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» PART 1: Refutation of Abu Usamah Khaleefah by Shaykh Faleh al-Harbi
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26-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 95
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PART 1: Refutation by Shaykh Faleh al-Harbi on Abu Usamah Khaleefah

AU (Abu Usamah) Statement: we spoke about the characteristics of the Jews, and from their characteristics is their taqleed al-a?maa, the blind following of their leaders. The Prophet he told us in a hadeeth in Saheehul-Bukhari: ?If twelve of the leaders of the Jews believed in me, just twelve of their leaders believed in me then there would not remain on the face of the earth a single Jew except that he accepted Islaam because they followed their leaders. From their characteristics is their blind following..Saheehul-Bukhari, if only twelve leaders from the Jews embraced Islaam then every Jew would embrace Islaam. Why? because they blindly follow their leaders.

Shaykh Faleh: This needs to be checked to see if its authentic (then it was said to the Shaykh: Abu Usamah said its in Bukhari) so the Shaykh said, we need to check it, his (Abu Usamah's) narrations aren't trusted. Even if it is in Bukhari, then its not a proof for him, because he wants to establish baatil with it, in that which happened to the Jews. This baatil in reality negates the manhaj of the Prophets which is the way of Ahlus Sunnah that derives from the Book and the Sunnah (a few unclear words) but he (Abu Usamah) wants to establish baatil principles that his Shaykh (Abul Hassan) has founded and laid out, and he has taken it from him.

AU Statement: We don?t blind follow our leaders, one of the signs of the Jews that have crept into Al-Islaam. So we don?t blindly follow our leaders and we make it haraam, and similarly we don?t blind-follow Sheikh Rabee, may Allah preserve him, he is as the Muhaddith of this ?asr has described him, the one who is the carrier of the banner of jarh wa ta?deel, but so is Al-Imaam Ahmad, and so is Al-Imaam Al-Bukhari, and so is Al-Imaam Ibn hibbaan, and so is Imaam Ali Al-Madeeni, Al-Imaam An-Nisaaee, they were carriers of the flag of jarh wa ta?deel, but they didn?t always get their jarh of a paticular person right, that didn?t happen, you have to look at what?s being said, and we have to look at what other people are saying, then we base what was said on the haqq and we accept it or reject it.

Shaykh Faleh: Subhanallah, does an intelligent person speak like this? All of us are able to make ijtihaad now Mash Allaah! Now you have a fatwaa from this graduate shaykh (Abu Usamaah), go ahead brothers, all of you can reject what you like. Is this not chaos that has no end? This Deen isn't like the way it has been described (by Abu Usamaah). This Deen is precise, it has regulations (some intangible words) it's not like this person describes it, that everyone can check and look into and make ijtihaad. He (Abu Usamah) has no shame! This is Deen!

"Don?t say lies with your tongues, this is halaal and that is haraam to invent a lie against Allaah, Indeed those who invent a lie against Allaah won't be victorious"

This is a dangerous matter.

"Indeed those who divide the religion and were parties, we have nothing to do with them O Muhammad"

This is division of the Deen, following this astray Shaykh of his (Abul Hassan) this is division of the Deen.

AU statement: : I asked him (Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab Al-Banna) some questions about the Sheikh Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi. What?s your position Sheikh? How do you understand this? And he was very just and in the middle, wanting good for Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi! Wanting good for him! Hoping for good! Saying that he did what he could to try and rectify the problem, he praised the committee in Madinah who are trying to solve the problem, people in Yemen trying to solve the problem, Sheikh Abdul-Azeez Al-Bura?ee, there are trying to solve the problem! Bring people back! Keep people on the haqq!

Sh. Faleh: I passed by this, I read this speech! Shaykh Al-Banna when he Abul Hassan al-Ma'rabi came to him some time ago, he didn?t welcome him into his home, refused him and refuted him. He requested from him (Abul Hassan) that he repents to Allaah and seeks his apology from Shaykh Rabee. The students and Shaykhs in Yemen have clarified their position, they warn against him and prevent him from giving da'wah. Abdul Aziz Al-Bur'ee was with him (Abul Hasan). [translators note: Sh. Abdul Aziz Al-Bur'ee was one of the signatories to the bayaan which came from the Shaykhs of Yeman who freed themselves of Abul Hasan and prevented him from lecturing and delivering khutbahs in any of the centres of salafiyah in Yeman.]

AU statement: (In a letter he sent to Abu Zahid Jaleel Meekins)

He use to be my man before he became Ultra Salify and 'better' than everyone else in his Salifiyyah and understanding.

