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14-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 41
Joined: Aug 2002
I've managed to find it. It was in one of the articles SP put out. This is quoted by Shaikh Fawzee al-Athari, the student of Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen and it is also in the book refuting Ahmad Sallaam and it is also on cassette, the questions came from Ireland.

The Allaamah, Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen ? hafidhahullaah ? was asked by one of the students of knowledge from Southern Ireland about the principles (qawaa?id) of Adnaan Ar?oor the Politician, and this is recorded on cassette. [The Shaikh] indicated the futility of them all, and considered them to be principles by which compromise with Ahl ul-Bid?ah is intended. And here his words, letter for letter, as occurs on the cassette ?al-As?ilat al-Irlandiyyah? (Questions from Ireland):

?The First Principle:
What has been said about the errors of Ahl ul-Bid?ah, ?We correct (the mistakes) but we do not criticise (jarh).?  

The Shaikh replied: ?This is incorrect. Rather we criticise (make jarh) of the one who resists the truth?.

Refer to sources mentioned above.

14-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 41
Joined: Aug 2002
Are you talking about this article?

الكـاتـب : [ أبو جعفر السلفي ]    6/6/02 07:29 PM  

الموضــــوع: [ .دعاة ...دعاة ... دعاة ......حقيقة مسجد لوتن ..!!.. ببريطانيا ..!! ]

بسم الله الرخمن الرحيم
الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام علي من لا نبي بعده .
دعاة للباطل يا مسلمين ! رفعوا راية الذب عن المغراوي في كل وقت وحين ...
وادخلوه بكل قوة في صفوف السلفيين !!..
واجابوا ردا على كل ماصدر منه انها مجرد اخطاء ..!!.. وقالوا لنا راجين . !. احملوا المجمل على المفصل !! يا جاهلون ..!!
قلنا كيف !!؟ وهو الذي يقول : ان الذي اطاع امراته في معصية الله فانه يعبد صنما من الاصنام وكذلك من اطاع ابوه واخوه ....الخ
ويا للاسف وجدناهم يجهلون المجمل.!! ولا يعرفون المفصل .!! فحملوا مفصل المغراوي على مجمله!!؟ والله المستعان ...
امامهم ومسؤلهم : عبد القادر اللوتني !!. قال فيه الشيخ حمد العثمان : كذاب مفرق للصف السلفي . زقال الشيخ ربيع : اذا قال حمد العثمان انتهى فالشيخ حمد ثقة عندنا.
وجاء يوما الى مركز طيبة الاسلامي !! والطيور على اشكالها تقع .!!
خطب فيه خطبة دافع فيها عن اشخاص المبتدعة قائلا : we talk aginst the bedaa and we dont talk against personality !!? نحن نحذر من البدعة ولا نحذر من الاشخاص !!؟؟ هذا الكلام من نفس منبع عدنان عرعور.. ..
ورحم الله الامام ابن القيم الذي يقول : ان البدعة لو جاءت وحدها لرفضها الناس .. وانما يخلطونها بشي من الحق ...حتى تقبل ....
ورحم الله الامام البربهاري القائل : واحذر صغار المحدثات من الامورفان صغير البدع يعود حتى يصير كبيرا وكذلك كل بدعة احدثت في هذه الامة كان اولها صغيرا يشبه الحق فاغتر بذلك من دخل فيها ثم لم يستطع الخروج منها فعظمت وصارت دينا يدان بها فخالف الصراط المستقيم فخرج من الاسلام ....
ولما انكرنا عليه زعم انه لا يقصد وانما يقصد .! ونحن لا نكر على القصد وانما ننكر على القول .
فاعترف بخطئه .!! فطالبناه بالبيان ووعد خيرا لكن لا تنتظر شيء من كذاب !!
ذراعه الايمن . ابو زرعة الشرقاوي الليبي لم تر عيني اجهل منه ولم تحمل قدم متعالما مثله.!! ولا اظنه راى مثل نفسه ....
متحزب متعصب لابي الحسن يعادي ويوالي من اجله مدافع عن كل اخطائه مجرح لكل من يتكلم فيه بانه حدادي .. بقاعدة اصلها لنفسه ( .. من يتكلم في ابي الحسن المصري فهو حدادي ..) ..
ولقدافتي الشيخ ربيع بنصحه فان استجاب.. والا حذروا منه .
وهو من الذين ادخل المغراوي في جماعة اهل السنة والجماعة .. وكل ما صدر منه مجرد اخطاء .. ما خالفت الاصول ...!! يا فلان ..
ناهيك عن غمز في الشيخ ربيع.!. فضلا عن الشيخ فالح الحربي .!. واخيرا قدح وجرح في شبكة سحاب قال متهكما : هذه الشبكة الحزبية التي يقول عنها ربيع انها على ثغر من ثغور اهل السنة .!!؟ والاحراء ان تسمى شبكة ربيع ..!؟
ولما ضيق عليه اخواننا في النقاش قام مستصرخا ومستنجدا وملبسا دافعوا عن الالباني .. !!!!!!!؟؟
واتباعه واصحابه يؤون من يشتم الالباني ويرميه بالارجاء . ومن يتهم الشيخ على وخالدا بعد الامانة العلمية في النقل فياللعجب . من التهويش ..! من هذا المشوش ..!!
فائدة قال علمائنا: (( .. العبرة بالمسجد كيف يكون سلفيا او حزبيا بمن يمسك زمام امره وتسيره وليس العبرة بالمصلين او غيرهم ..))

