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02-06-2009 @ 11:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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03-06-2009 @ 5:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
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Hi Eleonora,

The first step is to click here and listen to the lecture and read the couple of articles which are found there.

Let us know in case you have any questions after that.

May Allah(Arabic word for God) guide you to the truth of Islam. Aameen.


04-06-2009 @ 8:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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08-06-2009 @ 12:48 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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09-06-2009 @ 4:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Could you please give the links of the pdf which are not working? Here is a short biography of Br. Dawud Adib hafidhahullah from

Our elder, brother Daawood Adeeb was born in the USA and accepted Islaam in 1975. Shortly thereafter ı without a teacher - he began to learn the Arabic language and by 1977 he was the regular khateeb (preacher) at two local masaajid in his hometown of Newark, New Jersey including the musallaa (prayer hall) at the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry.  Daawood also served as Director of Islamic Studies from 1980 to 1985. While serving as the Director of a full time Islamic school he also taught grades pre-kindergarten through twelve. He has worked as a chaplain in three state correctional institutions teaching Arabic language, Islamic studies and counselling both Muslims and non-Muslims inmates alike. He has lectured in the Caribbean, throughout North and South America (where he has delivered talks on both television and radio), Britain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Germany at civic centers, prisons, elementary, secondary and high schools, colleges, universities and churches. Currently he's based in Baltimore, Maryland. His Salafitalk user id is AbooTasneem.

10-06-2009 @ 12:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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14-06-2009 @ 8:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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This is not a verbatim transcript, but inshAllahenough to clarify what you could not understand

All praise is due to Allah.

We laud him, we praise Him, in Him we beseech and seek assistance and help. In Him, we seek forgiveness. And we seek the refuge with Allah, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth from the mischievousness of our souls and the wrong actions of our deeds. Whoever Allah - the Creator of the heavens and the earth - guides, no one can lead him astray; and whoever Allah, the Sublime and the Mighty, leaves to be left astray, no one will be able to guide him. And I - publically without any coercion, without any force or compulsion - bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allaah. And I bear witness that Muhammed, who died 1,416 years ago in the desert of Arabia is His Messenger, His final messenger, the seal of all prophets and the seal of all the revelations that Allah has sent to all the prophets before him.

As to what follows, the best speech is the book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of that man named Muhammed, of whom we should want to know about. And the worst of all things in this life are novelties or newly invented issues into our religion. Every newly invented matter is an accursed and wretched innovation, and every innovation is a going astray, and every going astray is in the hell fire.

As-salamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah [salutation to the Muslims: may the peace and mercy of Allaah be upon you]

After thanking Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, I then thank you for inviting me here to Camden, New Jersey on the subject of which I myself wasn't clear about. [In other words, he didn't know the subject until a few minutes before he spoke.]

...For those of you who are non-muslims, whatever religion you may be or whatever religion that you used to be and you don't ascribe to anymore, then I'd like to appeal to you on this subject: why should you be a Muslim.

Firstly before we begin and try our best not to bore you, I like to say that I think I am qualified - and I am not qualified to talk about a whole lot of subjects - [to talk about this subject]. This may be one of them. One of the reasons why I think I am qualified to talk about this topic "Why I should be a Muslim" is because at one time in my life I wasn't a Muslim.

I think after living both lives, I think I have some qualification on why a person - whether they are black, whether they are white no matter what color their skin may be, no matter what sexual...they have, no matter what language they may speak, I think I am qualified to speak on this subject: why should you be a Muslim.

First of all, I'd like to mention some things that maybe people think is Islam. We're going to try dispel some of the misnomers and misconceptions that we have here in the society - this American society - on what is Islam by mentioning what isn't Islam. And it is interesting for those of you non-Muslims and maybe some of the Muslim here may not know it, that the most misunderstood religion in the Islam.

For those of you who don't know. At the same time, this misunderstood way of life and this [unjustly] despised and [unjustly] rejected religion called Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. And this is not the words of me; this is the word of non-Muslims. They have statistics that they claim are accurate and we believe that they are more accurate than what they say: that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and is the fastest growing religion in the United States. In fact, to make a note of why it is despised - about 4 or 5 years ago maybe longer than that - former president Nixon mentioned on National TV.

