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Posted By Topic: Bid'ah that takes a person outside the Circle of Ahlus-Sunnah

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21-12-2008 @ 5:24 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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What is the bid'ah that takes a person outside the Circle of Ahlus-Sunnah?
- Ash-Shaykh, al-'Allaamah Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee


"What is the bid'a that by it, a man is considered to be outside the circle of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah?

Ash-Shaykh Rabee' answered:

"Like the bid'ah (related to) al-Qadr 1, the bid'ah of Irjaa' 2, the bid'ah of Rafdh 3, the bid'ah of Khurooj 4, the bid'ah of the Soofees, like the birthday celebrations of shirk, and other than them. And travelling to the graves and things like these ý baarakAllaahu feekum. From this type.

Taking ahlul-bid'ah as friends and companions makes a person from them and supporting them and defense of them. For indeed Ahmad bin Hanbal it was said to him: "Indeed some of the people sit with ahlulbid'ah", so he said: "Advise him!" He said: "I already advised him, but he refused (to leave sitting with them)." He (Ahmad) said: "Consider him with them".

So the one who sits with the people of innovation and mixes with them, it is proven and established against him that he is ill, and that he agrees with those people, and regarding this there are proofs;

"The souls are enlisted soldiers, so those that became familiar with one another from amongst them (in the heavens) will be inclined (towards each other in the world), and those from amongst them that opposed one another will differ." 5

So this one, his coming close to them and being friendly with the people of innovation is a daleel that there is agreement and similarity between the two affairs and the two individuals, or the two groups.

Anyway, what we have mentioned is that which takes one outside the circle of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah."

1 The bid'ah of the Qadariyyah and the Jabriyyah.
2 The bid'ah of the Murji'ah who say that Eemaan does not increase nor decrease and are not affected by
3 The bid'ah of the Rawaafidh who reject the majority of the Companions and declare them to be kuffaar, and Allaah's Refuge is sought!
4 The bid'ah of the Khawaarij
5 Bukhari and Muslim on authority of Abu Hurayrah radiAllahu anhu. See Sahih al-Jaami(#2765)
Translated by Br. Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher

16-04-2009 @ 2:41 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Kunyah Name and father's name (Location)
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Jazakum Allahu khairan.


17-04-2009 @ 6:09 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Wa iyaakum. The above article in pdf format can be found at

28-04-2009 @ 11:17 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Reply of Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah to a similar question can be read from page 3 onwards at

Reply of Shaykh Ubayd hafidhahullah to a question "When does a man exit from the Salafee Manhaj and when is it judged upon him that he is not a Salafee" can be read on page 4 of

Also read the kalaam of Shaykh Abdul Azeez ar-Raajihee hafidhahullah by clicking

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