Saalih as-Suhaymee
?Minhaj of the imams of dawah in the issues of prophethood, companionship and allegiance?

Tues 18/1
Allaamah shaikh Saalih al-Lahyadaan
?Minhaj of the imams of dawah in siyaasah sharee?ah

Wed 19/1
Allaamah shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan
?Minhaj of the imams of dawah in the issues of takfeer and khurooj?

Thurs 20/1
Allaamah shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abaad
?Methodolgy of Al-imaam Muhammad bin abdul-wahaab in his ta?leef? [I don?t know what it is meant here, his writings or bringing unification]

Also shaikh Alee al-Hudhayfee on fri 21/1
?The legacy in adhering to the book and sunnah and adhering to the minhaj of the salaf?

24-02-2004 @ 10:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Daud ibn Tunnell (West Chester, PA)
Posts: 126
Joined: Apr 2003
Asalaamu Ailaykum,

Akhi, just tell me where I can get the tapes!!!!!!!!!!

Barakallaahu Feekum,


27-02-2004 @ 10:12 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Dawood unspecified (Riyaadh, KSA)
Posts: 4
Joined: Oct 2002
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmtullah,

A full timetable for the conference can be found at the following URL:

There is also a link to listen to the conference live.

Wassalaamu alaikum

02-03-2004 @ 7:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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This message was edited by musab.qureshi on 3-3-04 @ 9:53 AM

03-03-2004 @ 4:39 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This message was edited by musab.qureshi on 3-3-04 @ 9:54 AM

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