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» Manner of Pointing of Index Finger in Tashahud
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Posted By Topic: Manner of Pointing of Index Finger in Tashahud

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01-05-2007 @ 4:08 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Saddat (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Posts: 21
Joined: Feb 2007
Assalamualikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu,

I would be happy if some one enlighten me on the following:

1. The manner of pointing Index finger at Tashahud in Salaah. Is it right - left or up - down or making a round? If possible pls furnish evidence.

2. Is the pointing of finger to be carried on all the time being at Tashahud, i.e, at Attahiyatu, Darood, and Duas or at a specified time/

3. In Bangladesh, most of the people including Imams at mosques points Index finger only when they reach at ---AshhaduAllah Ilaaha Illallah part of Attahiyatu

4. During the 2nd Rakah of total 04 Rakah salah, what is / are to be recited, Attahiyatu and Darood or only Attahiyatu. In Bangladesh, people recite Attahiyatu only while in 2nd rakah of 04 rakah prayer. I have seen at few books, one has to recite Attahiyatu plus Darood while he is in 2nd Rakah of 4 rakah prayer.

May Allay bestow mercy on all of us.


01-05-2007 @ 10:59 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Jamaal unspecified (Daytona Beach, Florida (FL) USA)
Posts: 61
Joined: Oct 2002
Assalaamu Alaika

Below is an answer to some of your questions:

Question about pointing the finger in tashahhud

Assalaamu Alaika

Abu Jamaal Shadeed ibn Holmes

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