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25-06-2004 @ 3:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu `Iyaad   (UK)
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymeen on Allaah's Ma`iyyah to the Creation (continued...)

Secondly: This ma`iyyah is true and upon its reality (i.e. as it truly is), however it is a ma`iyyah that befits Allaah the Exalted and it does not resemble the ma`iyyah of any (from the) creation to (another from the) creation, due to His saying, the Exalted, regarding Himself, "There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer" (Ash-Shura 42:11), and His saying, "Do you know of any who is similar to Him?" (Maryam 19:65), and His saying, "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." (Al-Ikhlas 112:4). And (this is) just like all of His established attributes, it has a reality in a manner that befits Him and it does not resemble the attributes of the creation.

Ibn `Abdul-Barr said, "Ahl us-Sunnah are united upon (the acceptance) of all of the attributes reported in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah, having faith in them, and carrying them upon their reality, not upon metaphor, except that they (Ahl us-Sunnah) do not make takyeef of anything from that, and nor do they confine (any) definitive attribute from that". This was quoted from him by Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in al-Fatwaa al-Hamawiyyah, p. 87 of the 5th volume in Majmoo` al-Fataawaa (compiled by) Ibn Qaasim.

And Shaykh ul-Islaaam said in this fatwaa, p.102 of the aforementioned volume, "And let not the one who thinks (as such), think that anything from that - (meaning from what has come in the Book and the Sunnah) - contradicts itself, like when a person says, "What occurs in the Book and the Sunnah that Allaah is above the Throne opposes the apparent (meaning) of His saying, "And He is with you wherever you may be", and his (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa Sallam's) saying, "When one of you stands in the prayer then verily, Allaah is before his face"" and what is like that. For this is an error. And this is because Allaah is with us in reality and He is above the Throne in reality, just as Allaah has combined between both of these in His saying, "He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then Istawa (rose over) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And Allah is the All-Seer of what you do" (Al-Hadid 57:4). So He informed that He is above the Throne, knows everything and He is with us wherever we may be, just as the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, in the hadeeth of the goats, "And Allaah is above the Throne, and He knows what you are upon". And this is because the word "ma`a" in the language, when it is applied absolutely (without restriction) then its apparent meaning in the language is not anything except an absolute comparison without obligating (the requirement of) touching, or being (directly) alongside to the right or to the left. But when it is restricted with a (particular) meaning amongst the meanings, then it indicates a comparison within (the confines) of that (particular) meaning. For it is said, "We have not ceased travelling and the moon remains with us, or the star remains with us", and it is said, "This pleasure is with me because of its starvation for you, even if it is above your head". So Allaah is with His creation in reality, and He is above the Throne in reality." End of his speech.

أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق
-=amjad bin muhammad=-

09-06-2004 @ 11:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu `Iyaad   (UK)
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymeen on Allaah's Ma`iyyah to the Creation

This is a translation of what was published in ad-Da`wah magazine, vol. 911, issued on 04/01/1404H.

All Praise is due to Allaah, we praise Him, seek His aid and His Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allaah from the evils of our souls and the evils of our actions. Whomsoever Allaah guides there is none to misguide and whomsoever Allaah misguides there is none to guide. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, alone, without any partners and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. May Allaah send prayers and salutations upon him, and upon his family, his companions and whoever followed them in goodness. To proceed:

We had spoken in some of our gatherings about the meaning of the ma`iyyah (nearness, proximity) of Allaah, the Most High, with His creation, and some people understood from that what was not intended by us, and nor believed by us. So the questions and mutual inquiries of the people increased as to what should be said regarding the ma`iyyah of Allaah with His creation?

And we:

a) So that one who has erred or an errant person does not believe regarding the ma`iyyah of Allaah that which does not befit Him
b) And so that a fabricator does not fabricate (a lie) against us with that which we did not say, or a person suspects from that which we said what we did not actually intend from it
c) And (also), in order to explain the meaning of this mighty attribute which Allaah has described Himself with in numerous verses from the Noble Qur'aan, and which His Prophet Muhammad (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) has described Him with

(Then) we affirm the following (for the abovementioned reasons):

Firstly: The ma`iyyah of Allaah to His creation is established in the Book and the Sunnah and the Ijmaa` of the Salaf. Allaah the Most High said,

وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنْتُمْ
And He is with you (ma`akum) wherever you may be

