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» Lessons from the Past: The Battle of Uhud .....Victory not Defeat.
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11-09-2009 @ 4:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm AbdurRahmaan S.bint Ahmed ibn Suleimaan (U.K)
Posts: 116
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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

The Battle of Uhud .....Victory not Defeat.
By Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Qaasim.

All Praise is due to Allaah. May peace and blessings be upon his Prophet Muhammed (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam).
Fellow Muslims! Fear Allaah as He should be feared for the fear of Allah increases one in blessings and relieves one of hardship.

Causes of the Battle.
The Almighty Allah sent our Prophet Muhammed (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) to mankind after a break in the series of Messengers at a time when the world was immersed in deep darkness of ignorance and error. The Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) and his noble companions started spreading the religion and the disbelievers challenged his message and prepared to fight him. The Muslims faced them in the battle of Badr and realised a great victory by Allaahıs Will. The flag of Islaam was raised high and the disbelievers returned to Makkah disgraced, everyone mourning the death of his relatives and lamenting over his misfortune.
The defeat was so painful for the disbelievers that they resolved to confront the Muslims again. They spent a whole year amassing as many weapons and mobilizing as many men as they could to fight the Muslims. They left Makkah for Al-Madeenah in the month of Shawwal of the third year of Hijrah in order to avenge themselves of their defeat during the battle of Badr.

Upon reaching Madeenah they camped at mount Uhud. Meanwhile some of the Muslims who were unfortunate enough not to have participated in the Battle of Badr and were enthusiastic about Jihaad advised the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) to go out and meet the enemy. The Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) agreed and all the Muslims likewise were determined to go out and meet them.

Preparing for Battle.

After performing Friday Prayers, the Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) entered his house ,and emerged wearing an armoured breastplate, and declared, ıit is not appropriate for any Prophet who has once put on his armour to take it off again until Allaah has judged between him and his enemy (by granting one victory over the other.)ı

The Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) then set out in the company of one thousand men, one third of whom turned back home after travelling part of the way towards Mount Uhud under the influence of the head of the hypocrites; Abdullaah bin Ubay. The Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) proceeded with the remaining men until striking camp at the trail of Mount Uhud putting the mountain behind them and facing the idolaters. He assigned some fifty archers under the command of Abdullaah bin Jubair to man a small strategic foothill and commanded them not to leave their position under any circumstances. He told them, ''If you see us being killed do not come to our aid and if you see us taking booty do not take part.''
On the morning of the following day, the Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) mobilized his army, inspected their armour, paraded the youths, sent those of them back who were still too young to fight and approved the participation of others. Among those he allowed to participate were Samrah ibn Jundub and Raafiı bin Khadeej who were then but fifteen years old.

The Quraysh meanwhile, also got ready for the battle. They were three thousand strong; among them were two hundred horsemen led by Aboo Sufyaan. Their intention was to put out the Light of Allaah and mislead his slaves, and the intention of the Muslims ıwho numbered only seven hundred men-was to attain victory by the permission of Allaah or achieve martyrdom.

The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) urged his companions to fight and encouraged them to be patient and enduring.

To be continued..insha allaah.

13-09-2009 @ 2:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm AbdurRahmaan S.bint Ahmed ibn Suleimaan (U.K)
Posts: 116
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The Battle Started

The two armies - the party of Allaah and the party of Satan-then they confronted each other with unsheathed swords, and a plethora of spears and arrows. Allaah then gave permission to His Messenger (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) to fight and the battle commenced in earnest. The Muslims initially gained the upper hand and Allaah made them victorious. The disbelieverıs standard fell and they turned their backs and fled.

When the archers saw the disbelievers defeated, they thought there was no way they could make a comeback, and some of them left the position which the Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) had commanded them to man in search of booty. The leader reminded them of the Prophetıs (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) order but this reminder fell on deaf ears and they left that strategic foothill.

