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» Suaal concerning one of al-albanee's tapes
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Posted By Topic: Suaal concerning one of al-albanee's tapes

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10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 29
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As-salamu aleikum wa rahmatulahee wa barakatahu

I was taking some notes on the tape "Refuting the Enemmies of the Sunnah" by Shaykh Naasir-ud-Deen al-Albanee and the original question that was posed to him was concerning 2 individuals:

1) Al-Kautharee
2) Al-Ghazaalee

a) The Shaykh mentions that al-Kautharee was from Islanbul and that he had a lot of knowledge and after that he goes on to refute him. My question is :

Can some of the Tullaabul-'Ilm here help me get this man's (al-Kautharee's) full name and a short biography if possible, just so that I know well who is being refuted?

b) The al-Ghazaalee that is mentioned in the tape also gets refuted. My question concerning him is:

Is this the same al-Ghazaalee who wrote that book ihyaa 'ullumud-Deen, and can anyone direct to some source where his full name can be obtained (besides Muhammad al-Ghazaalee)and a short biography?

May Alah reward you all with good

10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaikh Muhammad al-Ghazaalee was born in Egypt on Sep 22 1917.

He was very well known for his Mu'tazilah/Ash'aree aqeedah, modernistic approach towards Islaam and his out right rejection of the authentic sunnah. He was an official card carrying member of the Ikhwaanul Muslimeen. I say this because many people don't know that many people have the ideaologies of the Ikhwaan but are not official members as such.

While working upstate NY in the capacity of prison 'chaplain' one of the American brothers with me told me that he was an official member of the Ikhwaan.

Shaikh al-Ghazaalee held many high religious posts in Egypt having a great impact on life there. Some of those postiions were:

Member of the Supreme Council on Islaamic Affairs    
Masjid Inspector the Ministry of Awqaaf and Endownments      
Professor at al-Azhaar University  
He wrote many books which are filled with corrupted ideas.

I sat in front of Shaikh al-Albaanee, rahimahullaah one evening after Salaatul Maghrib in a hotel in al-Madeenah and heard him refute him concerning the hadeeth collected by al-Imaam Muslim "Surely your father and my father are in the Hell-fire".

This refutation/explanation lasted until the iqaamah of al-Ishaa!

Muhammad al-Ghazaalee [by the way, I think his first name was actual shaikh] said in one of his books entitled "Fiqhus Seerah" (which was checked by Shaikh al-Albaanee) under the section "That which pertains to the hadeeths of this Book":

"The scholars of the Sunnah have differed concerning the authenticity or unauthenticity of a hadeeth. And after his thorough examination of the chains [of the hadeeth], Shaikh Naasir (al-Albaanee) may deem the hadeeth weak - and he has been given the right to do so -  for he is an individual that is firmly grounded in the knowledge of the Sunnah. Or many of the Muhaddithoon may even deem it as weak, but I may look at its meaning and find that it to be in total agreement with an aayah from Allaah's Book or an athar from an authentic sunnah and therefore don't find any harm in its being narrated nor do I have any fear of an offense (being commited) from it being written. Because the (weak hadeeth in question) does not bring anything new in the area of legal rulings or virtues. It only serves to explain that which is already established".

He went on to say:

"At the same time but on the flip side, I held back - for example - from utilizing a hadeeths collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslimwhere in the Battle of Banoo Mustaliq took place. These narrations suggest that the Prophet, alaihes salaatu wa salaam, suddenly attacked the tribe without first offering them any da'wah or without the violation of any treaties from their side or anything to bring suspicion from their side or knowlegde of any suspicious goings on their part!"

This is a glimspe of the man Muhammad al-Ghazaalee who died in 1996, may Allaah have mercy on him, forgive him and pardon him and us!

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

This message was edited by AbooTasneem on 1-10-03 @ 2:49 PM

10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
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As for Muhammad Zaahid ibn Hasan al-Kawtharee, then he was a muhaddith that Allaah tested with falling into extreme blind following of the Hanafee madhhab, Ash`aree aqeedah and Naqshbandee Soofiyyah. He was born in the late 1800's.

He has been accused of criticizing and attacking some of the Sahaabah like Anas ibn Maalik and Mu'aawiyah ibn Hakam as-Sulamee as-Suhamee, radiyallaahu anhumaa, Imaams ash-Shaafi'ee, ad-Daaraqutnee and al-Bukhaaree. He regarded Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah a mujassim or anthropomorphist.

I have heard Shaikh Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee say on tape that at one time he was safe, then something happened. Shaikh Naasir has refuted him on many occasions and also refuted one of his well-known students who is also a muhaddith, Aboo Ghuddah.

He also said about al-Kawtharee for those who think that Shaikh al-Albaanee was 'soft' with the innovators:

"Zaahid al-Kawtharee who was - and truth dictates - upon abundant knowledge of the Science of hadeeth and it's narrators, but, unfortunately, his knowledge became a proof against him and an affliction, because it did not increase him in guidance or light, not in the branches (of the religion) nor the foundations. For he is a Jahmee, denying the sifaat (attributes) of Allaah, a Hanafee, destroyed by his partisanship, and severe in his abuse against the Ahlul Hadeeth, the early ones and the later ones"

al-Kawtharee to the best of my knowledge died in the year 1952.

I don't have enough time to go into detail right now so maybe one of the students can take over from here concerning his life.

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

This message was edited by AbooTasneem on 1-10-03 @ 7:24 PM

10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 29
Joined: Sep 2002
As-salamu aleikum wa rahamtulahee wa barakatahu

Brother Abu Tasneem ,

May Allah reward you with good.


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