Abdul Qadir said in a khutbah in front of the public, in a mosque in Leicester, "we talk against the bid'ah but not against the personality".

This was the manhaj of Adnan Ar'oor. We talk against the bidah but not against the personality. If you have  the refutation against Ahmad Sallaam written by a brother in Holland, in there he has the words of Shaikh al-`Uthaymeen and Shaikh al-Fawzaan refuting this false principle.

Abdul Qadir and his followers are upon the manhaj of Maghrawi, Ar'oor and Abul Hasan. Its about time these people were refuted and exposed. This was on Sahab.Net ages ago, I dont know why somebody did not translate it and let the people know that this Abdul Qadir is just promoting the manhaj of Adnan Ar'oor.

This message was edited by abu.sagheer on 9-14-02 @ 3:16 PM

14-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 67
Joined: Aug 2002
In recent times several articles have appeared on exposing the evil Manhaj of Abdul-Qadir.

SP have finally (and about time, may Allaah preserve them) taken the lead from in exposing this hizbee as shaykh Faalih called him and safeeh (fool) as Shaykh Rabee' called him.

Here are some of the posts on about this hizbee liar:

"SP Admin     09-14-2002 @ 12:57 PM    

We have seen this individual Abdul-Qadir, time and time again oppose the rulings of the scholars upon the contract that was agreed to in Brixton 1999 by himself and some others. How he rejoiced in this contract of hizbiyyah. How he still speaks in its defence till today. In a self-exposing lecture he gave on Paltalk approx 6 weeks ago where he defended the contract and claimed it contained nothing of hizbiyyah. So, brother Abdul-Qadir, is it that you know hizbiyyah better than Shaykh Rabee'? You recognise hizbiyyah better than Shaykh Ubayd? You can sense hizbiyyah better than Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmi?! - All of these declared that contract in Brixton to be a contract of hizbiyyah. Shaykh Ubayd said that the contract was 'hizbiyyah in the garbs of Salafiyyah' and there were 14 points of hizbiyyah in that contract!

So where are you, O Abdul-Qaadir?! The kibaar call this contract hizbee - But you claim it to be Salafi - who do we believe? Or is it that if we agree with the kibaar, then we are muqallid, but if we agree with you, then we are truly follows of daleel!?

Further, Abdul-Qadir claimed on Paltalk that some brothers 'lied' to Shaykh Ubaid when they read the contract to him!!! From where did you get this?? Not from Shaykh Ubayd, that is for sure. We challenge you to ring Shaykh Ubayd and tell him that you said on Paltalk that: "Shaykh Ubaid was lied to about the contract in Brixton"!

Repent, O Abdul-Qadir for your hizbiyyah and lies, before death approaches and you die with the slanders of the scholars upon your head."


""SP Admin     09-14-2002

Why Single out Abu Khadeejah?!

Why is it, O Abdul-Qadir, that you single out Abu Khadeejah for your attack?

Why do you try to make it seem personal between yourself and him?

Wallaahi, thummah wallaahi! There is nothing personal in our stance against you. It is only the manhaj of Salaf and your persistent and blatant opposition of it that concerns us.

Do you think that your difference with Abu Talhah Dawood Burbank, Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis, Abu Junayd Yusuf, Abu Fudhayl, Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq, Hasan As-Somaalee, Abu Tayyib, Muhammad as-Salafi and countless others is also personal?! All of these hold you to be a hizbee kadhdhaab as Shaykh Faalih rightly mentioned, may Allaah preserve him and make him a thorn in the sides of the hizbees.

These brothers have known about your deviations for many years and have waited and waited for your correction and have spoken the truth when asked about you, not hiding and flinching when asked about the truth.

You have singled out our brother Abu Khadeejah for your attack, because you know that to mount an outright attack upon all the Salafis is impossible. So you begin with Abu Khadeejah for now. But we have your emails where you clearly state your dislike also of Abu Talhah Dawood Burbank because he is upon the 'same [manhaj]as Abu Khadeejah'.

We know that you have helpers upon evil in Luton Birmingham, who behave like hypocrites, carrying information to you, secretly recording telephone conversations and carrying lies - all in order to damage and destroy the Salafi da'wah here. May Allaah guide you and your helpers upon evil or crush your evil plots.

Wallaahi, your da'wah will not succeed like this. Truthfulness, repentance, humbleness and sincerety is where success lies.

Soon we will release the words of Shaykh Faalih al-Harbi, hafidhahullaah, regarding Abdul-Qaadir Baksh al-Pakistani. And you will all hear the error and deviation in the manhaj of this man upon the clear evidences.

May Allaah guide him."

So may Allaah truly guide him to his own salvation. Ameen.

This message was edited by Sulaifi on 9-14-02 @ 2:15 PM

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