Khaalid bin Al-Waleed-who was still a disbeliever at that time ıemerged from behind the mountain where the Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) had positioned the archers. Realising that most of the archers had left their strategic position, killed the remaining archers. Thus the Muslims were surrounded by the unbelievers: by their cavalry from behind and their infantry in front. They encircled them, and a group of the Muslims were defeated while the rest were scattered in disarray. The unbelievers recovered from their initial defeat, returned to their fallen standard and began to cause a disturbance among the broken ranks of the Muslims. And aught befell them but that which was the Will of Allaah; and He blessed whom He Willed with martyrdom. The Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) boldly held fast while most of his companions fled away from him while he called to them to come and reap the blessings of the hereafter. Some returned and regrouped around him. The disbelievers too made for the Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) wanting to kill him. They gashed his face, smashed his teeth with a stone and ruined his helmet, and he fell down into a trench made by Aboo Aamir Al-Faasiq (the Godless). Alee ibn Abee Taalib took him by the hand. Talhah ibn Ubaidullaah embraced him, and Musıab ibn Umayr was killed before him.

The disbelievers drew nearer to him, but a group of the Muslims numbering about ten protected him valiantly until they were all killed. Then Talhah ibn Ubaidullaah fought them courageously until he drove them away but his hand was amputated in the process. Aboo Dujaanah also shielded the Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) with his back and though arrows were raining down on him he did not move. The Satan shouted at the top of his voice that Muhammed (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) had been killed. This proclamation made the Muslims lose heart and many of them began to turn away. The Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) then drew near to the Muslims and when they saw him, they gathered around him and followed him to the mountain path where he camped..Alee ibn Abee Taalib washed the blood from the Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) face and poured water upon his head.

When his daughter Faatimah (radiallaahu anha) saw that the water only increased his bleeding, she took a piece of straw mat, burnt it and put it on the wound and the bleeding stopped.
The Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) was so overstrained that when he wanted to mount a rock, he could not until Talhah aided him.

End of the Battle

The Muslims became concerned about their fallen brethren, so the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) went to see the martyrs and found that many had been impudently mutilated. He looked for his uncle Hamzah, and found him lying in the valley, disembowelled with his nose and ears cut off.
The disbelievers also went back to their mounts with their injured and dying victims. Thus was the Battle of Uhud bought to an end, leaving behind seventy martyrs among the Muslims and twenty two perished among the unbelievers; with our victims going to Paradise and thereıs going to Hell.

To be continued..insha allaah.

16-09-2009 @ 6:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm AbdurRahmaan S.bint Ahmed ibn Suleimaan (U.K)
Posts: 116
Joined: Sep 2002
Lessons of the Battle of Uhud

Dear Muslims! The Battle of Uhud was a victory for us, not a defeat. The battle is full of lessons and admonitions. Its events are a bright legacy that Muslims inherit generation after generation. Sixty verses were revealed concerning the events of this great battle and they had a great impact on the mind of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) so much so that he continued to refer to them just before he died.

Superiority of the Companions

This religion was only able to reach us as a result of the great and painful struggle of the Companions and our righteous predecessors. These people underwent huge difficulties and trials for the survival of this religion. Anas ibn An-Nadr was wounded eighty times in this battle and the enemy so mercilessly mutilated him that only his sister was able to identify him by his fingertips. Sa'd ibn Ar-Rabee' was stabbed seventy times with spears and arrows. In light of this, let us stop and think: What have we done for our religion?

The noble companions were by no means the best of this Ummah by virtue of them being the first to embrace Islaam, but rather by virtue of their companionship and courage. They sacrificed their lives and bodies for this religion until it reached us in its complete form; some returned with amputated limbs, others with badly torn up bodies, and yet others returned not, leaving behind widows and orphans. Therefore give them their due estimation, thank them for their efforts and invoke Allaah's pleasure upon them, for their Lord has expressed His love for them; He is pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him.  

