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10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 39
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salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
na'am just trying to keep my promise and inshallah add on to what the brothers aboo tasneem and abdulilah has already stated of this man ibn battuta, i found what i was looking for in an article taken from an arabic magazine called "the moon" from october 1993 on a brief sketch of the life of this man: abu abdullah muhammad alluwaati commonly known as ibn battuta born 703/1304, he began his travels during the middle ages, he traveled through africa ,asia and europe, which in turn he visited 44 countries his trip lasted 29 years he married through those various trips 23 times and fathered 70 children. He left from the city of tanja with the intention of makin hajj this was when he was 50 years old he lived until he was 73, during his trips he lived amongst the people(s) moving with the carvans and staying in the zawaaya(plural for small sufi head quarters) and he used to visit the leaders(of sufi orders) he wanted to get blessing from them and he used to join in with them and he spent his days walking around the market areas.....taken from the book Tuhfat alAnthdaar fi Gharaaib al Amsaar wa 'ajaaib al Asfaar.<---transliteration of this title was taken from the previous post by the brother abdulilah.
muhammed an-noobi
--whoever refuses to worship ALLAAH; then he is mustakbir. and whoever worships ALLAAH and other than HIM(ALLAAH) then he is a mushrik. and whoever worships ALLAAH alone with other than the shari'ah then he is an innovator. and whoever worships ALLAAH alone with the shari'ah then he is a mu'men,muwahhid.--aqeedatul tawheed pg.66 by shaykh salah al-fawzan.

This message was edited by MuhammedNubi on 1-10-03 @ 5:59 AM

10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As our brother Abu Tasneem mentioned Ibn Battuta the travellor wrote a book called "Tuhfat alAnthdaar fi Gharaaib al Amsaar wa 'ajaaib al Asfaar" (1/102,109,110) where he lied about meeting Sheikh al Islaam ibn Taymiysh and said that Ibn Taymiyyah said while on the minbar"Allaah descends to the world similar to my descending" and he took one step down from the minbar. This is a clear lie on Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah as Ibn Batutta the travellor never met sheikh al Islaam ibn Taymiyyah as he was in prison in al Qal'aa at that time as has been mentioned by reliable narrators such as Haafidh Muhamad ibn Ahmed ibn Abdulhaadi and Haafidh Abi Faraj Abdulrahman ibn Ahmed ibn Rajab in his Tabaqaat al Hanabila where he said "The sheikh (Ibn Taymiyyah) stayed in the Qal'aaa prison from Sha'baan in the 26th year (726) until Dul Qa'da 28th year (728h)" (AdDeel 'ala Tabaqaat al Hanabila 2/405) So how called Ibn Batutta the travellor have met him in Ramadan 726?????????? and how was Ibn Taymiyyah on a minbar giving a khoutbah which being imprisoned until hew died in prison???????????????

"If you have no shame then do as you wish" Saheeh. al Bukhaaree rahimahullaah reported see fath (10/523)

The reference for what our brother Abu Tasneem mentioned can be found in Sharh Aqeedatil Wasitiyyah by Muhammad Khaleel al Harras p.33-35

التراجع إلى الحق فضيلة

10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 39
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salam alaikum wa rahmatullah,
i believe that brother aboo tasneem is talking about ibn battuta the traveler, i have a few pages of his biography where he states that he used to visit the sufi scholars of the various muslim countries, inshallah i will provide an accurate account of his own words as soon as i get the chance inshallah.
muhammed an-noobi

This message was edited by MuhammedNubi on 1-10-03 @ 1:16 AM

09-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Jazak Allahu Khyrun for setting my record straight.  Ma sha' Allah!

09-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I think the person who the brother Aboo Abdil Fattaah is asking about is NOT Ibn Battah, as-Salafee but rather Ibn Batootah the one who lied on Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyah saying that he was on the minbar in Damascus one day and said: "Allaah He descends this minbar, the way I descend it now!"

However Ibn Batoota who claimed to have heard this while in Damascus
entered that city on the 9th of Ramadhaan in the year 728H and at that particular time Shaykhul-Islaam was in prison, before Ibn Batootah arrived and afterwards.

This Ibn Batootah is the same one who is well known for his extensive traveling; very accurate when giving the accounts of his travels, but very inaccurate when discussing the important issues of aqeedah and the carriers of it, like Shaikhul Islaam!

Ibn Batootah died around 770 A.H.

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

This message was edited by AbooTasneem on 1-9-03 @ 7:06 PM

09-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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umm.abdulmalik the brother was asking about Ibn Battuta, not Ibn Batta. They are two different people.

09-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Taken from

The Biography of Abu Abdullaah `Ubaidullaah bin Muhammad bin Battah al-`Ukbaree al-Hanbalee  [known as Ibn Battah]

The Imaam, the Hadeeth Master (Haafidh), the Hanbalee Legal Jurist (Faqeeh), the devout worshipper and ascetic. He was born in the year 304H in Ukbaraa, a land close to Baghdaad, and died in the year 387H. His father was a Faqeeh and it was under his auspices that he began his studies and he often reports from him in his books. He was sent to Baghdaad to study hadeeth while still young, then he travelled to various lands such as Shaam, Basrah, Makkah and Thagur studying under a host of the leading scholars of his time and excelled in aqeedah, hadeeth and fiqh.

He heard from the likes of Abu al-Qaasim al-Baghawee, Abu Dharr al-Baaghandee, Abu Bakr bin Ziyaad an-Naisabooree, Ismaa`eel al-Warraaq, al-Qaadee al-Mahaamalee, Muhammad bin Mukhlid, Abu Taalib Ahmad bin Nasr al-Haafidh, Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Thaabit al-Ukbaree, Alee bin Abee al-Aqab, Ahmad bin Ubaid as-Saffaar, ibn Saa`id and others.

