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19-08-2009 @ 1:54 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Ummi mehra ibn Hassan (unspecified)
Posts: 4
Joined: Oct 2008
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu,

I posted this question about 11 months ago on this website, but unfortunately I didn't get any answer. I'm re-posting the question again, InshaAllah this time someone would answer me...

I have a problem and I get different answers every time I ask this question, so I'm very confused. I'm scared my prayers might be invalid, or that I am missing the ones I should be praying. Here's the dilemma:

Around the time of my menses, I get 1 day pink, 3-4 days dark brown, 4-5 days red, 2-3 days mostly red/some brown, 1-2 days dark brown and then pink and it finishes.

What do I count as days of Haiz? What do I count as days of istihadha according to this situation?

Right now, from the day I see pink, I stop praying, and I count the first 10 days to be haiz and I take the rest as istihadha.

Is what I'm doing correct?

20-08-2009 @ 4:02 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Maryam Shehzad ibn Ghazanfar Ali (UK)
Posts: 26
Joined: Aug 2008
Wa 'alaykum assalaam Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh,

al-Hamdu-Lillaah, was-Salaatu was-Salaam 'alaa Rasoo-Lillaah, wa ba'd

Attached inshaa Allaah is a useful translation of a book by Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Utheimeen (Rahimahullaah)called NATURAL BLOOD OF WOMEN.

If you are unable to open the attached then please visit the following website:

Here you will inshaa Allaah find an audio reading of the book.

May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) reward our Shaikhs Muhammad bin Salih Al-Utheimeen and his student Dr Saleh As-Saleh (Rahimahumullaah) for their efforts in trying to explain the deen to the ummaah.

And with Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala) lies all success and may He Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala) send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam), his family and his companions.

Wassalaam 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh,

20-08-2009 @ 4:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm AbdurRahmaan S.bint Ahmed ibn Suleimaan (U.K)
Posts: 116
Joined: Sep 2002
walaykee salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu ukhti,

If you can get a question answered in one of the lessons on paltalk by a scholar. Shaikh Ubaid insha Allaah will be doing lessons on Saturday, Monday, Wednesday on 'The Book of Fasting' Omdat al Fiqh at 10.45pm Saudi Time on or in the Paltalk room Salafi Duroos Live. Send your question through the admin in the room. That would be best.

I can suggest two books if you have not already read them.

The book 'Natural Blood of Women' by Shaykh Uthaimeen (rahimah ullah) translated by Dr Saleh as Saleh.

A second book
'Worship during menses'
This is the link for it on the salafibookstore.

wasalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabaraktuhu

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