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» The Increase of Eemaan, Shaykh Uthaymeen Rahimahullaah
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02-12-2010 @ 2:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
UmmHaarith Bint Hasheem Ismaeel Ibn Ahmad Khan (Birmingham)
Posts: 34
Joined: Mar 2006
     The Increase of Eemaan, Shaykh Uthaymeen Rahimahullaah     

Shaykh Muhammad Al Uthaymeen Rahimahullah, States

Extracted From The book Of Shaykh ıAbdur-Razzaak Al ııAbbaad

Causes Behind The Increase And Decrease Of Eemaan

The increase of eemaan has causes, some of these are performing acts of obedience because eemaan increases in proportion to the fineness, type and abundance of the action, thus the finer the action the greater will be the increase of eemaan; the fine aspect of the action is determined by the degree of sincerity and adherence. As for the type of action, the obligatory type is better that the recommended and some forms of worship are more emphasized and virtuous than others; the more virtuous the act of obedience the greater will be the resultant increase. As for the abundance of the action, then eemaan increases as a result of it because action is from eemaan, so it is not surmising that eemaan increases because of an increase of the action.ı (fath Rabb al Bariyyah, pg65.

Umm Haarith

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