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03-09-2008 @ 3:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Haadiya unspecified (london,uk)
Posts: 6
Joined: Nov 2007
Assalamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullah,
i was hoping someone could clarify for me how to tell the time for the salah, i.e when the time fo each salah has started and if possible provide the evidence. at the moment i have three different time tables from three different masjids all saying a different times to break and start fast!given that we have so many street lamps in london does this mean we cannot do it by plain sight as this can be quite decieving as to whether the sun has actualy set or not and also what about the cloudy weather when it is gloomy and you cannot tell? jazakallah khair

03-09-2008 @ 8:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
wa alaykum as salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

The relevant fataawa can be found at

Wa jazaak.

07-09-2008 @ 7:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Saqib Punjaabi (from Yorkshire )
Posts: 141
Joined: Dec 2006

As-Salaamu AlaiKum,

There is a collection of a'hadeeth on this topic in the book entitled, Bulugh al-Mara'm.

Evidences for the starting and finishing of the prayer times are given.

Obviously, you have to remember that the modern-day (20th-21st century) so-called "Hanafis" do not read Asr salah on time (as it is against their blind-following ways -- but as for a muslim, then we should follow both the Quran and the Sunnah (upon the understanding of the Saha'bah) to gain guidance and salvation).

I don't have any links, but maybe you can find this book in a bookstore (just read it there and then -- you may not need to buy it? ).

Also take a look at the book "Prophets Prayer Described".
There should be some mention within there.

Wa alaiKum as-Salaam.

Wa-AlaiKum As-Salaam

25-09-2008 @ 2:12 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Abdir-Rahmaan Mus'ab ibnu Haaroon (Birmingham, U.K.)
Posts: 14
Joined: Jul 2005

As-Salaamu 'alaikum

I believe the following document will be useful in this regard. It was compiled and translated by our noble brother Aboo Talhah Dawud ibn Ronald Burbank(haafidhahullaah).  Jazaakumullaahu khairan was-Salaamu 'alaikum,  Aboo Abdir-Rahmaan.


FAJR          Begins: When the redness or whiteness of the true dawn appears and spreads horizontally upon the eastern horizon. (1)
          Ends: When the sun begins to rise above the horizon. (2)

ZUHR           Begins: When the shadow of an object just begins to increase in length, immediately after mid-day. (3)
          Ends: When the shadow of an object has increased upon its mid-day length by the length of the object itself. (4)
ýASR          Begins: When the shadow of an object has increased upon its mid-day length by the length of the object itself; i.e. the same as the time for the end of Zuhr (5)
          Ends: When the shadow of an object has increased upon its mid-day length by twice the length of the object, (6)
-     or when the sun loses its brightness and becomes yellow (7)
-     or for a person prevented by a valid excuse: then before sunset. (8)

MAGHRIB     Begins: When the sunsets; (9) (10)
          And likewise when the greyness of the night appears over the eastern horizon and over the western horizon (where the sun has set). (10)
          These three signs come together, so if the setting of the sun cannot be seen, then it can be ascertained by the presence of these two signs.
          Ends: When the redness, remaining after sunset in the west, passes away. (11) (12)

ýISHAA     Begins: When the redness, remaining after sunset in the west, passes away. (13)
          Ends: After half of the night has passed [i.e. half-way between Maghrib & Fajr] (14)


(1)     Jaabir ý radiyallaahu ýanhu ý reported that Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<The Dawn (Fajr) is two dawns: so as for the dawn which is [vertical light] like the tail of the wolf, then it does not make the [Fajr] Prayer permissible, nor does it prohibit food [for the person who wishes to fast]; but as for the Fajr which stretches horizontally upon the horizon, then it makes the [Fajr] Prayer lawful and prohibits food.>> [Saheeh: al-Bayhaqee & al-Haakim: ýSilseelatus-Saheehahý (no.2003)]

(2)     The hadeeth of ýAbdullaah ibn ýAmr ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that the Prophet (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý and the time of Fajr is for as long as the sun has not risen.>> [Reported by Muslim]

(3)     The hadeeth of Ibn ýAbbaas ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<Jibreel ý ýalaihis ý Salaam ý led me in the prayer at the House twice.  So he the Zuhr Prayer with me when the sun just began to decline [towards the west] ý>> [Saheeh: Aboo Daawood]

(4)     The same hadeeth of Ibn ýAbbaas ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý then on the next day he [Jibreel ý ýalaihis ý Salaam] led me in the Zuhr Prayer when the shadow was as long as it ý>> [Saheeh: Aboo Daawood]

(5)     The same hadeeth of Ibn ýAbbaas ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý and he [Jibreel ý ýalaihis ý Salaam] prayed ýAsr with me when the shade was equal to it ý>> [Saheeh: Aboo Daawood]

(6)     The same hadeeth of Ibn ýAbbaas ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý and he [Jibreel ý ýalaihis ý Salaam] prayed the ýAsr with me when the shadow was twice its lenght ý.  Then he said:  Oh Muhammad, this is the time observed by the Prophets before you, and the time is anywhere between the two times>> [Saheeh: Aboo Daawood]

(7)     The hadeeth of ýAbdullaah ibn ýAmr ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that the Prophet (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý and the time of ýAsr is as long as the sun has not become yellow...>> [Reported by Muslim]

(8)     Aboo Hurairah ý radiyallaahu ýanhu ý reported that Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<If one of you can get a prostration of the ýAsr Prayer before sunset then let him complete his Prayer...>> [al-Bukhaaree (no. 556) & Muslim]

(9)     The hadeeth of Ibn ýAbbaas ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý and he [i.e. Jibreel ý ýalaihis ý Salaam] prayed it with me ý meaning the Maghrib Prayer ý at the time when the fasting person breaks fastý>> [Saheeh: Aboo Daawood]

(10)     ýUmar ibn al-Khattaab ý radiyallaahu ýanhu ý said: Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<When the night comes on from here [i.e. the east] and the day goes off from here [i.e. the west], and the sun has set, then the fasting person has ended his Fast.>> [Reported by al-Bukhaaree (no. 1954) & Muslim]
- Ibn Hajr said in ýFathul-Baareeý (4/196): ý[When the night comes on ý], meaning: the appearance of perceptible darkness.  So three things are mentioned in this hadeeth, since even though they occur together they may not all be seen together ýý

(11)     The hadeeth of ýAbdullaah ibn ýAmr ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that the Prophet (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý and the time of Maghrib is as long as the twilight (shafaq) has not disappeared...>> [Reported by Muslim]

(12)     ýAbdullaah ibn ýUmar ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý said: ýThe twilight (shafaq) is the redness.ý [Reported by ýAbdur-Razzaaq & al-Bayhaqee with authentic chain of narration]

(13)     The hadeeth of Ibn ýAbbaas ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that Allaahýs Messenger (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý and he [i.e. Jibreel ý ýalaihis ý Salaam] prayed ýIshaa when the twilight disappearedý>> [Saheeh: Aboo Daawood]

(14)     The hadeeth of ýAbdullaah ibn ýAmr ý radiyallaahu ýanhumaa ý that the Prophet (salallaahu ýalayhi wassallam) said: <<ý and the time of ýIshaa is until half-way through the night...>> [Reported by Muslim]

was-Salaamu `alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu,

kataba: Mus'ab ibnu Haaroon

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