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24-01-2007 @ 6:12 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdullah Tariq bin Ali Gohar (Karachi, Pakistan)
Posts: 13
Joined: Mar 2005
And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them
30 Questions that affirmed Dr.Zakir Naik (India) and his group members (IRFians) are deviated

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen wa ba?d:
These are some famous and widely circulated articles or sayings of Dr.Zakir Naik which we will present to Sheikh Allamah Abi AbdurRehman Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajori Al-Yemeni for answers:
Q1: Zakir Naik says that: ?It is permissible to Call Allah with any name that is

1." In Islaam there is nothing like tin Allah, Allah is Pure He is
Unique You can Call Him by any name but it should be a beautiful name"
( Is Quraan Word of God, from the CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)
The answer of Sheikh Barakallah feehi:
After masnoon khutbah?
As for the statement of giving permission to everyone that they may name Allah with such name which he never named Himself with, then there?s a feigning and forged concerning Allah. Therefore this saying is falsehood and it is not relied upon (or proved by) Quran, Sunnah or Ijma (consensus). And I have already refuted a Sufi named Umar bin Hafeez in one of my articles for the similar saying as he called Allah with unaffirmed (unauthentic) names. So there?s no need for repetition of those evidences, because that refutation will suffice Dr.Zakir also.
Sufi Umar bin Hafeez said in his book (Khulasa-tul-Madad An-Nabwi fe Awrad Aal be A?lawi pg: 39) under the heading ?Dua with the beautiful Names of Allah Ya Muqsit! Ya Nafe?! , Ya Jame?! ?   يا مقسط يانافع ياجامع  

The refutation of Sheikh Abu AbdurRehman Yahya Al-Hajori (hafizaullah) on Dr.Zakir Naik

Allah says ?(And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh so call on Him by them?.? (Al-A?raaf:180)
So how do you call Allah by the names which are not proved for Him? E.g. (Ya Nafe??). And calling Allah by names which He never named himself with or His Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) is from ?saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge?. And if we name Umar bin Hafeez other than his name he?ll never please with it and he?ll consider it as making him defective and imperfect. Then how he pleased for Allah what he never pleased for himself and he is alongside with this fabrication also went against the evidences and the consensus of Ummah.

Statements of Scholars Regarding Allah?s Names and Attributes:
Imam Shafa?e (رحمه الله)said: ?There are Names and Attributes of Allah Ta?la affirmed by His Book (Quran) and informed by His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) (Hadith) and it is not for anyone on which hujjah (proof) is established that one should reject it.? (Zam-ut-Taweel, pg: 121)

Imam Ahmed (رحمه الله) said regarding the Attributes (of Allah) that: ?They couldn?t be known except by what Allah ascribed Himself with like He is Samee? (All-Hearer) and Baseer (All-Seer), however those who ascribed Him with such Attributes can?t reach or imagine His (reality of) Attributes and can?t transgress the Quran and the Sunnah as well. So we say what He said and ascribe what He ascribed Himself with and we don?t transgress the Quran.? (AlMasail wa Rasail fe al-Aqeedah by Imam Ahmed [288/1], Ijtama Al-Juyoosh Al-Islamiyyah [pg: 83] and Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah [26/5])

Imam Darmi Abu Sa?eed Uthmaan bin Sa?eed (رحمه الله) said: ?And we ascribe Him with what He ascribed Himself with or what His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ascribed Him with.? (Al-Rad ala Bishr Al-Mareesi Demn Aqaid-us-Salaf, pg: 374)

Imam-ul-Aimmah Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ishaaq (رحمه الله) said: ?So the Madhab (creed) of us and all the Salaf from Hijaz (Saudia), Tahama, Yemen, Iraq, Shaam (Syria) and Misr (Eygpt) is that we affirm for Allah what He affirmed for Himself.? (At-Tawheed by Ibn Khuzaimah, 26/1)

Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Isma?eel famous as Al-Isma?eeli (رحمه الله)said: ?And they (Imams of AhlulHadith) believe that Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) is called on by His beautiful Names and He is ascribed by the Attributes which was named or ascribed by His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) (A?tiqad Aimmah AhlulHadees, pg: 35)

Imam Abu Nasr Ubaidullah bin Sa?eed Al-Sajzi (رحمه الله) said: ?And the Aimmah (scholars) agreed that the Attributes (of Allah) will not be taken accept through Touqif (reavealed evidences). And it is impermissible to ascribe Allah سبحانه وتعالى with any Attribute which He or His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) never ascribed Him with. (Al-Rad ala man Ankara al-Harf was-Soat, pg: 121)