And the Most High said,

إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ مُحْسِنُونَ
Indeed Allaah is with (ma`a) those who have taqwaa and those who do good

And the Most High said to Moosaa and Haaroon when He sent them both to Fir`awn,

لا تَخَافَا إِنَّنِي مَعَكُمَا أَسْمَعُ وَأَرَى
Do not fear, I am with you both (ma`akumaa), I hear and I see

And He said about His Messenger, Muhammad (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam),

إِلاّ تَنْصُرُوهُ فَقَدْ نَصَرَهُ اللَّهُ إِذْ أَخْرَجَهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ثَانِيَ اثْنَيْنِ إِذْ هُمَا فِي الْغَارِ إِذْ يَقُولُ لِصَاحِبِهِ لا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنَا
Unless you aid him, for Allaah aided him when those who disbelieve expelled him, the second of two, when they were both in the cave, when he said to his companion, 'Do not grieve, Allaah is with us (ma`anaa)'

And the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, "The most superior Imaan is that you know that Allaah is with you (ma`aka) wherever you are", Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah declared it hasan in al-`Aqeedat ul-Waasitiyyah, and some of the people of knowledge declared it weak. And what Allaah said concerning His Prophet (in the previous verse) of (his) affirmation of the ma`iyyah for Him, has already preceded. And the Salaf are unanimously agreed upon the affirmation of the ma`iyyah of Allaah, the Most High, with His creation.

To be continued inshaa'Allaah...

أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق
-=amjad bin muhammad=-

08-06-2004 @ 6:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu `Iyaad   (UK)
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

On the Issue of Allaah's Ma`iyyah to the Creation

This issue has been raised a number of times, concerning what was said by Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) on this subject and those who opposed him in that.

What the Shaykh was criticised for was when he said, "Verily our `aqeedah is that Allaah has a ma`iyyah which is real (haqeeqiyyah) and with his Dhaat (dhaatiyyah), in a manner that befits him", as was reported from a number of his gatherings, and put into written form.

The issue that was taken by Shaykh Hamood at-Tuwayjuree was the use of the word "dhaatiyyah".  However, it is clear that Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymeen never intended the belief of the Soofees of "hulool" or "ittihaad" by the use of this word "dhaatiyyah", and in many of his fataawaa he has nullified this belief and explained that Allaah cannot mix and be part of His creation.

However, on account of that one word Shaykh at-Tuwayjuree wrote a severe and harsh refutation called "Risaalah Qayyimah Fee ar-Radd `Alaa man Za`ama anna Ma`iyyat Allaah Dhaatiyyah" (A Beneficial Treatise in Refutation of the One Who Claimed that the Ma`iyyah of Allaah is with His Dhaat) - and Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez bin Baaz wrote and introduction to it.

And from the introduction of Shaykh Ibn Baaz was the following:

فقد اطلعت على ما كتبه أخونا العلامة الشيخ حمود بن عبد الله التويجري في بيان الأدلة الشرعية والعقلية على إثبات علو الله ....والرد على من زعم أن معية الله لعباده ذاتية ، بل قد سمعته جميعه بقراءة مؤلفه حفظه الله ، فألفيته كتاباً عظيم الفائدة ، مؤيدًا بالأدلة الشرعية والعقلية ، كما ألفيته رداً عظيماً على أهل البدع ، القائلين بالحلول والاتحاد ، وردًا كافياً شافياً على من قال : إن معية الله للخلق ذاتية

Which translates as, "I have come across what was written by our brother, the `Allaamah, Shaykh Hamood bin `Abdullaah at-Tuwayjuree in explanation of the Shar`iyy and intellectual evidences to show the affirmation of the `uluww (aboveness, highness) of Allaah.... and refutation of the one who claimed that the ma`iyyah of Allaah to His servants is dhaatiyyah. I heard all of it through the reading of its author, may Allaah preserve him, and he authored a book, mighty in its benefit, strengthened with shar`iyy and intellectual evidences, just as he has authored (with this same book) a mighty refutation of Ahl ul-Bida`, those whospeak with al-hulool and al-ittihaad, and a sufficient and complete reply to the one who said, "Allaah's ma`iyyah with the creation is dhaatiyyah"..."

Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymeen did clarify later in ad-Da`wah magazine explaining the issue so that no one may misunderstand his position. Inshaa'Allaah some excerpts from it will be posted in this thread.

أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق
-=amjad bin muhammad=-

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