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Topic: NEW BOOK: Commentary on al-Muzani's Sharhus-Sunnah
Sunnah Publishing
(Grand Rapids MI, USA)
Posts: 137
Joined: Feb 2006
Commentary on al-Muzani's Sharhus-Sunnah al-'Allaamah Ahmad Ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee (d.1429H) Out Now!!!
Pages: 128 Price: $10.00 USD Click Here to Purchase Glimpses at the Book: [url= 1st look.pdf]1st Glimpse[/url], [url= 2nd look.pdf]2nd Glimpse[/url] The book that lies in front of you - dear reader - is a concise expression of sound 'aqīdah from one of its earliest sources. Sharhus-Sunnah was penned by the Noble Imām Ismā'īl Ibn Yahyā al-Muzanī (d.264H) - the student of Imām ash-Shāfi'ī (d.204H) - over a millennium ago. In this return to the earliest sources of Islām, the Imām covers all of the foundational issues of faith in Islām including, Allāhıs ascendancy over the creation, the Qadr (pre-decree), Īmān, the Qurıān, the Attributes of Allāh, the Resurrection, Seeing Allāh in the Hereafter, the Companions and much more. The ancient text has been explained by the former Muftī of the Jīzān province in Saudi Arabia, al-'Allāmah Ahmad Ibn Yahyā an-Najmī (d.1429H). The commentary is included to make this work comprehensible and clear to the average Muslim reader. Additional notes have been added from various printings of Sharhus-Sunnah to provide a comprehensive and historical context to the benefits contained herein. So we hope - as Imām al-Muzanī hoped - that this book will, "clarify to you from the Sunnah an affair that you may make yourself patient in adherence to it and avert thereby the doubtful sayings and the deviation in the newly-invented affairs of the misguided ones."
Sunnah Publishing
(Grand Rapids MI, USA)
Posts: 137
Joined: Feb 2006
abu-hudaifah abdur-rahman ad-dhahabi ibn thomas
(decatur ga)
Posts: 12
Joined: Jan 2009
assalam walaykum in respose about the new book...mind me to ask, when will the book be dated for release?jazaku'allaahu kayir
quoted by shaykh abu-uthman muhammad al-anjaree...clarity does not come to an individual until he actualize furquan
Sunnah Publishing
(Grand Rapids MI, USA)
Posts: 137
Joined: Feb 2006
Commentary on al-Muzani's Sharhus-Sunnah al-'Allaamah Ahmad Ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee (d.1429H)
Sunnah Publishing
(Grand Rapids MI, USA)
Posts: 137
Joined: Feb 2006
Commentary on al-Muzani's Sharhus-Sunnah al-'Allaamah Ahmad Ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee (d.1429H)