He's in Egypt.  He use to be with Sh. Usamah Al-Qoosee, but after all of the kalaam that has circulated about the Shiekh the brothers from Philly have dropped him like a hot potatoe simply because Shiekh Rabee' (ra) has critisized him.

Sh. Faleh: The salaf didn?t describe one another as being extreme. They are the people of fairness and in reality they are the people of the middle course.

"and don?t go to extremes in the affair and be just to both parties?.."

But this is also by way of his (Abu Usamah's) sheikh (Abul Hasan) by his accusation of Ahul Sunnah that they are extreme and that they are hadaadi, and this is what hadaadiyah means, extremism. But the reality is, that hadaadiyah they are the ones who slander Ahul-Sunnah, so they believe that Ahlus-Sunnah and those that oppose them, then they are extreme.

And this person (Abu Zahid) like he said is upon salafiyyah, and we don?t  say that a person from the small students of knowledge that they understand salafiyah to the extent of the scholars, but to the affect that they want to better and improve upon the fitrah and manhaj of Ahul Sunnah wal Jammah. So if he's (Abu Zahid) like that, then he is not characterized as being extreme. Then he (Abu Usamah) says that the brothers have taken a position, so now they are extreme??as for the brothers he (AU) was indicating, then his speech doesn't apply to them and doesn't harm them? and these brothers who took there position against him (Usamah Qoosi), and their taken this position was befitting of them, since their scholars have given their judgment and they took the judgment of their scholars, and adhered to the sunnah and they defended it and aided it, so his kalaam (AU) doesn't apply to these brothers, rather it applies to himself.

AU statement: but simply because someone is criticized from someone else does not force someone to take a position against that individual, this is what I don?t agree with many of the brothers, simply because someone criticizes someone else, automatically even if we do not necessarily know is this person going overboard, is this person mutashaddid (severe in his critiquing individuals), is this person talking with proof?

Sh. Faleh: This is baatil, this is for issues that there is difference of opinion in, when there is strong proof for the matter and some of the scholars have a preference they refer back to one another. This is not a problem, but it's for the scholars and not for everyone, like this person was indicating at the beginning. If it's related to aqeedah, manhaj or people of innovation, then NO! this is a different matter and its not correct for this to be said ever. And none of  the people of the sunnah opposes one another in this matter?? so its befitting that this matter is understood, its not in this manner that this brother has considered, that it is just from one issue, no, its not the same affair, be careful of this matter. This is a precise issue of manhaj. And this person and those like him, who have taken from this destructive watered down manhaj, that which isn't a grounded pillar from knowledge or this manhaj.  

AU statement: We don?t know all the time, but we get people on the bandwagon and we start to make the tarweej(?) of that we start to spread it and get everyone involved and now there is more fitnah and more fasad there?s more problems. In Sha Allah our position, my position, and I know most of you brothers here?about Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi, my position concerning this issue is that the mistakes that he make the taraaju?

Sh. Faleh: No doubt the problem is when these ignorant people start to speak, when they aid the people of falsehood when there is fitnah and they don't refer back to the scholars, then the fitnah will increase. This is the fitnah! He doesn?t say he (Abul Hasan) is a fitnah maker, he follows him, so his aqeedah and manhaj becomes corrupt. So upon them is to refer back to the scholars, those who are asked concerning the dhikr and the haqq and the sunnah and the religious rulings, so that they become expanded  (in their knowledge) with it, then they can reconcile the fitnah and evil. So if this isn?t done this way then their aqeedah becomes corrupted and deviated, their manhaj becomes corrupt, so they follow the people of innovation and are lead astray from their deen, there's no doubt in this.

AU statement: those shayukh in Madinah they?re trying to handle the thing, we talked to them hopefully its going to turn out for the best because we would prefer him to be with us as opposed to being against us. (He said on tape 2)  ?the people of the Sunnah they when to apply the truth, today unfortunately the brothers of the da?wah, this new tayaar, this new current, this new wave, it?s a tidal wave??

[The Shaykh cuts in here]

Sh.Faleh: So he calls the kalaam of the scholars against the people of innovation a trend! The scholars only call the refutation of the people of innovation, they call it deen, Walaa wal Baraa, and this one (AU) calls it a trend, this is the way of the people of innovation and organized movements and the intellectuals, those with no understanding of the deen.

AU statement: simply because someone criticizes someone else, automatically even if we do not necessarily know is this person going overboard, is this person mutashaddid (severe in his critiquing individuals), is this person talking with proof?

