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» Waseelah through Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) ?
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28-04-2004 @ 1:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu `Iyaad   (UK)
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

As Salaamu `Alaykum, yes I am referring to the first tawassul mentioned, which is the innovated type. I have reworded it to make it clearer.

أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق السلفي
-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

28-04-2004 @ 11:35 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Oummou Assia Amina bint Marie-annick (Al Qaahirah (Al Khaamis), Mysr.)
Posts: 93
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assalam alaykoum wa rahamtoullah

tayyib i see where the confusion lies; i have small risalaat from hajj about tawassul, i will read them carefully inshaALlah.
So tawassul which is an innovation is when one invokes Allah through the status of His awliyaah: he does NOT invoke the awliyaa themselves ( i thought so).

I have just a problem remaining with your phrase:


However, if he was to say, "O Allaah by my love for Your Prophet and for your Righteous servants..." then this is correct, because here he is mentioning what amounts to his own righteous action. So this tawassul is innovated and is not from the permitted and legislated forms of tawassul.

You say that this form of dou'ah is correct, but just after you say:"So this tawassul is innovated and is not from the permitted and legislated forms of tawassul"....if it is correct to do such a dou'a, why is it an innovated tawassul?
Or maybe you were refering back to the 1st tawasul you were explaining which is bid'ah (it is the phrase itself i do no understand)?

(الحق من ربك"(آل عمران"
Oummou Assia Amina Le Joncour al-firanssiyyah as-salafiyyah.

27-04-2004 @ 11:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu `Iyaad   (UK)
Posts: 182
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As Salaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

I think you are confusing between a number of things that should really be differentiated from each other.

Shafaa`ah is a subject that is different to Tawassul. And similarly Tawassul is not du`aa to other than Allaah even though Tawassul in its innovated form can lead to du`aa to other than Allaah. So you must differentiate between these matters otherwise wrong conclusions and judgements may be made.

Here are some relevant excerpts from some fataawaa from the Permanent Committee:
...Secondly: That he makes tawassul to Allaah in his du`aa by the honour of the Prophet or his sanctity, or his blessing, or by the honour of those besides him from the Saaliheen, or their sanctity or their right or their blessing, so he says, by way of example, "O Allaah, by the honour of your Prophet, or his sanctity, or his blessing, give me wealth and offspring or enter me into Paradise and save me from the Fire", then he is not a Mushrik with the major shirk which expels him from Islaam, but it is forbidden in order to close the means (leading) to Shirk and in order to distance a Muslim from doing anything that leads towards Shirk. And there is no doubt that tawassul through the honour of the Prophets and righteous is one of the means of Shirk, that eventually lead to it after the passing of days (i.e. time), according to what has been indicated by (practical) experience and what the reality testifies to... (Fataawaa Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, (1/338)
And the Committee also responded to another question:
Making a walee as a means (waseelah) to healing from illnesses, such that a person says, "O Allaah heal my illness by the honour of so and so walee", (then this is) forbidden because it is a means towards Shirk and is an innovated (form of) tawassul, it has no basis in the purified legislation. And if it is by supplicating to him (i.e. the walee), such that he says, "O Imaam Shaafi`ee heal my illness", then this is the Major Shirk...(1/240)
And the Committee also responded to another question:
Tawassul by the persons (dhawaat) of the created beings or their honour, or their right, regardless of whether they are Prophets or righteous, then there is a difference between the people of knowledge and that which the majority of them are upon is the absence of its permissibility and this is the choice of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, and Shaykh Muhammad bin `Abdul-Wahhaab, and the Permanent Committee was asked a similar question and it answered with the following response...
Then the Permanent Committee quotes from another of its own fatwaas in response to the questioner to give more clarification on the subject and occurring within this fatwaa is the following:
...Thirdly: That he asks Allaah by the honour of His Prophets or a walee from amongst His Awliyaa, such that he says, "O Allaah, I ask you by the honour of Your Prophet, or by the honour of al-Hussayn" for example, then this is not permissible, because the honour of the Awliyaa of Allaah, even though it is great with Allaah, and especially (that of) our beloved Muhammad (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam), it is still not a shar`ee reason and nor a naturally (occurring one) for the response (by Allaah) to the du`aa...
So these are just excerpts and I reccommend that you refer back to these fataawaa in full to get a good understanding of this subject. Also you can read two books, one by Shaykh al-Abaanee (rahimahulLaah) and other by Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah on Tawassul. If time allows inshaa'Allaah I might put a summary post highlighting the core points and issues on this subject.

However for now, you should differentiate between (shafaa`ah and du`aa to other than Allaah) and (tawassul). With this innovated tawassul a person supplicates to Allaah and instead of using his own righteous actions, or a name or attribute of Allaah, (mentioning them when he supplicates in order to come closer to Allaah and ensure his du`aa his answered), he says, "by the honour of so and so", or "by the right (haqq) of so and so... give me such and such". So he is actually supplicating to Allaah and not other than Allaah, but he is making reference to the persons of the Prophets and Righteous, or their rank and status, or their honour as a means of attaining a response for his supplication - and in reality, the status or rank of such people, or their honour or right have got absolutely no link with him or his supplication or his own actions to begin with. Hence, this is not a legislation reason for supplication being answered or drawing closer to Allaah. So this tawassul is innovated and is not from the permitted and legislated forms of tawassul.