Hazards of sins

Brothers in faith! Acts of disobedience to Allaah turn glory into disgrace. Many souls were lost during that battle because of a misdeed. Aadaam was expelled from Paradise because of a single sin and a woman was condemned to Hell because she starved a cat to death. Therefore obey Allaah and worship Him, you will get relief from hardship and do not do any act that may turn your enemy's weapons against you.

In this decisive battle, Samrah and Raafi' took part and were martyred while they were only fifteen years old. That is an indication that the tree of glory of Islaam was sowed with the blood of youths among the companions, and not with engaging in pastime and running after lustful desires. The parents of these admirable youths strove to guide them, and they reaped the fruits of their efforts.

But what about us? What have our youths done for their religion? What are their ambitions? What are their concerns? To what do they aspire?

Dear youths! Keep away from bad friends; those friends who fail you when you need them the most. They pretend to be your friends when you are in prosperity and turn into your enemies when you are in hardship. A prime example of this is how the hypocrites deserted the Companions during their most trying period before the Battle of Uhud. So rather keep the company of good people, for they guard you in your presence and absence, they strive for your benefit and defend you.

To be continued..insha allaah.

24-09-2009 @ 4:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm AbdurRahmaan S.bint Ahmed ibn Suleimaan (U.K)
Posts: 116
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Reform of the society  

Truth and falsehood may have victory in turns but the good end belongs to the pious. Therefore, never lose hope of the reform of your society for success belongs to the righteous. Also, do not despair of the Mercy of Allaah, for the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) endured persecution and injury until people entered into the religion of Allaah in crowds.

The end of all matters is in the Hand of Allaah; so always supplicate to Allaah, for the guidance of mankind is solely in His Hand. Consider the case of Aboo Sufyaan who was the standard bearer of the kuffar in the Battle of Uhud and yet was seen during the conquest of Makkah saying the Kalimah. Similarly, Wahshee, who killed Hamzah (the Prophet's uncle) later embraced Islaam and killed the notorious false prophet Musaylamah, the Liar. Be afraid of Allaah, lest you be misled, for mankind's hearts are between two of Allaah's fingers and He turns them about as He likes. Pray to Him for continued steadfastness of heart.

Be also aware that whenever a man falls into sin, repentance always removes them regardless of their multitude and magnitude. Consider the case of Khaalid ibn Al-Waleed who led the disbeliever's cavalry during the Battle of Uhud and by whose hand many honourable companions were martyred. When Allaah opened his heart to Islaam, he came to the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) and said,"I make one condition: that you forgive me all my past misdeeds." The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) replied him thus:"O Khaalid! Do you not know that Islaam negates all that precedes it, and that repentance erases whatever sins one might have committed before?"

Therefore free yourself, my dear brother, from the mire of sins and repent, for good deeds remove evil ones. Also hold fast to this religion, for much blood has been shed in its cause.

Being patient with relatives

A man is sometimes tested through his close relatives, but one must be patient with whatever they may do, for it was the Prophetıs (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) relatives who came to Madeenah to kill him and they did what most other unbelievers would never do by mutilating the Muslim martyrs. Yet, the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) forgave them during the conquest of Makkah and told them, "You are free, so you can go." Therefore, emulate the Prophet (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) be kind to your kith and kin and overlook whatever harm they cause you.

Beware also of dissension and controversy for they waste efforts and cause defeat while harmony and mutual understanding purify the hearts,
"and do not dispute with one another lest you lose courage and your strength departs and be patient." Whenever you are in prosperity do not be lulled into a false sense of security while you commit sins; for sorrow may be disguised under a facade of enjoyment. Consider the case of the archers who were delighted when they saw the booty and left their positions in order to get their share of it, hence making the whole army suffer a near defeat as a consequence. No condition is permanent.  Therefore be patient in difficulties and thank Allaah when you are in bliss.