Sh. Faleh: This is like we said, it is not the same affair. This is only from the science of hadeeth, which is ilm waseelatillah. And not everyone who has knowledge in the science of hadeeth is a scholar, even in the field of hadeeth, not to mention fiqh. Likewise whoever has some knowledge from the usool ul fiqh he isn't a scholar of fiqh, and whoever has some knowledge of tafseer, he isn't a scholar of tafseer. So how is this (AU saying) applied to the whole of Islaam? The whole of the usool of Ahul Sunnah wal Jamaah, that which is the foundation, returned back to the people of knowledge, and the scholars of the sunnah. This matter that we are speaking of, concerning Jarh wa Ta'deel, doesn?t enter into these things from the general matters in the science of hadeeth??..this is the same reason why they have become lost and went astray because of these corrupt details and principles. The principles in itself are not false, they are from the science of hadeeth, jarh wa ta'deel, jarh al-mufassir, Ghair mufassir, Al Jarh mutashadid wa mutawasit, Al-mutasaahil, when we are concerned with narrations. So how is it that a narration comes to us by way of Abul Hasan, and he is an innovator, he was judged to be upon bid'ah, that we accept it!? And then we don't except a narration that comes to us from Ahul sunnah! when there is a difference between the two? A difference between the person of Bida'h and sunnah??. so if he is saying (AU) that this person from Ahul Sunnah is too harsh, and he isn't going to accept his harshness, then he has defamed his manhaj and made him into an extreme innovator (the scholars who criticize Abul Hasan)! There is a difference between him being harsh on the people of innovation and those having some mistakes in his ijtihaad or differs in an issue which has an opinion that is preferred over another. So because of their ignorance they don?t distinguish between the two.

AU statement: Today the people of the da?wah today what they do is what happened in our masjid right here people hated the da?wah because of the way brothers dealt with them, not all of the brothers some of the brothers, certain brothers, everyone is a deviant, everyone is astray, threatening, everyone and his mother is astray, so we have to be careful even now in other places this is the way that the du?aat of the da?wah are, everything is rough and tough, and very seldom do we find people???.

[The Shaykh cuts in here]

Sh. Faleh: All this kalaam is general, unrestricted, it doesn?t have a place to stay (i.e. it is homeless). This is not the way of Ahul sunnah, its only the way of Ahul Bid'ah, the way of the opposers of the manhaj of Ahul Sunnah. This is like this, that is like that and this is harsh, what is harsh!? If you can clarify for us, how is the refutation of the people of innovation, warning from the people of falsehood, advising the people, that which we are ordered to do, and its from the deen. Do you consider this harsh? What does he say about the hudood for example? What does he say about cutting off the hands and feet at opposite sides, what does he say about the stoning until death, or lashing, what does he say about admonishment? It doesn?t benefit the creation except that which the Creator Has made as a reconciliation for them. This general kalaam doesn?t suffice anything, rather its astray, corrupt kalaam. What is this harshness? The criterion, the scales aren?t with you! Its not the criterion of man, or the mujtahhideen. Its only for the Shari'ah. That which you relate to harshness, it may be the haqq and it?s the ruling from Allaah and His Messenger and it agrees with that which Ahul Sunnah is upon and  the people of truth. As for you generalizing and making these claims, then when will the people accept the truth? Do we say oh people, the ones that have drowned they are to be followed, they have the authority, they are from the people of truth!? No! they are the people of falsehood, the danger is upon the one who opposes (few unclear words) the reason of them becoming astray and deviation is their tarbiyyah, the way they were taught if that tarbiyyah has come from you (Abu Usamah).

This refutation is by Shaykh Faleh al-Harbi on Abu Usamah Khaleefah and was recorded in Riyadh on Sunday 23rd Rajab 1423 years after the hijra of the Prophet of Allaah to Madina from Makkah.

Translated by Abu Khaleel Hasan al-Amriki


This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 11-26-02 @ 3:38 AM

26-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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May Allaah reward the Shaykh Faalih for his time and advice, and kathaalik may Allaah reward the brother Hasan, Ahsan Allaahi ilayhe!

To summarize the statements of Sh. Faalih, may Allaah preserve him, about Aboo Usaamah Ath-Thahabee, after having reviewed his exact words:

1) "his (Abu Usamah's) narrations aren't trusted"

2) "he (Abu Usamah) wants to establish baatil principles that his Shaykh (Abul Hassan) has founded and laid out, and he has taken it from him."

3) "does an intelligent person speak like this?" (rhetorical question, meaning that an intelligent person does not speak in the way that Aboo Usaamah has spoken)

4) "He (Abu Usamah) has no shame!"

5) "This is division of the Deen, following this astray Shaykh of his (Abul Hassan) this is division of the Deen."

6) "But this is also by way of his (Abu Usamah's) sheikh (Abul Hasan) by his accusation of Ahul Sunnah that they are extreme and that they are hadaadi, and this is what hadaadiyah means, extremism."