However, if he was to say, "O Allaah by my love for Your Prophet and for your Righteous servants..." then this is correct, because here he is mentioning what amounts to his own righteous action.

So I hope this makes the matter clear - the innovated form of tawassul is bid`ah ghayr mukaffirah, however it is from the ways and means that eventually lead to Shirk and for this reason the `Ulamaa have prohibited it.

أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق السلفي
-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 4-28-04 @ 1:58 PM

27-04-2004 @ 9:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Oummou Assia Amina bint Marie-annick (Al Qaahirah (Al Khaamis), Mysr.)
Posts: 93
Joined: Sep 2002
assalam alaykoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,


Waseelah through the dhaat of the Messenger (`alayhis-salaam) is a bid`ah ghayr mukaffirah.

i do not understand why you say it is not a bid'ah mukaffirah but this does not mean i understand well; i will therefore explain now my understanding of what i read on the subject inshaALlah:

a) In "al qawaa'id al arba'a", shaykh al islaam ibn 'Abdul Wahhaab rahimahu Llah says:

"annahum yaquloona: ma da'awnaahum wa tawajjahnaa ilayhim illa litalaba al qurbati wash-shafaa'ati "
So i presume that tawassul through ar Rassul (salla llahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is the same as tawassul ila as-saalihin, speaking about the hukm.
And shaykhul islaam mentions those four rules about SHIRK.
So a du'a lighayri Llah is shirk , na'am.

b) Min ash-shirk al akbaar, as Shaykh Ibn Baaz mentions it in "duroos al muhimmah":
"wa min anwaa'ihi (al kufr al akbar): "du'aa al amwaat, wal asnaam, wal istighaathah bihim, etc..."

c) Also in the book: "Kashf ash shubuhaat", shaykhul islaam, after saying: "wa i'lam anna hadhihi ash-shubhah ath-thalaathah hiya akbaru maa 'indahum..." goes on making iqaamatul hujjah upon the mushrik who says that "iltijaa ilaa as-saalihin" is not shirk. Then he explains that al 'ibaadah kulluha liLlah wahdahu, and refers to the hadith:"ad du'a mukhu al 'ibaadah" (da'if) to prouve that a du'ah is an 'ibaadah, so it is shirk to make it to other than Allah.

my conclusion: As shirk akbar is kufr, how come at-tawassul  is not a bid'ajh mukaffirah?

(الحق من ربك"(آل عمران"
Oummou Assia Amina Le Joncour al-firanssiyyah as-salafiyyah.

26-04-2004 @ 1:30 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdil 'Azeez Waseem ibn Abdirraheem Al Peshimaam (Bangalore,India / Al Qaseem , K.S.A)
Posts: 221
Joined: Nov 2003
JazakAllaahu khair ya akhi for this much needed information.

Wasim Ahmad ibn 'Abdur Raheem
Salafi Alhindee

25-04-2004 @ 10:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu `Iyaad   (UK)
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

Waseelah through the dhaat of the Messenger (`alayhis-salaam) is a bid`ah ghayr mukaffirah.

This is when a person says, "O Allaah, I ask you by your Prophet..." or "I ask you by the status of your Prophet...", or "I ask you by the right of your Prophet..." and so on.

However this type of bid`ah, (tawassul through the Prophets and the Righteous) is a means that eventually leads towards Shirk as has been shown in practice.

As for the correct waseelah through the Messenger (`alayhis-salaam), then it is through the supplication of the Messenger (`alayhis-salaam) during his lifetime, and likewise for the righteous, waseelah is by way of their supplication whilst they are alive. As for waseelah through their persons, then this is from the innovated affairs.

The only waseelah in the Book and the Sunnah is "the righteous action", which is drawing closer to Allaah by doing that which is pleasing to him - which is through whatever the Messenger came with. There is no other waseelah besides this. And this waseelah is of various types, supplicating by way of His Names and Attributes, supplicating by mention of one's own righteous deeds, supplication of another person for you.

As for supplication by the rank, status, honour or right of the Prophets or Righteous, all of this is from the innovations that lead astray and gradually draw a person towards Shirk, they are unknown to the Salaf us-Saalih.

أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق السلفي
-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

25-04-2004 @ 8:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdil 'Azeez Waseem ibn Abdirraheem Al Peshimaam (Bangalore,India / Al Qaseem , K.S.A)
Posts: 221
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa
Ashrafil-Anbiyaa?e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

as-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahi wa-Barakaatuhu,

Is doing waseelah through Rasulullaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) bid'ah mukaffarah ?

I request the brothers to post comprehensively on this issue from the 'Ulamaa since here in the Indian Subcontinent the Tableeghees, Barelwis & Deobandis all believe that it is permissible to do so.

wassalaamu 'alaykum

Wasim Ahmad ibn 'Abdur Raheem
Salafi Alhindee

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