He mentioned this on National TV. This was not some park somewhere or in his blue room or green room when he was in the white house. He said this on national television that: now that we are about to do away with communism, now we have to concentrate on the biggest threat that we have in this nation. And that's not the drugs, thats not the prostitution, that's not inflation, that's not maternal mortality rate: [it is] Islam!  

It was on National Tv, documented. That the biggest threat of this society, according to the former president Nixon, is Islam. And according to Dan Rather and Mike Wallace, just two years ago on 60 Minutes, the fastest growing religion in the United States is Islam.

Without any advertisement, without any national television shows, without any national radio programs, without any billboards like the Christians and the Jews and other religions have, without any major advertisement in the newspapers, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States - and in the world, they added to this. And Mike Wallace said that by the year 2300, they estimate that one out of every three people in the entire country is going to be Muslim.

Already, one out of every four people [in the world] is Muslim. There are four Billion people in the world, one Billion people are Muslims. One Billion Muslims. By the year 2,300, according to the non-Muslims, one out of every three people in this country is going to be a Muslim.

As for the Muslims, we already knew this. We already knew that Islam is going to grow like this. In addition to this, out of all the prison systems in the United States - Federal prisons, State prisons, county prisons, local or city prisons, and city jails - the fastest growing religion in the prison system in the United States right now is the religion of Islam. [Also in] in the Arm Forces. [It is also] the fastest growing religion in the Navy, in the Marines, even in the Coast Guard, the Army, in the Air Force.

What is the reason? Why are so many people becoming Muslims? Why, that when just 2 years ago or around that time when the Gulf War broke out, why did over 8,000 members of the American troops while they were stationed in Saudia Arabia accept Islam and become Muslims? Thirty-five percent of them were white, 16 percent were women.

More Women are accepting Islam now, more so than any other religion in the United States. Why is this happening? Why are people becoming Muslim? Why are people accepting Islam? There are a lot of reasons.    

One of the reasons [He began telling a story about a Protestant Chaplin (named Reverand Burgosion)]: one day when we were driving to work; I used to work as a "chaplin" in New York State correction. And we used to carpool. I had an office with the Jewish chaplin and the Catholic Chaplin. And the Protestant Chaplin Reverand Burgosion asked me, "Dawud, why did you leave Christianity?" Because he also knew that I was in the Christian Ministry (beforehand). I used to be in the Christian Ministry in the Christian church, in the Penacostle Church. I had plans of going to the Seminary to become a Minister.

He said, why did you leave Christianity, and accept Islam? And I told him, there are at least 2 or 3 reasons. But the main reason was, it wasn't because of the oppression of black people, and white people had their foots on black people's neck, or any such silly reason.  

And one of the reasons was that I just had this problem of understanding the trinity and accepting the trinity as a philosophy, for lack of a better word, or concept that made sense. I told him as we were driving, we were riding my car.

I said,
it doesn't seem right for me as a creation of the Creator of the heavens and the earth [to worship the creation]. And it didn't seem right that there would be confusion or cloudiness regarding the basic principles of the religion of The Creator of the heavens and the earth. And I just couldn't understand that there was not even one verse in the Bible that substantiated the trinity - the basic principle of Christianity.

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

This was transcribed by Br. Maher (salafitalk id yasin3683). May Allah reward him and place this on this Scales of good deeds. May Allah guide you and us. Aameen.

16-06-2009 @ 7:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
ummmaymoona Hawwa bint Robert (Birmingham)
Posts: 9
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Hi Eleonora,

Did you get the pdf yet? I tried myself and got an error message.Let me know as insha'Allah (if Allah Wills) I will try and fill in the gaps for you if I am able.

May Allah guide you to His straight path and cause you to be of those who enter the Jannah (paradise) Ameen!

18-06-2009 @ 5:32 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Yahya bint Mahammed (London)
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Hey, Eleonora.

I hope your in the best state of health reading this, I pray that Allah (God) guides you to the straight path.
I found a really good website you might be interested in looking at that has some simple explanation of what Islam is, Who Allah is and Who was his messenger.

I hope this helps in your path to searching why you are here.

Take Care xx

Umm yahya bint muhammed

19-06-2009 @ 1:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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21-06-2009 @ 1:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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21-06-2009 @ 7:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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23-06-2009 @ 2:06 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ummmaymoona Hawwa bint Robert (Birmingham)
Posts: 9
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Hi Eleonora

I tried to transcribe some of the lecture for you. Insha'Allah I will continue with it further in time! I've probably missed out some things (i didn't catch the arabic either) but insha'Allah I hope it helps you.