A group of the scholars narrated from him such as Abu al-Fath bin Abee al-Fawaaris, Abu Nu`aym al-Asbahaanee, Ubaidullaah al-Azharee, Abdul-Azeez al-Azjee, and Abu Ishaaq al-Barmakee, Abu Muhammad al-Jawharee, Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Eesaa as-Sa`see and others. He has been praised by more than one Imaam and was famous for enjoining the good and forbidding the evil. [Ibn Katheer, ?al-Bidaayah wa an-Nihaayah? (11/368-369); ibn Hajr, ?Lisaan al-Meezaan? (4/133+); adh-Dhahabee, ?Siyar? (16/529-533)]

Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee said: Abu Haamid ad-Dawlee narrated to me that when ibn Battah returned from his travels he confined himself to his house for fourty years [only rarely going out]. He was not seen in the market place and neither was he seen breaking fast except on the day of Eed. He used to enjoin the good and not a single bad narration [concerning people] would reach him except that he put it in a better light." [Ibid and al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee, ?Taareekh Baghdaad? (10/372)]

Abdul-Waahid bin Alee al-Ukbaree said, "I have not seen any of the scholars from the Ashaabul Hadeeth or other than them having a better disposition and mannerism than ibn Battah" [al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee, ?Taareekh Baghdaad? (10/372)]

Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Ateeqee said, "Ibn Battah was a righteous Shaykh, one whose supplications were answered." [Ibn al-Jawzee, ?al-Muntadhim? (7/194)]

Abu al-Fath al-Qawwaas said: I mentioned the knowledge and ascetism of ibn Battah to Abu Sa`eed al-Ismaa`eelee and so he went to him. When he returned he commented, "his [knowledge and ascetism] is beyond description." [Al-Asqalaanee, ?Lisaan al-Meezaan? (4/134)]

Abu Mas`ud Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Bajlee, the Haafidh said, "I have loved the Hanbalees since the day I saw Abu Abdullaah bin Battah." [Ibn Abee Ya`laa, ?Tabaqaatul Hanaabilaa? (2/145)]

Ibn al-Amaad said, "the great Imaam, the Haafidh, ibn Battah, the Hanbalee Faqeeh and righteous servant." [Ibn al-Amaad, ?Shadharaat adh-Dhahab? (3/122)]

However in the field of hadeeth he has been criticised for his lack of precision although in and of himself he is regarded to be truthful (sadooq). It is important to note that the scholars of hadeeth have cleared him of the possibility of fabricating. [Adh-Dhahabee, ?al-Mughnee fee ad-Du`afaa? (2/417), ?al-Uluw? (2/417), ?Siyar? (16/529-533); as-Suyutee, ?al-Laa`ee? (1/85) and others; a defense of him against a number of criticisms levelled against him can be found in ibn al-Jawzee, ?al-Muntadhim? (7/194+) and al-Mu`allamee, ?at-Tankeel? (pp. 561-571)]

At this point it is necessary to mention that the People of Innovation have capitalised on a statement concerning this great Imaam made by al-Haafidh ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee, may Allaah have mercy upon him. Using this statement they have attempted to declare this Imaam a fabricator and liar, may Allaah forgive them and us.

Ibn Hajr in his notice of ibn Battah begins by declaring him an Imaam and then proceeds to criticise him for his lack of precision in narration. He quotes the words of al-Ateeqee about him that "despite his lack of precision [in narrating] he was an Imaam in the Sunnah and an Imaam in fiqh, possessor of miraculous events and one whose supplications were answered, may Allaah be pleased with him."

He then proceeds to mention a munkar narration concerning the Attributes of Allaah and after identifying ibn Battah as being the source of this narration [although his being the culprit is differed over by the Scholars of Hadeeth], ibn Hajr comments, "and I do not know what I should say about ibn Battah after this."

It should be noted here that if ibn Hajr thought ibn Battah to be a liar or fabricator it would been necessary for him to mention this clearly, for the likes of this Haafidh could not possibly remain silent on such an issue.

Furthermore, as-Suyutee may Allaah have mercy upon him, further clarifies ibn Hajr?s position on him. He says, after quoting the above mentioned words of ibn Hajr, "I saw in the handwriting of ibn Hajr in his notes to ?Mukhtasar al-Mawdoo`aat? of ibn Darbaas [concerning this hadeeth], "?this baatil addition that occurs at the end of it is not present here and so it is clear that it occurs due to the poor memory of ibn Battah."

So in this narration ibn Hajr explicitly clears ibn Battah of intentional fabrication and hence his stance on him falls in line with the majority of Hadeeth Masters. Allaah knows best.

[ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee, ?Lisaan al-Meezaan? (4/134); as-Suyutee, ?al-Laa`ee al-Masnoo`ah? (1/75)]

His books concerning Aqeedah that have been published are ?al-Ibaanah al-Kubraa? in seven volumes with the tahqeeq of Yusuf bin Abdullaah al-Waabil and ?ash-Sharh wal-Ibaanah? with the tahqeeq of Dr. Ridaa Nu`saan. May Allaah have mercy upon him.

07-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaamu 'Alaikum ...

I'm looking for any information readily availabe on the internet concerning Ibn Battuta and what the 'Ulamaa of his time and ours have said regarding him.  Baaraka Allaahu feekum.


أبو عبد الفتـــاح
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah

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