Imam ibn AbdulBarr (رحمه الله) said: ?AhlusSunnah are agreed upon the affirmation of the Attributes mentioned in Quran and Sunnah and they believe in them in actual or literal sense not in figurative or metaphorical sense.? (At-Tamheed ,145/7 and Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, 87/5)

Abul-Hasan Al-Qabsi (رحمه الله) said: ?Names will be taken by Touqif (reavealed evidences) from Quran, Sunnah and Ijma? (consensus).? (Al-Fath, 226/11)

Imam Abul-Qasim Al Qushairy (رحمه الله) said: ?The Names (of Allah) will be taken Touqifiyyah (through revelation) from Quran, Sunnah and Ijma (consensus). (AlFath, 226/11)

Imam Abul-Hasan Al-Qabsy (رحمه الله) said: ?The Names and Attributes of Allah سبحانه وتعالى couldn?t be known except through Quran, Sunnah and Ijma nothing can be included in it through Qiyas (analogy).? (Al-Fath, 220/11)

Imam Ibn Mandah (رحمه الله) said: ?The Names and Attributes of Allah سبحانه وتعالى is Touqifiyyah and AhlusSunnah wal Jama?h never ascribe to Allah سبحانه وتعالى except what He ascribed for Himself in His Book or what is authentically affirmed by Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)? (At-Tawheed by Ibn Mandah, 135/2)

Imam Ibn Hazam (رحمه الله) said: ?It is proved that not to name Allah (رحمه الله) except with what He named Hiself. (Al-Muhalla 31/8)

Imam Baghwi (رحمه الله) said: ?The Names of Allah سبحانه وتعالى is on Touqeef? (Mu?lim ut-Tanzeel, 308/3)

Imam Safareeni (رحمه الله) said in Lawame? ul-Anwaar:
As for about (evidences) Touqifiyyah
                    The proofs are sufficient for us

Then he explained this verse and said: ?O AhlusSunnah and Salafees! There are sufficient and lofty evidences from the Sharay? (Legislator) for us regarding the affirmation of Touqeef in the Names of Allah (the Creator, the most High, the Exalted), they are sufficed in their purpose, because that which is not affirmed by the Legislator (Allah) couldn?t be taken to implement on Him. And the rule or base about this is impermissibility until the proof for permissibility has been established. And when it is established it is called Touqifiyyah.
(Lawama? ul-Anwar: 124-125/1)

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) said: ?And the essence of the sayings about the affirmation of Allah?s Attributes is the saying on which the Salaf of Ummah and their Imams were upon i.e. to ascribe to Allah سبحانه وتعالى what He ascribed to Himself or His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ascribed to Him while keeping away from Tehreef (distortion /alteration /misinterpretation), Tamseel (likening), Takyeef (conformation) and Ta?teel (denying).
Allah said that: ?There is nothing like Him...? (Ash-Shoora: 11) Not in his beingness neither in His Attributes or Actions. [End of what Sheikh-ul-Islam intended to explain]
(Majmoo? ul-Fatawa: 515/6)

And his student Imam Ibn-ul-Qayyam (رحمه الله) said (within the principles he explained regarding the Attributes of Allah سبحانه وتعالى): ?The seventh is whatever is implement on Him from the Names and Attributes are Touqifee. (Badae? al-Fawaid: 162/1)

So it is obligated upon him not to affirm the Names or Attributes of Allah سبحانه وتعالى without any authentic evidence from Quran and Sunnah because Allah said in Quran:
?And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do.? (Al-A?araaf:180)

And naming Allah سبحانه وتعالى without any authentic evidence is from the ?saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge? and indeed Allah سبحانه وتعالى linked the ?saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge? with the Major Shirk, thus He said:

?Say (O Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam]): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins and every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allâh for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge." (Al-A?araaf:33)

And He said: ?And follow not (say not or do not or witness not) that of which you have no knowledge?? (Isra: 36)

And Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was used to say: ?I seek refuge in you, from You (i.e.your Anger), I could never praise Thee enough [as You deserve], You are as You praised yourself.? (Sahih Muslim)