Umm Maymoona

35%of them were white. 16% of them were women. And they also have some statistics that Islam is the fastest growing religion among women today. More women are accepting Islam now than any other religion in the United States. Why is this happening? Why are people becoming muslim? Why are people accepting Islam? Thereıs a lot of reasons. One of the reasons as when a protestant chaplain, the reverend Bagojian(?), one day when we were driving to work, I used to work as a Chaplain quote en quote in New York State Correction, and we used to carpool. I had an office with the Jewish chaplain and the catholic chaplain and the protestant chaplain. The protestant chaplain one day, reverend Bagojain(?), he asked me, ıDawud, why did you leave Christianity?ı because he also knew that I was in the Christian Ministry. I used to be in the Christian Ministry in the Christian church, in a Pentecostal church, I was on my way to go to the seminary to become a minister. He said, why did you leave Christianity and accept Islam? And I told him, I said there are at least 2 or 3 reasons. But the main reason was, it wasnıt because of the oppression of black people and the white people had their foots on the black peopleıs necks and all those other reason that people always give for accepting Islam or some other silly reason. Or not so silly reason. I told him there were basically 2 or 3 reasons. And one of the reasons was that I just had this problem of understanding the trinity and accepting the trinity as a philosophy for lack of a better word, or concept that made sense. I told him as we were driving, we were riding my car. I said, it doesnıt seem right for me as a creature of the creator of the heavens and the earth, to worship, even though I was pushing this in the church, to worship a creator who is going to make something as a religious way of life that have some confusion in it. It just did not seem right that the creator of the Heavens and the earth would have some ambiguities or some ıvaguriesı [think he means vagueness], some confusion or cloudiness around the basic principles of that religion. And I said one of those basic principles was the trinity. I just couldnıt understand why the basic principle of Christianity; the father, the son and the holy ghost, there wasnıt one verse in the Bible that could substantiate it.  And I was a student, I wasnıt just a layman on the street. I was a student, and he knew because he had a ı. He knew better than I that there wasnıt one verse in this bible, 66 books in the protestant version, 73 books in the catholic version, no matter what bible you read, Wycliffe, Schofield, Lames, New World Translations, the mormon bible, 7th day Adventist bible, it doesnıt make any difference. Not one verse that was of the original manuscript that proves that God was three, not one that was an original part of the text of the bible. And so he looked over to me, heıs a much older man than me, he said ıyou know one of our female ministers, she gave a very beautiful explanation on thisı and this, his answer on the explanation of the trinity was one of the reasons why I can sit and tell you why you should be a muslim. He said to me she explained this thing beautifully.. she said that the concept of the Trinitarian doctrine is like an egg, the egg has three parts; the shell, it has the yoke and it has the white. All of that makes up the egg. He said Isnıt that beautiful? I said yes thatıs very beautiful, especially cuz I like eggs! But that theory, that theory doesnıt hold water reverend begojian. He said why? I said because you know just like I know ı and by this time weıre riding through the beautiful mountains of New York, and Iım trying to look at the road and look at him at the same time ı I said you know as well as I know reverend begogian that thereıs no verse in the bible that can defend this and number two, that the basic doctrine of Christianity is that the father, the son and the holy ghost are all equal. Theyıre all equal. And they all co-exist at the same time. When one is there the other two are there also, and when the second one is there then the first and the third oneıs are there also, and when the second is there, the third is there, the first is there, when the first is there, the third and second are there etc. Not only do they co-exist, not only are they co-equal, if one were to leave quote en quote then the other two have to leave also because theyıre co-existent, and theyıre co-eternal. I said secondly, if you were to take that white from that egg, you donıt have an egg anymore cuz all you have left is the shell and the yolk. You donıt have a complete egg. And if you take away the shell, you just have the yolk and the white. And if you take away the yolk, you just have the white and the shell. That egg is not complete. So if youıre saying to me reverend begojian, that when the father sends the son, and the son suppose he was crucified, and he died on the cross, youıre telling me reverend begojian that the father and the holy ghost also died. And if youıre not telling me that then quote en quote then they donıt co-exist. And you know brothers and sisters in Islam, and dear guests, reverend Begojian had another answer. He replied to me, he said ıDawud, we just have to believe in itı, we just have to believe in it. And I said yes, this is the thing that I fought with up until my 14th birthday, in the junior ministry in the church, and there I am pushing this concept that I learned from my dear mother, that she learned from her dear mother, and that she learned from her dear mother. And I asked my mother exactly what Allah says in the quıraan, why when it is said to them why donıt you follow that which has been revealed from your Lord? They say to you, they will say we follow what our fathers follow..when theyıre asked why donıt you follow what has been revealed not that which some man added to it....