Position of the Prophets

Prophets were only human beings who suffered just as their fellow human beings suffered; they should not be raised above their position of servitude to Allaah nor should their position be diminished. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) wore his armour, fought alongside his companions and the Angels Jibreel and Meekaaeel fought for him, yet his face was cut open and his teeth broken. Allaah alone commands all that happens by His Divine Will. Had the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) possessed any power for himself then surely not a drop of his blood would have been spilt. Therefore, direct all your acts of worship to Allaah alone and humble yourself before him; He will make your affairs easy for you.

To be continued..insha allaah.

26-09-2009 @ 10:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm AbdurRahmaan S.bint Ahmed ibn Suleimaan (U.K)
Posts: 116
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The Mount of Uhud

Uhud is just a mountain; blessings should not be sought from its soil and its pebbles should not be picked up. It was at its side that seventy Muslims were martyred and the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) was injured. If it had possessed any special benefit, what happened would not have happened. Leave your affairs to Allaah, trust Him and take refuge with Him during times of hardship.

It is an act of manliness and generosity to appreciate the services rendered for the cause of the religion. This was exemplified by the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) when he kept the valiant deeds of the Uhud martyrs fresh in his memory until he died. On his death bed eight years later, he prayed for them as if he was bidding them farewell. So always honour the great men of the religion. Aboo Sufyaan said,'I have never seen a person love another person as the companions of Muhammed (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) loved him' Allaah says, 'If it had been Allaah's Will, He himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight) in order to test some of you with others. But those who are killed in the way of Allaah, He will never let their deeds be lost. He will guide them and set right their state. And admit them to Paradise which He has made known to them.'(Surah Muhammed 47:4-6)


Fellow Muslims! The only way to attain Paradise is through hardship and toil; the road to it is long and tortuous, filled with trials and difficulties. Humiliation and humbleness caused by defeat only led to eventual victory and glory. Whenever Allaah wants to honour a slave of His, He tests him and He raises his rank according to his humility and submission to Him. Allaah has prepared for His believing slaves positions in His Abode of Honour, that cannot be attained except through undergoing trials and He has prepared for them means that can lead them to positions through different tests. So, submit yourself to the Will of Allaah, and be pleased with whatever He decrees for you.

One of the righteous predecessors said, ''If it were not for trials and calamities (that we have in this world) we would arrive on the Day of Judgement bankrupt.''

Each day of our lives is different, our conditions are always changing; a day of victory and another of defeat; a day of glory, and another of disgrace; a day of good health and another of sickness; a day of wealth and another of poverty. Make use of your worldly blessings to achieve prosperity in your hereafter and know that whoever gives precedence to this world over the hereafter has ruined his chances of success in both of them.

Visiting the martyrs of Uhud

1.Visiting the graveyard of the martyrs of Uhud is recommended. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ıalaihi-wasallam) used to visit them and pray for them. He also taught his companions to say, whenever they visit the graveyards:

'Peace be unto you, O dwellers of this abode among the believers and Muslims. We shall God Willing join you. We ask Allaah for our well being as well as yours.' (Muslim)

2.There is no special supplication for the leader of the martyrs (Hamzah) or other martyrs.

Errors and warnings

1.It is recommended to visit the graveyard of the martyrs of Uhud and pray for them. As for seeking aid from them for one's needs beside Allaah, that is a major act of shirk (associating partners in worship with Allaah).  Allaah the Exalted says, 'And invoke not besides Allaah any such that will neither profit nor harm you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the wrong-doers.' (Yoonus 10:106)

2.Supplicating at the graveyard with hands raised in the direction of the graves is an innovation in the religion.
3.Reading Sooratul Faatihah or some Qurıaanic soorahs upon the souls of the martyrs is also of the innovated deeds.
4.The places and masaajids that are recommended for visiting in Al-Madeenah are: The Prophetıs masjid, the Qubaa masjid, Al Baqeeı and the graveyard of the martyrs of Uhud and no more. Other places besides the above have no significance and should therefore, not to be visited.

Source:Translation and Distribution Dept.Islaamic Propagation and Education Committee Saudi Arabia.
(Note: some of the bold font not part of the original typesetting.)

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