The refutation of Sheikh Abu Amr Abdul Kareem Al-Hajori?s on Dr.Zakir Naik

Q: He said that: ?you can call Allah Sub?hanahu wa ta?ala by any name but it should be a beautiful name, it should not conjure up a mental picture?.?
Zakir Naik gives his example to explain the Asma wa Siffat of Allah
and then to explain the indivisibility of the Attributes of God and
says Major religions give each attribute a form that is where they
have mistaken.
32. "?there are some people who say?.see? God Almighty can be called
by various names? I do agree with them?the Quraan says the same Quran
says in surah isra , chapter no.17. verse no.110 it
says?qulidullah??.say call upon him by Allah or call upon him by
Rahmaan?by whichever name you call upon him ?to Him belongs the most
beautiful names?, so the holy Quraan says you can call upon Allah by
any name but it should be a beautiful name?.it should not conjure up a
mental picture?and the holy Quraan gives no less than 99 different
attributes to Allah subhanwatala..99 different attributes to Allah
subhanwatala?.Rahmaan , Raheem, Jabbar, Al Kareem, Al Quddus,
Khalique, several ..Merciful?most Gracious ..the Creator?no less than
99 different attributes?.you can call Allah subhanwatala by any
name..Allah is Rahmaan, Allah is Raheem, Allah is Khalique, these are
the attributes of Allah subhanwatala?but if you single out
attribute..and you say this is Allah subhanwatala..we have got no
objection?but if you say?but if you single out an attribute and give
each attribute a different definition , give each attribute a
different form then we take strong exception to that..let me give you
an EXAMPLE?suppose someone describes me?that dr.zakir naik ..he is the
president of the islaamic research foundation, he is the chairman of
the IRF educational trust, he is the president of the Islamic
dimensions, he is the husband of mrs.farhat zakir naik, he is the
father of farik zakir naik, all these are different attributes?or
different types of definition of dr.zakir if you say he is
the president of Islamic research foundation..its a correct
definition?dr.zakir naik is the chairman of IRF educational trust it's
a correct definition?but if you pick up each definition ?each
attribute and give it a different form ?.for example?dr.zakir naik?his
height is about 5 feet 11 inches?my height is 5 feet 11 inches?I am
wheatish in complexion?I wear spectacles?I am thin?but now you tell me
that the president ?of Islamic research foundation is zakir naik who
is 4 ½ feet?the attribute is correct?dr.zakir naik is the president of
Islamic research foundation?but the moment you give it a different
form?instead of 5 feet 11 inches?you say that he is 4 ½ feet ..then
dr.zakir naik is the president of Islamic Research Foundation?but he
is not 4 1/2 feet ?if you say dr.zakir naik is the husband of mrs.
Farhat zakir naik?.and he is a fat person?he does not wear spectacles..,
dr.zakir naik is the husband of mrs. Farhat naik but he is not fat?so
you can give attribute to Allah subhanwatala to Almighty God ?but
don't give a different form?if you say dr.zakir naik is only the
president of Islamic research foundation?and nothing else?then the
definition is wrong?because while am the president of Islamic research
foundation ?am also the husband of my wife mrs.farhat zakir naik am
also the father of my son farik zakir naik.. so you can't single out
one attribute and say?this attribute is alone God Almighty?all put
together is dr.zakir naik?SIMILARLY when you are describing Allah
subhanwatala you can very well say He is Rab, He is Rahmaan, He is
Raheem ? but if you say that Rab is a different Allah?, and Rahmaan
is a different Allah subhanwatala, and Khalique is a different Allah
then that is not the concept of Allah subhanwatala in Islaam.. all put
together itself is Allah subhanwatala ..this is what major religions
make mistake ..they pick up one attribute and they call him a
different god , they pick up another attribute and give it a different
form?and call it a another god ?in Islam all these attributes put
together is Allah subhanwatala?you cannot single out one attribute and
say ..this alone is Allah subhanwatala?" .( Salaah- The programming
towards righteousness- ---"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Sheikh Abu Amr Abdul Kareem Al-Hajori?s Reply:
(He said) One can call Allah by any name. (O.K then) Can one call Allah by ya Zaid!? Why, is Zaid not hasan (beautiful) name? Allah Ta?ala said:
?And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do.? (Al-A?araaf:180)
And scholars described from the Ilhaad in the Names of Allah is to name Him other than what He named Himself. As the Mushrikeen of Makkah named their deities as ?Laat? derived it from the name Allah, ?Manat? from Al-Mannan and ?Uzza? from Al-Azeez. So this is Ilhaad in the Names of Allah. And his (Dr.Naik?s) statement that one can call Allah by any name it is also from Ilhaad.

Q: But he restricted it with that ?it should not conjure up a mental picture...?
Ans: This restriction can only apply in the Names such as Al-Azeez, Al-Ghafoor, Al-Wahhab, Al-Ghaffar, Ar-Rehman and in any Name of Allah you call on don?t conjure up Tamseel (Likening) as we explained in the yesterday?s lecture, so as the Taqyeef (conformation) Ta?teel (denying) and Tehreef (distortion/alteration/misinterpretation). And likewise Tamseel (Likening) but only to restrict it with mental picture or without it, this is not allowed either. Even if one calls Allah with the Names affirmed by Quran and Sunnah this condition will implement and as for this (what is mentioned in the question) then it is not allowed. (?.words unclear?.)

Translator: Tariq Ali Brohi (Karachi, Pakistan)

Tariq Ali. Karachi, Pakistan.

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