7) "so his kalaam (AU) doesn't apply to these brothers, rather it applies to himself." (referring to Aboo Usaamah's claims that the salafees are extreme)

8) "This is baatil... And this person and those like him, who have taken from this destructive watered down manhaj, that which isn't a grounded pillar from knowledge or this manhaj."

9) "No doubt the problem is when these ignorant people start to speak, when they aid the people of falsehood when there is fitnah and they don't refer back to the scholars, then the fitnah will increase. This is the fitnah!"

10) "He doesn?t say he (Abul Hasan) is a fitnah maker, he follows him, so his aqeedah and manhaj becomes corrupt."

11) "and this one (AU) calls it a trend, this is the way of the people of innovation and organized movements and the intellectuals, those with no understanding of the deen."

12) "this is the same reason why they have become lost and went astray because of these corrupt details and principles."

13) "This is not the way of Ahul sunnah, its only the way of Ahul Bid'ah, the way of the opposers of the manhaj of Ahul Sunnah."

14) "This general kalaam doesn?t suffice anything, rather its astray, corrupt kalaam."

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
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26-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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May Allaah reward Shaykh Faalih, and his advice is golden, that people should not refer back to the likes of these du'aat amongst the shabaab, who initiate rulings from themselves without reference to the scholars. Especially in these serious matters where they cause more confusion and trials for ordinary people.

May Allaah reward the Shaykh. It is obligatory to abandon the rulings that come from these shabaab from themselves without reference to the scholars and adhere instead to what comes from the scholars.

Ikhwaan is it possible for the tape recording to be made available, or put online?

26-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The tapes are with the brothers in Riyadh and some of the brothers in Madina. We will be sending them to the brothers in Philly and elsewhere very soon so that they may spread them amongst the salafis so that the true reality of the evil kalaam of Abu Usamah becomes clearer to all.

PART 2 of the refutation of Abu Usamah Khaleefah by Shaykh Faleh Al-Harbi (may Allaah increase him in goodness) will be put up soon, Inshallaah.


This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 11-26-02 @ 12:55 PM

26-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Some appropriate advice from Shaykh Rabee' recently:

It is also desireable for you to known who to return to when any affair arises between you. Do not differ and do not dispute, but refer the matter back to the Major Scholars, and do not let the youth from the Du'aat to be your reference when difference arises.

And this brother of yours, Abdul-Haqq, affirms that he, and whoever is with him in Masjid Ibn Taymiyyah are with the Scholars in their conviction of Abul-Hasan (with deviation, misguidance). And whoever continues upon the path of Abul-Hasan, defending him, and rejecting the words of the Scholars concerning him, then they are to be advised, and the words of the Scholars concerning him are to be made clear to them, without [indulging in] argumentation with them. And if they refuse (to show anything) except argumentation, and defence (of Abul-Hasan), then they are to be abandoned and avoided.

And it is upon you to leave those rulings that arise, initially, from the youth without (having) referred to the People of Knowledge, those whom Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted has ordered to refer back to in his, the Exalted's saying, "When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they make it known (among the people), if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly). " (An-Nisaa 4:83).