03-07-2009 @ 11:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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04-07-2009 @ 12:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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04-07-2009 @ 1:48 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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08-07-2009 @ 2:21 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Musa Ismail ibn Robbert (Utrecht, Netherlands)
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Hi Eleonora, how are you?

Since I see that you're dutch, I would like to give you some introducing materials into Islam and answers to your questions in Dutch(I'm Dutch too):

May Allaah make things clear for you, so you may find peace and blessings in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.



08-07-2009 @ 11:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Eleonora Eleonora van bruukske (unspecified)
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15-07-2009 @ 7:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Salim K (Saudi Arabia)
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Hey there Eleonora; I'm glad you have an interest Islam, whether big or small, and may Allah open your heart to the beauty of this religion and tranquility of Islamic way of life.

Now, regarding the word in red you asked about, I believe the brother said 'denomination', which can be translated to: a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith. Other words are also 'sect' and 'cult' depending on one's usage.

And below with the will of Allah I'll add the continuations of the red dots you've placed in your posts. 18-24 minutes. Note: At some points I skipped straight to the dots.

- Some people don't know that we believe that Jesus is the Christ, we believe this. And some people don't know that we believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, born [divine; not the same word, but same meaning] conception, and that he was sinless.

- Jews, they have this name because of Judah, because of tribe. Hindus have the word hindu in their name because of that affiliation, and buddhists because of buddha and we could go on and on confucianism etc. But Muslims in Islam have their name in title of their religion because they connect it to the One they submit to Who is Allah. They submit to the will of The Creator and they make themselves slaves to the One who created Jesus, the One who created Moses, the One who created Abraham and Muhammad and the rest of them, and everything you see and you can't see.

-So why should you be a Muslim? You should be a Muslim is because the creator of the heavens and the earth says in the Qur'an:

(and next is his explanation of the Arabic verse from the Qur'an)

I did not create the jinn, (which is a certain kind of creature that we can't see) or the human being, except for one reason the creator says: except to worship me.

- Allah didn't create us to be carpenters. Allah didn't create us to be plumbers, or beauticians, or sanitation workers, or taxi cab drivers.

- This [why so?] dear listeners, is the reason why you should be a Muslim.

- I guarantee you, whatever reason you think you were created, it is going to stop at the grave. It is not going to help you in the next life. I was created to be a good person, I was created to help my fellow man, I was created to be a scientist, whatever. But the reason why you were created was that you can worship your lord.

As for what next life brother Dawud was referring to is the hereafter.

15-07-2009 @ 8:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Salim K (Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 3
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Here is a transcript for dots you placed in minutes 24-27. At some points I skipped straight to the dots.

- Who that has good business sense in their right mind is going to allow you to work in their business. You get hired from McDonald's and they're going to allow you to represent, wear the cap and the uniform of Burger King? This is unthinkable.

- Even though they have a book, the Jews have the Talmud, and the so-called Torah, and the Christians have the Bible, the hindus have their book.

- That goes against the very nature of the human being. For instance, if you were smacked on the cheek, then turn the other cheek. This goes against the very nature of animals, let alone a human being. They very nature of an animal, is that if you strike it, it's either going to defend itself by spraying a spray like a skunk, or the porcupine that will shoot those spikes, or if it's a lion you are really in bad shape, or a pitbull or something like this.

-The human being is created that if you smack him the natural reaction is to defend himself. Now here is something that we are saying is from the creator of the heavens and earth; somebody breaks into your house, somebody rapes, (may Allah forbid) your wife, and you turn the other cheek and say: oh here, take my television, here is my refrigerator, here is my washing machine, and if you want my wife again (may Allah forbid), you can have her again.

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