06-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salamu Alaikum Wa rahmatuLLAHE Wa barakatuh
  Abu Usamah Al-kathabi has made nothing but fitnah ever since he has came to our town(Peoria,IL). he is extremly errored in his statements against the brothers here.. No one ever said everyone is astray.,, But the masjid is clearly a ISNA Masjid.(as Abu Usamah has said Today when he said they will follow ISNA'a Shura council and that the people who go against that are muqalid and splitting the jammaa') and in there constitution it clearly states , that anyone who disagrees with that(ISNA)can not be a full member of the masjid. refrence ICP's web site and let all see what they are apone,, sign up for there mailing list(and see what you get),, see what they post,, see what positions they take,,
  The Imam(AMIR) here is a guy named abdullatif, Abu Usamah has told many that he is a salafi and is to be obeyed like the rullers are to be obeyed (Abu Muhammad,usamah loveless,tawheed, the x-wife of sayid adly and me(AbuHamzah are witnesses to that). Now this guy(abdulLatif) when he first came to peoria told me that the arabs were only knowledgable about womens issues,, well this statement alone can be said is asabiyah,,But he told tawheed( another salafi brother)what he meant by that statement "The Ulemah of saudi arabia are ulemah of womens fiqi" (You must ask what Ulemah?? Bin Bazz, Ibn uthaymeen, Shiekh rabi  who??? and is this abu Usamahs's idea of a salafi??).So we refuse to embrace this guy as salafi ( Abu usamah was made aware of this and there was never a recanting by abdullatif after Abu Usamah knew)Now the second guy abu zaid Ar-rafie', and Abu usamah loves this cat as well,, he(Abu Zaid) said that the ulemah are liars when they speak about sayid qutub, then he praises sayid qutub,, and Abu Zaid claims he is salafi,, and ofcource Abu Usamah is quite regarding him as well.. the third guy AbdulGhani zaini has said lots of stuff.. and clearly has said on more than one ocassion that the sahabah are not binding on us at all,, and Abu Usamah not only remains silent but defends him,, over the salafies.these few guys that I mentioned are just a few people who run the masjid here,,((the web site will be enough for anyone as proof)Abu usamah wanted us to embrace these people as lagitimet rulers..(whats wrong with him???){plus dawood visited here once and met some of these people}
  Then Abu Usamah gave a khutbah praising the taliban,, I gave him nasihah,, he said ok,,and someone went back and said i called him a qutubi,,,Then he called himself disbaring me from the masjid(in defence of the taliban).,,,well some WD muhammad people thought that Abu Usamah can not kick people out off the masjid(and since some are big money holders) he(abuusamah) LIED and said he never said it...well tawheed yamini is a witness,usamah Loveless, abu Muhammad abdulhakim who said after talking to abu Usamah" jameel can not return untill he makes public tawbah"
  abu Usamah gets upset when he is expossed like when tawheed called him on calling to muwazinat in one of his sittings. And now abu Usamah sais Abu Hanifah is murjiah(no salaf nor salafi is safe from his demented anger).
he has clearly verified everything the shiekh has said about him and more.this man has tried his best to put the ikhwani inclined people over the people of salafiyyah here in peoria.calling to the ikhwani inclined peoples obediance and every matter the salafi's bring to the table he calles an opinion and sais we are just madd we don't get our personel way.
  No salafi here is content with abu usamah(Abu Namimah). Not me(abu Hamzah),not Tawheed and not Usamah Loveless.he is alone.he has been seeking the love, effection and pocket books of those outside of our ranks and openly showing hatred and discontent with everything salafi here.So I say,, Abu Usamah has alianted the salafies here in  Peoria,, maybe it is you mr khalifah(Khalafy),, you are so mercifull to the non-salafies and so loving to other than the salafies. I ask abu usamah to bring us the salafies that are with him. then if he would dare, to bring the positions of those who are with him,,, Abu Usamah told me in a conversation that usamah loveless was the formost salafi in peoria,, now I know he said that only to get under my skinn as me and Usamah loveless have our disputes. now that usamah loveless stands with the Ulemah regarding the DEVIANT marabi,, what will he say about usamah loveless now?? maybe he is a horrible guy now?? humm.. aslo Mr khalifah said that the Ulemah have no proof as to what is said about marabi,, and yet the dalil is all over.,  yet again mr khalafy is so hard regarding the position of ahluSunnah and so merciful regarding marabi,,, is this not consistant with his character?? of cource. so to be very honest I know that with regards to the salafies,, I am not telling them anything they are not already aware of,,, but when Mr Khalafy sais that not all the brothers and just some,,,, he(Mr khalafy is alone!!!! and yet again mr khalafy al-khathabi has yet again lied and misrepresented the Haq,, Our error is just bringing mr Khalafy here to peoria,,may ALLAH(SWTA) forgive us
   Abu Hamzah, Jameel Ibn james hogan,As-Salafy
     wa Alaikum As Salamu wa RahmatuLLAHE wa Barakatuh  309-672-823
11-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As salaamu 'alaykum

Jazzak Allaahu khayr "fath.ul-Majeed" for this, but when will part two be posted?



Muhammad as-Skatlandee

This message was edited by on 3-12-03 @ 10:33 AM

12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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May Allah bless you for this great transcript of the noble words of shaykh Faalih. Alhumdullah I have been bless to here the tape since my arrival to Medina, and its clear that the brothers have established a clear stance when it comes to the many crimes against the principles of Ahlus Sunnah that Aboo Usaamah is guilty of and may Allah guide him or FIGHT him.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

13-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

31-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

PART 2 of the refutation by Shaykh Faleh al-Harbi of Abu Usamah Khaleefah:

-the Jahil, whose narrations aren't trusted, the one who want's to establish baatil principles like his shaykh Abul Fitan Ma'ribi, the one who has no shame, the one who is deceptive, the one who has corrupt sayings and principles, the astray, the blind follower of abul fitan al-Ma'ribi, the likes of who corrupt the Deen -

will appear inshallaah here later on tonight (Makkah time).

This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 12-31-02 @ 4:03 PM

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